Monday, December 30, 2013

Private Info on Traditionalist Youth Network Released

Thomas Buhls of TYN
Earlier today we received an email circulating the internet that includes information on the Traditionalst Youth Network (TYN). We had originally intended to do our own post detailing TYN's politics and the players involved, but it looks like now we won't have to.

Taken from pastebin:
The Traditionalist Youth Movement (TYN) is a white supremacist and self identified fascist organization based out of Indiana. The groups mission is to provide resources and support to independent groups of high school and college students  about the "traditional" school of thought. They have attended several white nationalist events this year. The Leif Erickson day parade, an NSM rally, and the American Freedom Party conference, to name a few. Private details on their core membership and others can be found below.

Thomas C Buhls
Age: 30 - 06/06/1983
3382 West Spruce Dr
Bloomington, IN 47403
Drivers license: 0130725411 IN
other associated addresses:
396 Country View Court, Apt. 13
Martinsville, IN  46151

Matthew W Heimbach
Age:22 - 04/08/1991
19616 Selby Ave
Poolesville, MD 20837 (allegedly moved in with Buhls in Indiana)
cell: 301 525 1474

David M Parrott "Matthew Parrott"
Age:31 -  07/01/1982
950 South Ridgecrest Lane
Paoli, IN 47454
cell: 317 324 8282
previous address:
1145 Golfview Dr
Apt FCarmel, IN 46032 
Recently divorced Connie Adams Parrott after 2 years
Lives at his moms house and is unemployed

On October 9th, TYN protested against Tim Wise at Indiana University in Terre Haute, IN. Here is private information on three white nationalist attendees/supporters:

James Berry
213 West Wheeler Ave
Terre Haute, IN 47802
Drivers license: 903690571 AR

Brian L Bryant
617 Teresa St
Harrison, AR 72601
home: 870 416 4687

Daniel Wilson
Lowell, AR

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Philly Antifa Join the TORCH Network

Taken from the TORCH network:

The TORCH network is proud to announce that we are adding a chapter to our ranks. A very active chapter at that. Welcome to the team, Philly Antifa!

"Philly Antifa are anti-authoritarians. We do not work with the state or any groups/individuals who seek to “reign us in” or otherwise control us. We do seek meaningful partnerships and alliances with groups and individuals we feel are working towards similar aims."

We can be reached at

More KKK Fliers Have Arrived in the Suburbs of Illinois

More KKK fliers have arrived. This time it's in Tinley Park, IL, the same place where a white supremacist event, organized by Beckie Williams, was brutally shut down by antifascists at the Ashford house restaurant in May of 2012. Tinley Patch claims it's the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK who left these fliers, but all signs point to it being the Loyal White Knights of the KKK, the same group that fliered months back in a New Lenox township. Without taking on too many assumptions, and without downplaying this groups potential, we strongly consider the possibility that this is a very small group of individuals attempting to inflate their numbers by appearing as if they already have. Only time will tell.

Taken from the Huffington post:

Police in Tinley Park, a suburb of Chicago, are investigating fliers promoting actions of the Ku Klux Klan that were found in several driveways throughout the town, according to NBC Chicago and the Chicago Tribune.

“You can sleep tonight knowing the Klan is awake!” the fliers said, according to the Tribune.

To see a picture of the fliers from Patch, go here.

Police told the Tribune the distribution of the fliers -- which were accompanied by candy canes -- was a "suspicious circumstance." Authorities are investigating the group listed on the fliers, which Patch reports is the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Similar fliers were found in another Chicago suburb, New Lenox Township, in October. Those fliers said "Save Our Land Join The Klan" and offered a number to a Klan-run hotline with a North Carolina area code.

In November, Klan fliers that said "Our Race Is Our Nation" were found in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, a historically black neighborhood, and Rockledge, Florida.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Introducing the Torch Network; An Antifascist Network

It is with both great excitement and some sadness that we introduce TORCH, an anti-fa network. Out of the old Anti-Racist Action Network rises a new, militant anti-fascist network. This isn’t a fracture or schism coming from internal strife but the result of the realization that the blueprint laid out in a time before the internet no longer serves as a sufficient model for combating fascism. We acknowledge that many of our comrades have lost much, some their lives, under the banner of ARA. Their sacrifices will not be forgotten and their fight is still our fight. Because of changes in the current political climate as well as our own political development, our understanding of what fascism is and how it relates to other political entities such as the working class, capital, and the state has evolved. We wanted to build a new network that fit our needs and politics. One that is more relevant and appealing to a new generation of anti-fascists.

We are still on the prowl. We will still continue to expose, confront, and act. Fascist beware… we are TORCH.

TORCH Points of Unity:

1. We disrupt fascist and far right organizing and activity.

2. We don’t rely on the cops or courts to do our work for us. This doesn’t mean we never go to court, but the cops uphold white supremacy and the status quo. They attack us and everyone who resists oppression. We must rely on ourselves to protect ourselves and stop the fascists.

3. We oppose all forms of oppression and exploitation. We intend to do the hard work necessary to build a broad, strong movement of oppressed people centered on the working class against racism, sexism, nativism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination against the disabled, the oldest, the youngest, and the most oppressed people. We support abortion rights and reproductive freedom. We want a classless, free society. We intend to win!

4. We hold ourselves accountable personally and collectively to live up to our ideals and values.

5. We not only support each other within the network, but we also support people outside the network who we believe have similar aims or principles. An attack against one is an attack against all.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

David Irving Shut Down in Chicago By Antifas Again!

After posting our initial call to action for a phone jam, It gives us great pleasure to announce that David Irving was once again shut down in Chicago by antifascists. After receiving the email attached below and calling Dine restaurant it has been confirmed that the venue has decided to cancel his speech. Thank you to all who participated in the phone jam, thank you to Dine for shutting this event down, and shout out to those who sent us this...

Sent from an email:

In the wee hours of December 7th 2013, antifascists smashed the windows of Dine restaurant, the hosting space for David Irvings Chicago stop on his tour, successfully bringing the event to an end!

From David Irving:

Saturday, 7 December 2013 11:28AM

Unhappy news: I must postpone this evening's dinner function at Chicago's Dine, the restaurant we had chosen, out of concern for the safety of my guests. This morning the establishment came under attack from the traditional enemies of free speech, and the management notified me at ten a.m. today that they cancel the booking. (I have phoned our many guests coming from out of state to avoid their making an unnecessary journey before they get this email.) They will not have to look far to wonder why Jews are so unpopular.


for why the restaurant cancelled the booking. There is an unsavory element of hired thugs in Chicago, who seem not to have learned the lesson from what happened to their friends, the Edelweiss and Tinley Park thugs, who are now languishing in federal prison in consequence.

