Monday, August 14, 2017

Milo Ads Torn Down From CTA Platforms

The following is an anonymous submission from local Chicago antifa regarding the recent posting of advertisements for Milo Yiannopoulos' book along the CTA lines (public transit).
"Queers and Trans Women especially, Trans Women Of Color are always on the front lines of Antifascism regardless of our choice to be there because
bigots and fascists will attack us and our community without hesitation or
provocation. It is essential to our survival that we fight for our
community and ourselves. While we will continue to struggle to exist, we
call on anyone who claims to stand with the LGBTQI community to accomplice
us in our militant fight for our right to live and love whoever the fuck we
want and whoever we want to fuck. Solidarity with all the GLBTQI folx out
there standing tall and battling genocide and heteropatriarchy! Solidarity
with our LGBTQI Family who are in Chechnyan death camps whom we call on
militants to liberate by bringing death to the Chechnyan
​ State! Solidarty with TQILA who have formed an Anarchist LGBTQI Militia
with the IRPGF to destroy Daesh, the state, and Capitalism!  Total
Liberation for all! Fuck Rainbow Capitalism and Assimilation to any
oppressive behavior or system! Milo Yiannopoulos is a bigoted fascist piece
of shit who is a traitor to the GLBTQI community and deserves the same
treatment as any other fascist scum. Exile and Death." 
                                                       - A QT Antifascist

Proud Boy Gets Wanking Hand Broken

On the night of May 13th a group of young white men met up at McKesey's Irish Pub in Madison, WI. What started out as a quiet meeting in a booth near the door gradually became a raucous and drunken frat party in the upstairs lounge area. In the bathroom, things like "the west is the best", "no wanks" and "proud boys" were scrawled on the walls. A drunk frat kid with a USA tank top and another with a "deplorables" shirt roam the bar, leaning in obnoxiously close to people and declaring that they were going to punch each other in the face over and over after they left, "just like a gang!" One of the boys questions a young Latinx in broken spanish about there citizenship while several others surround young women at the end of the bar like ravenous vultures. This was the scene of the first annual Midwest Proud Boys meetup.

 We received word from anonymous local Chicagoland antifascists that they were aware of the meetup well in advance and decided to go scope it out. The Proud Boys have long been on the radar of antifascists as a group that cherry picks from fascist ideologies, attracting the interest of known white supremacists who now make up their ranks. In a previous reportback, an outed neo-nazi by the name of "Trigger" Tom Christensen, known for infiltrating antifa groups in Portland, having ties to Volksfront, regularly contributing to Stormfront, and has claimed responsibility for shooting a comrade in the back, was discovered to have been trying to start a Proud Boys chapter in Chicago. Despite social media claims, that was not a successful endeavor, nor will it ever be. 

For those who are unaware, The Proud Boys are a group started by Gavin McGinnes, a 46-year-old millionaire who co-founded VICE. As mentioned, many of the tenets of The Proud Boys seem to be ripped right out of the reactionary fascists handbook, for example, "anti-political-correctness, anti-racial guilt, closed borders, anti-Islam" are just a few of their self-proclaimed beliefs. McGinnes believes that the borders should be closed down and all those within be forced to conform to a "white, western,  English speaking culture."  Gavin McGinnes has also displayed extreme transphobia, referring to trans folx on his show recently as "gender n****ers". To top it all off, one of the main tenets of their 4-level membership platform, and the only way to reach the "4th degree", theyve openly declared war on antifascist ideology by imploring their members to "kick the crap out of antifa". Anybody who finds common ground with these platforms is an obvious threat to the safety of our communities and Antifa everywhere will be happy to step up and knock these fucks back a few degrees on their membership.

Which brings us back to the Proud Boys Meetup in Madison, WI. The terrified, deer-in-the-headlights expression on this guys face is a result of the challenge issued by The Proud Boys, and the danger they pose to safety and freedom of members of our community. Meet Thaddeus Pall, who will find it much easier to meet their anti-masturbation criteria with broken hands. This excerpt from an anonymous communication will explain...

"After they stumbled out of the pub, we followed the large group a few blocks toward the housing complex they lived in and were presumably going to discuss further recruitment and initiation details. They seemed to be stopping and waiting for one of their group who had separated from them a little earlier. Once the kept walking, we continued to follow the group before losing them after they entered a gated section of one of the complexes. We waited outside hoping to catch them on their way back out. It was then that the dude with the deplorables shirt came walking up, this was the one that had gotten separated from them. We said, "Whats up, Proud Boy?" and the rest you can see. He didnt take it well at all. "

Thaddeus Pall has since tweeted about his broken hand, bemoaning the mean bullies that did this to him. Who would've thought that espousing hateful and harmful ideology would come with consequences? Theres enough issue with another white male dominated group pervaded with toxic masculinity and hatred, but when these groups decide to flirt with aspects of fascist political rhetoric, they really bring the nazis out of the wood works, emboldening themselves and inspiring acts of hate-fueled violence abroad. You can call us the violent ones all you want, but we act in self defense and the defense of our friends and family. Any blow struck to the head of a fascist, any little fashy hand that is broken, is not an unprovoked act of violence but a blow struck in defense. With regard to The Proud Boys, never forget that you declared this war with antifascists. You'd do well to keep in mind that this isnt some movement that sprang up last November in reaction to another piece of shit in a long line of pieces of shit in power. Some of us have been in this fight a very long time and are not about to be intimidated by a group of entitled college brats who want to pretend to be militant and rub elbows with nazis. There are consequences to the actions you take and the hate you spew. So, Proud Boys, guard your wanking hands, because as long as your group exists and you continue to attempt to silence and incite violence against marginalized groups, Antifa will be there, maybe when you least expect it. Get well soon, Thaddeus. :) 

left to right: andrew michael peterson (madison, WI), nicholas james watson (lacrosse, WI), mark christensen, luke endres, thaddeus emerson pall

Doxxes will be updated as information is available. 

Andrew Michael Peterson
student at UW
Mom: Kim A Peterson, 20 Grishaber Ct Appleton, WI

Nicholas James Watson 
Age 31 6/23/85
now lives in lacrosse and is involved UWL swim team
IX (roman numeral 9) tattoo 
Member of the band Sweat Boys
Competitive Swimmer

Luke Endres  
 Member of UW-Madison Phi Kappa Theta (Beta Class "Spiritual Committee")
 15 S Charter Madison, WI
Adam Kendall
 Previous Address: 5733 Modernaire St. Fitchburg, WI 53711
 Possible Phone Number: (608) 271 -0369

Adam Kendall (milwaukee/wauwatosa)
 Runs @proudboyswisco twitter account 
 He and his brother are 2nd degree proud boys

Eric Holevatz (Rubicon, WI)(Bonehead)
  740 N Main St, Hartford, WI
  Admin on PB WI vetting page 
  Carpenter At Squared Away Builders Inc, Germantown, WI
  Married to Kayla Holovatz Works at Horicon Bank, RUbicon, WI

Thaddeus Emerson Pall
Age 27
twitter: @teapall
Parents: 603 E Lake St, Petoskey, MI
Lives in Madison
Adam Moller
Adam Moller 
Age: 31 or 33
2227 Terrace View Dr #2A, Sheboygan, WI
or 1312 Wisconsin Ave #101, Grafton, WI
Industrial Designer at Kohler Co. in Sheboygan