Support Datacide – but how?

Datacide is a radical magazine covering the overlapping areas of countercultural noise & beats and (anti-) politics, critical theory, and post-situationist practice. The things that matter right now.
We have been around for a while. The first issue came out in spring 1997. It didn’t come out very often, but in recent years activities have picked up. In 2015 we published a complete collection of our first 10 issues, a big tome of 364 pages in A4 format and a massive word count, bringing together a unique compendium of the countercultures associated with hard electronic dance music.
This week the fourth printing came back from the printers.

Click on Image to buy to book!

This year we step up the publication of the magazine to twice a year, with 68-76 pages and a colour cover each time. Since 2015 the magazine is amended with the publication of a yearly ‘Almanac for Noise & Politics’ in a pocket book format of 104 pages.
We are also planning several book releases, covering datacide issues in depth.
Luckily printing technology has developed in recent years to a point where it is possible to print small runs for relatively little money, giving a lot of flexibility to small publishers, including those with a radical or subversive agenda.
But digital technology not only made a number of things easier in the production process (such as printing small runs cheaper), it also has changed the ways how people interact with cultural production. This has thrown media outlets from the smallest size to the size of corporations into turmoil and putting many out of business.
Datacide is one of the tiny ones, but even we are not operating on an economically sustainable level. But we firmly believe that what we do is of crucial importance. For this reason we want/need to call on our readers to support these activities:

You can subscribe to datacide by sending EUR 15.00 (or more) to us for a subscription of 3 issues. Please state which issue you want your subscription to start with. You can include back issues in the subscription, issues 11-15 are currently available.

Click on banner to subscribe!

You can donate money via paypal to info(at)datacide-magazine(dot)com
If you don’t have or don’t like to use paypal, write to the same address and find out about other options.

You can advertise in datacide. If you have anything to sell or to promote, consider putting an ad in the next print edition. Write for our very reasonable rates.
Attention record labels or book publishers: We usually will accept records or books as payment!
Attention zines: we are interested in ad swaps!

You can donate stuff
which we can sell!
Got records, books, anything of interest you don’t want anymore?If you think you have something for us, let us know.

We set up an ebay account of which all proceeds go towards making the next issue – and more – happen!

Last but not least get your records, books and coffee from Praxis Records & Books!

Datacide can not exist without the solidarity and support of its readers!


Die Menschenhauttrommel (The Human Skin Drum, 1988)

Die Menschenhauttrommel (The Human Skin Drum) was first published in Flash Team Report (Vision 18) and reprinted in the Almanac for Noise & Politics 2016 as a companion piece to the article about the Vision label and to show a connection to the present, namely the release of ‘Skin Craft’ – RIND & NOL, works by Alex Buess and Daniel Buess on Praxis in 2016.

Praxis presents: Detonal @ Køpi 27-08-2016

Praxis presents Detonal

Fundraiser for Datacide Magazine



XANOPTICON [Zhark/Hymen/Peace Off]

DIMENTIA [Void Tactical Media] 

DJ DYBBUK [Hekate Sound System]

ELECTRIC KETTLE (Praxis/ Peace Off)

ASSIMILATION PROCESS (aka NOIZE CREATOR) [Suburban Trash Industries]

EL GUSANO ROJO [Hijos De Puta]

LYNX [Praxis Records]



KØPI – 27-08-2016

Start 23h


Datacide Book presentation in Vienna 26-02-2016 + Praxis floor at Cyberrise Party 27-02!


Organized by: panda!
Location: Librería Utopía – radical bookstore vienna, Preysinggasse 26-28, 1150 Wien
Facebook Event

Datacide ist eine Zeitschrift, die von den Schnittmengen von experimenteller elektronischer Musik und radikaler Politik ausgehend Möglichkeiten und Momente von Subversion, Gegenkultur und Revolution untersucht und formuliert. Gegründet wurde Datacide 1997 in London quasi als schriftliches Pendant des Musik-Labels Praxis, das von Christoph Fringeli seit 1992 betrieben wird, und das mit seinen Veröffentlichungen im Bereich von Noise, Breakcore und experimenteller Tanzmusik einen internationalen Ruf genießt. Nun sind die ersten 10 Ausgaben von Datacide in einem Band erschienen und präsentieren auf 364 Seiten eine einzigartige Geschichte der Gegenkulturen, die mit elektronischer Musik und Teknivals assoziiert sind.

Christoph Fringeli wird über die Wurzeln und Inspirationen von Datacide berichten und diskutieren.

Link zum Buch:

Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos (Spenden erbeten) und wird von unserem Kulturverein “Assoziation Panda – Verein zur Förderung des kritischen literarischen Diskurses” organisiert.

And on Saturday 27-02-2016, there will be a Praxis floor at the yearly Cyberrise Free Party at EKH, feat. 2/5 BZ, Ari Nev, Christoph Fringeli,  Crash 0.1 a.k.a. Mr. Damned, Eiterherd, Franz Rasputin, Johnny Weissbrot, Lynx, and Zombieflesheater.

EKH Vienna flyer 2

Praxis Documentary ‘Nothing Essential Happens in the Absence of Noise’ showing at Globale Filmfestival 29-01-2016

Silvia Biagioni’s documentary on Praxis will be shown this Friday as a part of the Program of the Globale Film Festival. The Festival is taking place at Kino Movimento from Thursday 28th to Sunday 31st, “Nothing Essential Happens in the Absence of Noise” will be screened Friday night at 21.30. Both Silvia as well as Christoph Fringeli will be there for questions/discussion.


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