Unless you can suggest an alternative secure location, I do not think it will be possible to reorganise it securely in time today. The personal comfort of my bona fide guests is my prime concern.

I shall postpone the dinner to my forthcoming 2014 tour in a few weeks' time. Your payment will be good for that function, and I will closely review the list of invited guests first. See:

for the reason why.

If you were a bona fide attendee, I will refund your payment if you wish, as that is our policy.

David Irving
on the road in Indiana, USA
Saturday, 7 December 2013

Phone Jam! Holocaust Denier David Irving Speaking In Chicago Today

An update 12/07/13: It gives us great pleasure to announce that David Irving was once again shut down in Chicago by antifascists. After receiving the email attached below and calling Dine restaurant it has been confirmed that the venue has decided to cancel his speech. Read more here. Thanks to Dine restaurant for cancelling.

Taken from onepeoplesproject:
Every year the Holocaust denier and Hitler apologist David Irving comes out to the US from the UK, and attempts to hold meetings and talks to promote his notion that the Nazis were just misunderstood and they didn’t really kill over 11 million innocent people, six million of them the Jews they hated so much.  This year, he is going around the country extolling the virtues of Adolf Hitler!?
Irving has received resistance at his past speaking engagements. When Irving came to Chicago in 2009, antifascists physically disrupted the event, successfully shutting it down. Since then, Irving charges close to 100 dollars a seat when he speaks in Chicago and uses strict security measures, including attendee investigation and booking ritzy hotels and restaurants like the Drake in 2011 and Dine this year.

Once again, despite his security precautions, Chicago antifascists have gained access to the hosting location for todays (12/7/13) speech on Rudolf Hess titled "Rudolf Hess: New Facts on his Mission & Death". The speech is to be held at the Dine restaurant at 733 W Madison St. in the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 7:15 PM. We are urging antifascists and anti-racists to call Dine (opens at 6am) and tell them who David Irving is and why you think they should pull the plug on his event.

733 W Madison St
Chicago, IL 60661
(312) 602-2100   or....
Crowne Plaza Hotel
(312) 829-5000

Here is a prompt you can use when calling (Be nice to the staff working there, they have no idea who he is or what he is doing there):

"Hello I am calling to urge you and your restaurant to not allow David Irving a platform to speak this evening. David Irving is a known Holocaust denier and flagrant neo-Nazi, I do not appreciate your business allowing such a scumbag to organize an event in my community; respectfully I ask that you cancel the event now."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Exposing Indiana Neo Nazis Trevor D Thompson and Troy "Bird" Cooper

Trevor Thompson is a 33 year old neo nazi living in Indiana. He was once an active member of the  World Church of the Creator and the Nazi Low Riders.

On May 24th, 2002 in an Indiana courtroom in Marion county, Trevor David Thompson, then 21, was sentenced to 30 years in prison for the racially motivated attempted murder of a 14-year old black girl who Thompson shot as she walked with friends outside a convenience store.

Trevor served about 11 years of actual time at the Wabash Valley Level 3 Facility, and was released on November 8th of 2013.

Upon his release Trevor was probating for the Vinlanders Social Club (VSC). Since then, Trevor and the VSC  had a falling out and he is currently a member of the Hammerskins "Crew 38". When Trevor left the Vinlanders, he apparently convinced several of their old members to go with him. Trevor and "Creeps Social Club" (originally a VSC sister crew) leader, Kimberly McGeary (805 E Market St. Crawfordsville, IN  47933), have vowed to "take the Vinlanders down". The Vinlanders are down to less than 20 members and are actively attempting to rebuild their ranks. They have been spotted drinking in bars in Anderson, Indy, and Lafayette.
Trevor is currenly employed at Gold Dragon Ink located in Camby, Indiana at 7116 S. Kentucky Ave (877) 717-3332. He can be found on FB under "tattoos by Trey Hooligan". The owner of Gold Dragon Ink is a 33 year old Indianapolis based white supremacist named Troy "Bird" Cooper. Like Trevor, he was also charged with a crime involving a child. On June 28th 2000, Troy was charged with neglect of a dependent and was released July 18th, 2011.

These two scumbags, aside from being white supremacists, are also child abusers, and in Trevors case, a child murderer. Given the fact that they are still continuing their involvement in the neo nazi movement, we do not believe they should be able to make money off the public without a fight. At the very least, without people knowing about it.

Trevor David Thompson /// "Trey Hooligan"
(317) 821-0234
DOB: 09/07/1980
possible address:
611 N Capitol
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Troy E Cooper /// Troy "Bird" Cooper
last known address:
2011 Rosewood Dr
Anderson, IN 46011-3922
DOB: 11/03/1980

Monday, November 11, 2013

Never Forgive and Never Forget; A CrimethInc Podcast on Fascism and Anti-Fascism

Taken from CrimethInc:

Recently murdered Greek anti-fascist rapper Killah P is just the latest casualty in a worldwide surge of fascist violence. In this episode, we analyze contemporary fascism and the resistance anarchists have mounted to it, including the history of Anti-Racist Action. Interviews with the One People’s Project and New York City Anarchist Black Cross discuss the extreme right in the US today, tactics for fighting fascists, and the Tinley Park case. We also clear up a listener’s question about “National Anarchism,” roll out more Contradictionary terms, and share a ton of news and upcoming events.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Statement From Alex Stuck Of The Tinley Park 5

Dear friends and comrades,

Sorry it’s taken me so long to put this out.  I’ve been working on my transition back in to the world and so far everyone has been great with helping me out with everything. I kinda feel like a new born, HA. Anyway, I just wanted to write something and post it up for everyone to see that I’m out now and am doing ok. Most of all I want to say thank you to everyone for helping me with everything during my incarceration. It’s still so very surreal. Prison was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but people like all of you who exist with your endless love:  I couldn’t have done any of this without you. I would also like to thank you for all the help you’ve been giving my four friends during their stint in Dante’s Inferno. It’s really hard to put into words how much all of you mean to me. Because of you I’ve been able to survive and stay strong. Your solidarity continues to leave me speechless. I want to thank you for all the books and amazing letters that I received. I hope my letters made it to you. I did my best to personally write everyone back and if you didn’t here back from me it’s prolly because the gestopo was withholding my mail. I want to personally thank the whole A.R.A. network, Denver, New York, and south side ABC, and every other chapter in between; Kieran (your mom’s books are great), Philly antifa, Kat from Oak Roots Press, all the kids in Germany, Allina Dollot in France, and especially my home crew in Lafayette and Bloomington (you guys are the best!), my big brothers NOMAD and TELLY; oh and my homie Petey from Sacramento Prisoner Support. Last but not least I wanna thank two very special people that I hold very dear to my heart:  Stephanie from the Bloomington ABC and Sara Garber, my amazing lawyer. If I believed in guardian angels I would be convinced that you two were the real deal... I love you both soooooo fucking much! Thank you to anyone who wrote a letter; went to a fundraiser; made a visit; told some one about our case; and kept me, John, Jason, Cody, and Dylan in your hearts.  All of you mean so much to me; without you all of this would have been a nightmare. Thank you so, so much!

