Nick Dowson speaks with the indigenous lawyer and campaigner fighting a gas pipeline in Mexico.

A migrant’s death provokes soul searching in Madrid. Sarah Babiker reports

Noam Chomsky shares his views with Andy Heintz on America’s ‘free trade agreements’, North Korea and the dangers of a ‘charismatic demagogue’ as president.

In Koh Kong province, Cambodia a band of Mother Nature activists have scored a victory in the battle against environmentally destructive sand dredging, writes Fran Lambrick.

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Latest issue

February 2018, Issue 510

Also this issue …

  • Noam Chomsky talks to Andy Heintz
  • Plantation leaves no land, no jobs for villagers
  • Introducing... Iceland’s new PM
  • No promised land: how Israel is failing asylum seekers
  • Indigenous lawyer Anabela Carlón Flores vs. the pipeline

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F.A. Cole at Women Safe Institute, January 2018. Photo: Kyle G. Brown
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Kate Osamor
What do Italy’s election results mean for migrants?

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