H.A.R.M. SKIN for life!


Love and Rage,
Alex Stuck

Private Information On Jeff Schoep Released Days Prior to NSM Rally In KC

Two days before the National Socialist Movement's (NSM) rally in Kansas City, anonymous
antifascists have publicized information on their commander Jeff Schoep. The info includes his home address, associated phone numbers and more. Shout out to the anon antifas who released this info, and much luck to those challenging the NSM in Kansas City.

 Taken from
As a direct result of the National Socialist Movements' upcoming rally in Kansas city this Saturday, November 9th, anonymous antifascists have chosen to release this private information on their commander; Jeff Schoep. This is only one of many individuals we have in our ever expanding intelligence files. To all you nazis, you can not hide!

Jeff S Schoep/ Jeffrey S Schoep
22803 Rausch Ave
Eastpointe, MI 48021-1882 (Macomb county)
DOB: 11/12/1973

313 671 2583
320 583 2381
320 583 2380
586 362 8475
320 234 9428
320 693 0113
320 290 7011
320 593 0113

2006 Ford
Model: mustang
VIN: 1ZVFT80N965102711
Body style: Coupe 2 door 4P
Most recent tag: MI BXD2463

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Stop the NSM Rally in Kansas City November 9th

Buddy Rumble, the racist loser who failed miserably at propping up a National Socialist Movement (NSM) unit in Illinois, is in the news as the NSM plans their rally in Kansas City on November 9th.

Taken from Revolution News:

NSM (National Socialist Movement) has promised to hold a rally in Kansas City on November 9th, 2013. We currently have enough verified information to significantly disrupt their rally. We still have more information to release the week of the rally. Please check back for info on how you can help via the Cat Bloc KC event page.

November 9, 2013 will be the 75th anniversary of Kristallancht, which is the day Nazi soldiers and their fascist allies killed almost 91 Jews, sent almost 30,000 to the camps, destroyed synagogues, Jewish homes and shops, and initiated the Holocaust.

The Jackson County Sheriff confirmed that the rally will be at the Jackson County Courthouse 415 East 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106

Calling the courthouse and sheriff did not do any good. The lady who answered at the courthouse was just glad it’s on a Saturday so she won’t be there. The sheriff in charge of the courthouse said they applied for a permit and got one so legally there is nothing they can do about it.

If you would like to call people, the courthouse number is 816-881-3000 (press 0 for a person) and the sheriff that is in charge of the courthouse is 816-881-3563.

“Nazis, along with Ku Klux Klansmen and members of Aryan Nations, are expected gather the afternoon of November 9 at the Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas City for a large rally.

via: Cat Bloc KC - Please join the event page!

The NSM have made a promo video as well. Trigger warning for racism, nationalism, and hate.

Local media from

“Buddy Rumble, a Midwestern director of the National Socialist Movement – Nazis, for short – in the United States, thinks more than 1,000 people will show up on November 9 in downtown Kansas City to listen to “pro-white civil rights” speakers and others on the courthouse steps. Afterwards, members plan to move to an undisclosed plot of private property for a swastika and cross lighting ceremony.

Rumble tells The Pitch that the rally is in response to proposed immigration reform and the country’s economic and debt problems.

The Sugar Creek resident organizes the Nazis in Missouri, Kansas, Illinois and Arkansas. He won’t say how many members make up his organization.

“In the past we’ve been persecuted by the federal government and other organizations that are against us,” he says. “We protect our members. We are not an organization that’s going to do anything that’s against the law or violent. But we’re portrayed like that.”

It’s worth pointing out that November 9 is the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, a two-day roundup of thousands of Jews in Germany and Austria prior to World War II that was seen as one of the first tangible steps toward the Holocaust.

Rumble says that the Nazis have held similar rallies in Jefferson City but never in Kansas City.

The Nazis did hold a conference of sorts at a hotel in Kansas City back in 2005, which resulted in some violence. That year, Nazi sympathizer Steve Bowell and Congregation Beth Israel Abraham & Voliner Rabbi David Fine got in a fight at Kansas City International’s Terminal C. A report at the time indicated that Boswell told Fine, who was wearing a yarmulke at the time, that he was “unhuman.” Fine tossed a cup of coffee at Boswell. The two traded blows until airport police broke them up and charged the two with disorderly conduct.

Rumble was a member of the U.S. Army and used to be a Republican Party adherent.

“The Republican Party has just failed the people,” Rumble says. “I had to go find another party to join and I found the National Socialists are the only true conservative party that are going to stand their ground. They’re not going to waver to the liberals.”

But why join a party whose beliefs and imagery reflect  a dogma tied to the ugliest period of time in the 20th century? Rumble says he looked into the Holocaust, crunched the numbers and determined that the logistics of murdering so many people wasn’t possible, parroting other Holocaust deniers whose attempts at revisionist history have been debunked.

“They said they were executing and burning 2,000 people a day at Auschwitz – six ovens is not going to do 2,000 people a day,” says the amateur genocide expert.

Rumble goes on to say that the answer to the United States’ current fiscal woes can be found in the strategies employed by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi cohorts to rebuild Germany’s economy and infrastructure after being crippled after World War I.

Never mind that the Nazis’ aggression toward other countries and ethnic groups led directly to World War II, the deadliest war in history that left Germany worse off afterwards than in the dark years following World War I.

The November 9 rally may face some organized opposition. Community organization Cat Bloc KC started a Facebook page that aims to disrupt the Nazi gathering.”

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Loyal White Knights Of The KKK Leaflet Left On A New Lenox Township Driveway. Plan To Start A Neighborhood Watch

Someone has apparently been leafleting for the Loyal White Knights of the Klu Klux Klan near the intersection of Cedar Road and Joliet Highway in New Lenox, IL. William J. Spears, the "Imperial Kaltrop" of the Loyal White Knights in the "Realm of South Carolina" claims they will be starting a clandestine neighborhood watch.

The Loyal White Knights are based out of Pelham, NC and are lead by "Imperial Wizard" Chris Barker and "Imperial Kilgrapp" Amanda Barker (might possibly be living at 1214 Carolina Ave Eden, NC).  The group is a source of much controversy amongst Klan types who not only dislike their ties with the neo nazi group knows as the National Socialist Movement (NSM), but also believe Chris Barker is an FBI informant. The Klan, although white supremacist, are not traditionally supposed to align themselves with straight up "nazis"(of course their differences are unimportant to us). As far as the informant rumors go, we are unsure where those began, and can not comment either way. Perhaps it's typical conspiracy theory, perhaps it's not.

With no previous activity that we know of from them in New Lenox, we can only assume it's an individual or a small group of people trying to form a new "realm". 

Taken from the New Lenox Patch:

A New Lenox landlady said her tenants found racist Ku Klux Klan leaflet at the foot of their driveway.

"Save Our Land Join The Klan," proclaims the leaflet dropped in a driveway near the intersection of Cedar Road and Joliet Highway in unincorporated New Lenox.

Landlady Cassandra Higgins said her tenants alerted her to the racist literature and she called the county police.

Higgins said the cops told her it was up to the tenants to decide whether to file a police report.

"I don't think they're too interested in filing," Higgins said.

Neighbors at two other residences near the intersection found the same leaflet in their driveways, said Higgins. The leaflets were delivered in plastic bags weighted down by small stones, she said.

Will County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Kathy Hoffmeyer said deputies have taken no reports with regard to Ku Klux Klan literature.

Besides admonishing readers to save their land by joining the Klan, the leaflet, which was apparently produced by the "Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan," included a telephone number with a North Carolina area code.

The number is answered by a recording that says, "Greetings white brothers and sisters, you have just reached the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, one of the most active Klans in the U.S. fighting for equal rights for whites."

The recording encourages callers who want to join the Ku Klux Klan to leave their contact information and closes with, "Always remember, if it ain't white, it ain't right. White power."
Also Taken from New Lenox Patch:

A South Carolina Ku Klux Klan leader claims his group is finding new members in the
New Lenox area and plans to conduct a clandestine neighborhood watch in town.

"All I can tell you is we're recruiting and we're having great success," said William J. Spears, the "Imperial Kaltrop" of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the "Realm of South Carolina."

Spears responded to a query about Klan literature left in the driveway of a home near the intersection of Cedar Road and Joliet Highway. He said his group distributed the leaflet during one of its "night rides when we go out dropping off fliers."

In addition to nocturnal leaflet distribution, Spears said the Klan patrols the streets looking for crime.

"If we see any illegal activity we report it to the police," he said, discouraging the notion that the Klan would try to take the law into its own hands or act as vigilantes.

"They have nothing to be afraid of," Spears said of the people of New Lenox. "I think they should feel very safe the Klan is conducting neighborhood watches."

New Lenox Mayor Tim Baldermann was less than enthused by the prospect of a KKK neighborhood watch coming to town.

"I was unaware that they were Guardian Angels," said Baldermann, who has never encountered the Klan before, either as mayor or during his time as the Chicago Ridge police chief.

Spears declined to say which town in the Realm of South Carolina he operates out of and also would not disclose the location of the Klan's New Lenox headquarters.

"It's a secret," he said. "We're the invisible empire. That's our nickname."

Spears was equally tightlipped about how many members are in the Klan's New Lenox chapter. Baldermann questioned why the Spears was keeping so quiet.

"What?" he asked. "Are they ashamed?"

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tom Diamond Charged With Hate Crime: 'I'm Going To Hang You From a Tree'

Taken from the Chicago Tribune:

A Norwood Park man has been charged with a hate crime after he jumped off his porch and yelled racial slurs as he chased a woman who works at a nearby hospital, according to police.

Tom Diamond was also charged with misdemeanor assault after the incident Saturday evening. In a Cook County Bond Court hearing today, he was ordered held in lieu of $150,000 bail, said Cook County state's attorney's office spokeswoman Tandra Simonton.

The woman said she had just finished a 12-hour shift at Presence Resurrection Medical Center and was walking to a Mexican restaurant nearby around 7:30 p.m. Saturday. The woman said she had planned on bringing her meal back to the hospital when she was confronted by Diamond outside his home in the 5800 block of North Oketo Avenue, she said.

"Hey you stupid black n----- b----, how does it feel to walk in an all-white neighborhood?" Diamond, 45, yelled from his porch, according to a police report.

The woman said she kept walking and Diamond yelled, "You hear me? You must be from Englewood," the police report states.

The woman, who was wearing a nurse's uniform and had a stethoscope around her neck, told Diamond, "I'm not from around here” and said she worked at Resurrection Medical Center.

Diamond, who is white, then got off the porch and ran after her, screaming, "If I see you in my neighborhood again, I'm going to rape you and hang you from a tree,'' the police report said.

"He jumped off his porch and chased me down,'' the woman said. He tried to grab her but she was able to get away, she said.

The woman said she ran toward Resurrection Medical Center in the 7400 block of West Talcott Avenue and called 911 as Diamond walked back to his home. Officers arrested Diamond at 8:10 p.m. at his home, police said.

The woman said she lives in Carbondale, where she is a student at Southern Illinois University, studying to be a doctor's assistant. She travels to Chicago on weekend to work at the hospital.

"I know that this is America and the world's not like the way it used to be years ago,'' she said. "It really didn't disgust me because on a day-to-day basis I help everyone. White people. Black people. Puerto Rican people. Gay people.

"You don't think this can happen here. . .coming at you with all that hatred because of your skin color,'' she said.  "But crime can happen anywhere.''

After Diamond was arrested, the woman said she stayed at the police station until 4 a.m. while officers processed the arrest but made it to her next her shift that started at 7:30 a.m.

"I was exhausted. I was overwhelmed,'' she said. "I want people to know he didn't just target anyone. I am black. I am dark-skinned.''

Monday, October 14, 2013

Meet Mark Davis AKA Mad Mark

Mark A Davis II is a 37 year old neo nazi skinhead living in Creve Coeur, Illinois. Mark was part of a failed attempt at a white unity crew in Illinois called "Illinois United" that was to feature several individuals and groups from a wide range of white supremacist ideologies. It featured the INSF (Phil Anderson and molester Steve Turpel), James Logsdon and his 2-3 man junkie creator army, Art Jones, Eli James, and a few others. This group fizzled out fairly quick likely due to INSF's disbanding, though this is not confirmed.

Mark has been on, the white nationalist internet forum, since September 9th, 2001 and uses the handle "madmark88". Before living in Illinois, Mark lived in Wisconsin where he was found guilty of multiple felonies including one hate crime in Waukesha in 2003. For this he was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months. It is alleged that Mark has active warrants in Wisconsin as well.

We were reminded of Mark once again after his recent posts on stormfront promoting White Nationalist meet and greet barbecue events in Central, IL . The most recent one was for the third weekend in September of this year. It is unclear if it was held at Marks house  (585 Roosevelt St Apt 2, Creve Coeur IL), but judging by the last two central Illinois BBQ meetups it was likely held at James Logsdons residence (1233 holiday rd Bloomington, illinois 61704 ). This is the first attempt at open white supremacist networking since the "May Meet" in Tinley park last year. The WN scene in Chicago has been in a scared and pathetic state since about 2011 and it's comments like these that not only confirm it, but lead us to assume that this BBQ event was not very well attended.

In response to "we will be having a cookout and a keg on the 3rd weekend in sept. in central Illinois anyone interested in attending send me a pm for more details. all pro-white people are welcome. 14/88! " by madmark88:

Mark was last known to be working at Keystone Steel (12/15/2012) and drives a 2005 Chevy Impala.

 Mark A Davis II‬
585 Roosevelt ST APT 2,‬
‪Creve Coeur,IL 61610-4186 (Tazewell County)‬
‪DOB: 02/1976‬
‪Landline: (309) 643-2296‬
‪Cell: (217) 341-5537‬
‪SF: madmark88‬
‪Drives a 2005 Chevy Impala‬
‪VIN: 2G1WF52E059282323‬
‪Plates: IL L985368 Valid from: (09/27/2011 to 12/31/2012)‬
‪Most recent employer: Keystone Steel‬
‪Previous employers: Richardson Manufacturing and Aerotek ‬

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Traditionalist Youth Network Attacked Minutes Before Their Demonstration

Weeks back we reported on the Traditionalist Youth Networks demonstration at Boxcar Books. This time, TYN joined up with Knights Party and planned a protest against a Tim Wise speech at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, IN. According to this email, and the pictures online, the fascists were confronted physically immediately after assembling at the meetup point. South side will have more detailed info on TYN coming very soon. Until then read this hilarious report back. Good work yall!

From an email circulating the internet :

Bryan Bryant (dude who ran scared)
At about 5 30pm members of the traditionalist youth network (TYN), a fascist organization based out of Indiana, joined by knights party, gathered at 7th and Cherry in Terre Haute, IN. The group was meeting up with supporters before their protest against Tim Wise's speaking engagement at Indiana State University 3 blocks down.

Within 5 minutes of arriving at the meet-up location, 9 white supremacists were confronted by 3 antifascists as another anti-racist waiting for the protest looked on. 
TYN's leader Thomas Buhls received 2-3 punches to the face and had his mouth split open. Immediately after, one nazi was dropped to the floor with one punch while Brian Bryant, who hilariously drove 9 hours from Arkansas, threw his sign and ran away screaming as one of the antifascists chased him through the intersection. Another white supremacist also received about 5-6 blows to the head while being held by his shirt. Meanwhile, Thomas Buhls cowardly pulled out his pepper spray and sprayed the uninvolved anti-racist onlooker (also accidentally pepper  spraying Matthew Heimbach LOL!!) as Matt Parrott, who was tossed to the floor, grabbed onto his leg and held it while curling up in the fetal position like a docile child. The anti-racist escaped his hold by punching his way out in self defense but then was later detained by the fascists and arrested. He got out the next morning on a measly misdemeanor battery.

Although the fascists outweighed the antifas, and outnumbered them almost 3-1, they did not manage to land a single punch. For a "militant street fighting force" the fascists were unimpressive and quickly resorted to cowardly pepper spraying someone and palling around with the local authorities.

Needless to say Traditionalist Youth Network did not make it to their protest on time, or in full cadre, nor did they "offer resources" to any students or student groups. After the day was over the antifascists reached their most important goal; to attack white supremacists regardless of the outcome, and to refuse them any safety in organizing.

White supremacist organizing will not go unchallenged.

- Solidarity to the TP5

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Who Are The Chi-Town 77's?

Taken from sevensevenlulz:

The “chi-town 77′s streetpunks” (aka “the 77′s”) are a shockpunk crew that started in 1995, originally
lead by Chris Coan. The 77′s used the band  “the street brats” as a recruiting force for their crew. The Chi-town 77′s are best known for their violence against homeless people and travelers, for sexual assault and misogyny, and they often flirt with fascist imagery and racism. The chi- town 77s are NOT nazis, though some do hold far right political tendencies and sometimes spout racist language (hyper sexist language as well). In a conversation leaked in 2011, between their Leader Conor P Looby and neo nazi Erich Scott Kriske of the now defunct CMS, Conor states “, I dont know how women can protect us so thereby should not exist in our crews. You may be able to prove me wrong about this, but women, who are not our girlfriends, only belong around us to suck dick or open beers. The few girls that are outside of these roles and are still respected still do not belong in crews of any sort including ours or even our enemies.”

In that same conversation, Conor states “everything must justify its own existence”. We then ask the question; what is the justification for the 77′s existence? They call themselves a gang but they having nothing gang-like going for them. They are not involved in extortion, bribery, loansharking, contract hits, high level drug running, etc. They definitely have no real muscle and possess no dominance over any part of “the scene”. So what is their purpose? In their hilarious mission statement,  found here (likely written a years back) they attempt to answer that very question. Please read, it’s a gem for sure.

Their current formation will jump a homeless person with the odds in their favor but when challenged by organized antifascists in the past 3 years they have consistently NOT been victorious, and they
know this. What we mean to say is, with the exception of 1 or 2 of them, they can not fight. That is why they typically pick on people they deem weaker and are sure to do it when the numbers are in their favor. Many of them did not grown up in the city and are actually from the suburbs, making their territorial claim over wicker park; a bourgeois north side tourist attraction, absolutely hilarious. Due to fairly violent and clandestine antifascist attacks against them in the past few years, and presumably their own internal issues, the 77′s are pretty fractured these days. They are disorganized, small in numbers, spread apart, and are rarely seen wearing their “colors” (jean vest or jacket with “chi-town 77 street punks” embroidered on the back). As much as they claim to be “the scene” they are actually only a tiny portion of one small, more mainstream and club based, scene in Chicago. They idolize 77 punk and power pop bands (which I like as well) but most of their bands are very generic and uninspired.

We don’t oppose them because we think they are politically important or that they are actual fascists (they’re neither of those things) but since they dwell in the city of Chicago and attack people based on their identity, we find them relevant and necessary to smash. We put this site together so others can know their faces and their location.

Suburban bully killers forever..

Current members:

Conor Looby (leader- pictured here on left and here 2nd from the right)
2432 N MILWAUKEE AVE #2 above Auroras jewelry (77 clubhouse)
Chicago, IL 60647
DOB: 04/1987

Marcin J. Soroka (pictured here and here)
Drives a black four door Nissan sentry
plates: N50 8044
towed December 1st 2012 to 701 n Sacramento

Phu Nguyen AKA “Ping Pong” (pictured here and here)
Currently renting an apartment in Lake in the Hills, IL
Other associated addresses:
Age: 27
Drives a white car with black motorhead decal on the back
plates: 680 7995

Fernando Arroyo (pictured here and here)
DOB: 12/1986
Drives a 2006 NISSAN XTERRA

Jordan J Edwards (pictured here and here)
(recently moved to Seattle..goodbye)
previous locations:
559 W SURF ST, CHICAGO, IL 60657-6058
25557 FRONT ST, STERLING, IL 61081-8967
DOB: 10/1987
Associated phone numbers past and present:
(312) 607-7278
(815) 626-0244
(815) 670-2328
(815) 670-2628
(815) 499-0695

Richard Dean Cummings (pictured here and here)
2540 N LAWNDALE AVE APT 1, CHICAGO, IL 60647-1173
DOB: 5/1985
Associated phone numbers past and present:
(773) 586-0751
(217) 324-9253
(773) 360-7315
(773) 788-0744
(217) 851 1491
works at A plus tattoos 3034 N Bellmont

Timothy M Beck (pictured here)
1522 W AUGUSTA BLVD APT 1F, CHICAGO, IL 60642-3970 (Lease might be running up)
DOB: 09/1986
Associated phone numbers past and present:
(773) 853-9614
(773) 681-1838
(773) 407-1472
(773) 754-6477
(773) 807-6387

“Rubber” Rob (pictured here and here)
Works at Cobra Lounge

Matt Mikols (pictured here and here)
works at whole foods at 1101 s Canal

Jimmy Fauser (pictured here), Junior (pictured here and here), and Miles Billington (pictured here and here)

What Do We Mean By "Fascism"?

“Fascism” means different things to different people. To help explain how we use the
term, here is a a set of quotes from Three Way Fight contributors and people who have influenced us. The quotes don’t all agree with each other, and none of them should be considered an “official” position. Rather, they are intended to sketch out a general perspective and set of issues we consider important.
Fascism is a revolutionary movement of the right against both the bourgeoisie and the left, of middle class and declassed men, that arises in zones of protracted crisis. (J. Sakai, “The Shock of Recognition”)
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Fascism is a revolutionary form of right-wing populism, inspired by a totalitarian vision of collective rebirth, that challenges capitalist political and cultural power while promoting economic and social hierarchy. (Matthew Lyons, “Two Ways of Looking at Fascism”)
Competing with the Left
Fascism is not a danger because it is ruling class policy or is about to be adopted as policy. Not even because it could have major influences on this policy. Nor is it a danger because of the “rahowa,” racial holy war, that is advocated by some fascist factions. The policies of official capitalism carried out through the schools and the criminal justice and welfare systems are both a far greater and a more immediate threat to the health and welfare of people of color than fascist instigated racial attacks and their promotion of racialist genocide. The real danger presented by the emerging fascist movements and organizations is that they might gain a mass following among potentially insurgent workers and declassed strata through an historic default of the left. This default is more than a possibility, it is a probability, and if it happens it will cause massive damage to the potential for a liberatory anti-capitalist insurgency. (Don Hamerquist, “Fascism & Anti-Fascism”)
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The left had better begin to deal with the fact that issues that are regarded a part of our movement; “globalization,” working class economic demands, “green” questions, resistance to police repression etc. are now being organized by explicit fascists and others who might as well be. Nor do we have a patent on decentralized direct action. That is exactly what the fascist debate around “leaderless resistance” is about. Finally, the question of who and what, exactly, is anti-capitalist remains very much unsettled. Some of the fascists take positions that at least appear to be much more categorically oppositional than those of most of the left. (Hamerquist, “Fascism & Anti-Fascism”)
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The assumption that in fighting fascism we would automatically enjoy majority support has crashed — just look at India or Austria right now. As has the delusion that fascism built its movements solely on bigotry and violence. Even the Nazi movement not only strongly manipulated themes of social justice and restoring civic order, but built its mass base by a grassroots network of fighting squads, self-help groups and social services. What fascists did crudely in 1930 is being done in a much more sophisticated way today — as we can see in the Muslim world. In place after place, the far right is drawing on the energy of “anti-colonialism” and anti-Western imperialism. (Sakai, “Shock of Recognition”)
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We forget that fascism has always been mainly a movement of the young. That many youth in 1930s Germany viewed the Nazis as liberatory. As opposed to the German social-democrats, for example, who preached the dutiful authority of parents over children, the Hitler Youth gave rebellious children the power to keep their own hours, have an active sex and political life, smoke, drink and have groups of their own. Wilhelm Reich pointed out long ago that fascism in practice exposed every hypocrisy and internal cultural repression of the old left. (Sakai, “The Shock of Recognition”)
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While it intensifies oppression and murderously attacks the left, fascism also appropriates leftist anti-elitism in distorted form. In place of a structural analysis that focuses on dismantling systems of power, fascists portray evil elites as an insidious cultural or racial threat to be purged. For example, fascism attacks bourgeois values and “parasitic” business elements (sometimes, but not always, defined as Jewish) while defending the underlying institutions of private property and class exploitation. Historically, this approach has enabled fascism to tap into real social grievances, such as those of some middle-class groups who resent the power of big business but also have a stake in class privilege and feel threatened by working-class movements or oppressed communities below. (Lyons, “Is the Bush Administration Fascist?”)
Totalitarian mass politics
Fascism doesn’t just terrorize and repress. It also inspires and mobilizes large masses of people around a vision of collective rebirth in a time of crisis. Building a mass movement outside traditional channels is central to fascism’s bid to win state power. As a regime, fascism uses mass organizations and rituals to create a sense of participation and direct identification with the state. Fascism celebrates the nation, race, or cultural group as an organic community to which all other loyalties must be subordinated. In place of individual liberties or social justice, fascism offers its followers a culture of action, virility, heroic sacrifice, cathartic public spectacle, and being part of a vast social organism. (Lyons, “Is the Bush Administration Fascist?”)
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I think many people look at fascism and say, “What a load of crap. How could anyone really believe that stuff?” Even many antifascists look at the fascist movement as a joke, violent, but a joke. No doubt the fascist movements have their share of the knuckle-draggers, idiots, and the politically inept, but don’t all movements have these types? I would actually say that in a real fascist movement, the more inept and foolish would be eliminated from the ranks. Fascism prides itself on ability, commitment, and sacrifice.
Fascist movements of the past were popular because they offered a total ideology with accompanying programs for action. Millions embraced fascism not because these people were stupid but because fascism provided a vision for social transformation amidst a time of international crisis. Fascism was able to mobilize masses of people.
I think this is important. The perspective I hold essentially sees fascism as a real movement of ideas that can draw people in and motivate them. It is an ideology and world view we are gonna have to compete with on more than a physical or military level. (Interview from Beating Fascism: Anarchist anti-fascism in theory and practice)
[B]y “revolutionary” the left has always meant overthrowing capitalism and building a socialist or communal or anarchist society. Fascism is not revolutionary in that sense, although it may use those words. Fascism is revolutionary in a simpler use of the word. It intends to seize State power for itself. Not simply to sit atop the old pile, but in order to violently reorder society in a new class rule. One cannot read “The Turner Diaries” seriously or understand Timothy McVeigh’s politics (he was slaughtering the federal government not the Black Radical Caucus) without facing this. The old left propaganda that fascism is “a tool of the ruling class” is today just a quaint idea. (Sakai, “Shock of Recognition”)
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Fascism overthrows old political elites and sweeps away established forms of political rule. It posits society as an organic hierarchy and rejects the Enlightenment principles of pluralism, equality, and individual rights. In the name of a fascist cultural revolution, it tries to reshape all institutions to embody a unified ideology imposed from above. Some kinds of fascism go further and revolutionize the socioeconomic order, too, as when German Nazism restructured the industrial heart of Europe with a system of exploitation based largely on plunder, slave labor, and genocidally working people to death. (Lyons, “Is the Bush Administration Fascist?”)
People of color and the global south 
Two points: First, there is a real potential for working relationships and alliances between white fascist movements and various nationalist and religious tendencies among oppressed peoples. In no way does this potential involve the denial of the reality of white supremacy and racial and national oppression. It only means that the left cannot count on the responses to this pattern of oppression, privilege and domination fitting into its neat and comfortable categories.
Second, there is no reason to view fascism as necessarily white just because there are white supremacist fascists. To the contrary there is every reason to believe that fascist potentials exist throughout the global capitalist system. African, Asian, and Latin American fascist organizations can develop that are independent of, and to some extent competitive with Euro-American “white” fascism. (Hamerquist, “Fascism & Anti-Fascism”)
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[T]he critical turning point now for fascism is not just in Europe. With the failure of State socialism and national liberation parties in the capitalist periphery, in the Third World, the far right including fascism is grasping at the leadership of mass anti-colonialism. (Sakai, “Shock of Recognition”)
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Mass movements based in religious fundamentalism and various types of warlordism exist everywhere in the third world. They often have anti-capitalist features and frequently these have a quasi-fascist aspect. This should not be surprising. The crumbling structures of the national liberation states and the fragmented and demoralized elements of the communist movements in these areas are more likely to be fertile grounds for fascist development rather than a force against it. The foreign control of capital, labor, and commodity markets distorts the development of parliamentary and trade union traditions. The form of global capitalism that dominates in the periphery of the world capitalist system is not healthy terrain for the reformist leftism that predominates in capital’s historic center. (Hamerquist “Fascism & Anti-Fascism”)
Men and women
[Fascism] exults in the violent military experience that is said to be “natural” for men, while scorning the soft cowardly life of the bourgeois businessmen and intellectuals and politicians….
It was early 18th century euro-capitalism itself that first redefined women not as free citizens and “not as patriarchal property of individual men, but as a natural resource of the nation-State”. Fascism exalts this, and makes of women a semi-slave resource of the State restricted to the margins of an essentially male society.
One part of this discussion is whether political movements or social phenomenon can be said to have gender. Yes, fascism appeals to women as well as men. Yes, Nazism owed much to German women, no matter how unwilling feminists now are to admit that. But we have said “men” so often when discussing fascism because we are being literal. It is a male movement, both in its composition and most importantly in its inner worldview. This is beyond discrimination or sexism, really. Fascism is nakedly a world of men. This is one of the sources of its cultural appeal. (Sakai, “Shock of Recognition”)
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In an emerging fascist culture, the traditional forms of oppressing women become exaggerated beyond the point of recognition. The patriarchal nature of fascism places women in a particular class, or sub-class. Women become mere property, dominated and exploited by a male authority.
But herein lies the contradiction…. A fascist movement will draw its strength from both men and women. Hitler’s rise to power wasn’t merely the work of stormtroopers in the streets, it was made possible by the mass support of women. Hitler promised the creation of a cultural value system in which the contributions of “Aryan” women to the fascist German society would simply be child rearing and care of the home and hearth. A new proletarian slave class of gypsies, Jews and North Africans — made up of men, women and children — would handle the work previously done by “Aryan” women. All sexual elements outside of conceiving for the master race would be handled by state-promoted brothels. (Xtn, “Introduction” to Confronting Fascism: Discussion Documents for a Militant Movement)
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While all far-right movements are male supremacist, they embody a range of doctrines and policies on women and gender issues — including some drawn from the left and even feminism. (Lyons, “Notes on Women and Right-Wing Movements”)
Fascism grows out of the masses of men from classes that are abandoned on the sidelines of history. By transforming men from these classes and criminal elements into a distorted type of radical force, fascism changes the balance of power. It intervenes to try and seize capitalist State power — not to save the old bourgeois order or even the generals, but to gut and violently reorganize society for itself as new parasitic State classes. Capitalism is restabilized but the bourgeoisie pays the price of temporarily no longer ruling the capitalist State. That is, there is a capitalist state but bourgeois rule is interrupted. (Sakai, “Shock of Recognition”)
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The new fascism is, in effect, “anti-imperialist” right now. It is opposed to the big imperialist bourgeoisie (unlike Mussolini and Hitler earlier, who wanted even stronger, bigger Western imperialism), to the transnational corporations and banks, and their world-spanning “multicultural” bourgeois culture. Fascism really wants to bring down the World Bank, WTO and NATO, and even America the Superpower. As in destroy. That is, it is anti-bourgeois but not anti-capitalist. Because it is based on fundamentally pro-capitalist classes.
Fascism, in this slowly accelerating global crisis of transformation, believes in what we might call basic capitalism, o.g. capitalism. It is the would-be champion of local male classes vs. the new transnational classes. Enemy of emigrant Third World labor and the modern supra-imperialist State alike, fascism draws on the old weakening national classes of the lower-middle strata, local capitalists and the layers of declassed men. To the increasing mass of rootless men fallen or ripped out of productive classes — whether it be the peasantry or the salariat — it offers not mere working class jobs but the vision of payback. Of a land for real men, where they and not the bourgeois will be the one’s giving orders at gunpoint and living off of others. (Sakai, “Shock of Recognition”)
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In or out of power, fascism is not a capitalist puppet but an autonomous force, whose agenda sometimes clashes with capitalist interests in important ways. Business support was crucial to both Italian and German fascists in their drives for power, and they in turn aided big business by smashing the labor movement, imposing top-down stability, and promoting centralization of capital. But as these fascist regimes consolidated themselves, big business increasingly lost political control: it lost the power to determine the main direction of state policy. In Germany, the Nazi program of conquest and genocide simply overrode capitalist priorities — such as exploiting scarce skilled workers instead of slaughtering them — even if big industrialists made millions along the way. (Lyons, “Is the Bush Administration Fascist?”) 
Transforming class society 
While usual classes are engaged in economic production and distribution, fascism to support its heightened parasitism is driven to develop a lumpen-capitalist economy more focused on criminality, war, looting and enslavement. In its highest development, as in Nazi Germany, fascism eliminates the dangerous class contradiction of the old working class by socially dispersing & wiping it out as a class, replacing its labor with a new unfree proletariat of women, colonial prisoners and slaves. The “extraordinary” culture of the developed fascist State is like a nightmare vision of extreme capitalism, but the big bourgeoisie themselves do not have it under control. That is its unique characteristic. (Sakai, “Shock of Recognition”) 

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Fascism de-proletarianized Aryan society. Or to put it more precisely: it created an Aryan society that had never existed before by de-proletarianizing and genociding the former German society. The Nazis pursued Adolf Hitler’s evolving strategy, which was to simultaneously promote both techno-industrial development and the Aryan re-organization of classes. If it is the superior race man’s destiny to be both a fierce soldier and ruler over others — as the Nazis held in a core belief — then how can this superior race man at the same time be packing groceries for housewives at the supermarket or bucking production on the assembly line?…. By the millions, newly Aryanized men were shifted into military & police service and into being supervisors, office workers, foremen, straw bosses and minor bureaucrats of every sort. The new proletariat that started emerging was heavily made up of involuntary foreign & slave laborers, retirees, and — despite Nazi ideology about women’s “natural” place in the kitchen and nursery — women. (Sakai, “Shock of Recognition”) 

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The German left communist, Alfred Sohn-Rethel… thought that the German fascist state and society were developing features that foreshadowed a new “transcapitalist” exploitative social order. The most important of these features was fascist labor policy where, in significant areas of the economy the distinctively capitalist difference between labor and other factors of production was obliterated. Labor, not just labor power, was consumed in the process of production just like raw materials and fixed capital. The implications are barbaric and genocidal and genocide was what occurred. But this was not the genocidal aspect of continuing primitive accumulation that is a part of “normal” capitalist development. That type of genocide is directed mainly against pre-capitalist populations and against the social formations that obstruct the creation of a modern working class and the development of a reservoir of surplus labor. The German policy was the genocidal obliteration of already developed sections of the European working classes and the deliberate disruption of the social reproduction of labor in those sectors — all in the interests of a racialist demand for “living space.” (Hamerquist, “Fascism & Anti-Fascism”)
Classical versus neo-fascism 

Classical fascism took shape in an era of European industrialization and nation-building, competing colonial empires, and an international Communist movement inspired by the recent Bolshevik Revolution. Now both old-style colonialism and state socialism have almost vanished, while corporate globalization is shifting industries across the world and reshaping nation-states. Far-right movements are responding to these changes in various ways. They promote nostalgia for old empires but also right-wing anti-imperialism, old-style nationalisms but also internationalist and decentralized versions of authoritarian politics. They tap into a backlash against the left but also grow where the left’s weakness has opened space for other kinds of insurgent movements. And they promote different versions of anti-elitism, often targeting U.S. or multinational capital but sometimes focusing more on local elites. (Lyons, “Two Ways of Looking at Fascism”)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Traditionalist Youth Network Protests At Boxcar Books In Bloomington, IN

left to right- Buhls , Heimbach, King, and Parrott
On Friday, August 23rd, Thomas Buhls (formerly of Knights party), Matthew Heimbach (Lead Towson University's chapter of Youth for Western Civilization from 2011-2012), Matt Parrot (formerly of Hoosier Nation/A3P), and John King (A3P member who ran for Jasper school board President) of the Traditionalist Youth Network (TYN), protested outside of Boxcar Books in Bloomington, IN. TYN is a white supremacist and self identified fascist organization based out of Indiana and founded by Buhls and Heimbach. The groups mission is to provide resources and support to independent groups of high school and college students  about the "traditional" school of thought. TYN were met with rocks, apples, and other projectiles by counter protestors before running off to their cars.

Thomas C Buhls
Age: 30 - 06/06/1983
3382 West Spruce Dr
Bloomington, IN 47403
Drivers license: 0130725411 IN
other associated addresses:
396 Country View Court, Apt. 13
Martinsville, IN  46151
David M Parrott "Matthew Parrott"
Age:31 -  07/01/1982
950 South Ridgecrest Lane
Paoli, IN 47454
cell: 317 324 8282
previous address:
1145 Golfview Dr
Apt FCarmel, IN 46032 

From Boxcar books:

Thomas Buhls
“Racist, Fascist, Anti-Gay Trad Youth Go Away!”

On Friday, August 23rd a representative from the Traditionalist Youth Network at IU–a university chapter of a national white supremacy organization, came to Boxcar Books and announced plans to protest Boxcar on Monday, August 26th because Boxcar is a “Marxist organization”. The group posted images on their Facebook of a black figure being lynched with the word “communism” scrawled across it. They tagged Boxcar Books in this picture and wrote “Just expect us” underneath. They know we are their enemy, and they decided to attack.

Community members were quick to respond to the threat of white supremacist organizing in Bloomington. Over the weekend folks spread word to friends, neighbors, and local businesses, rallying strong support against TYN’s racist, homophobic message.

Boxcar Books opened on Monday at 9am. Several dozen people spent the morning at Boxcar writing letters to prisoners, sharing food, and making signs reading “Bloomington is for queers” and “Immigrants welcome here”. Students visiting Boxcar to pick up textbooks on the first day of classes were alerted that racist organizing is happening at IU and a great number of people called, messaged, or came by Boxcar throughout the day to offer their support. Banners against fascism were dropped on campus and downtown.

Around 2pm, four xenophobic chauvinists arrived at Boxcar chanting, “racist, fascist,anti-gay, Trad Youth will not go away”. Three of the miscreants were recognized by counter-protesters as folks from the local area including Thomas “Bullshit” Buhls, KKK Klansman. They were joined by Matt Heimbach, co-founder of TYN. About 80 counter-protesters challenged the TYN’s racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-semitic rhetoric. The group was surrounded on all sides, sprayed with a garden hose, duct tape lassoed, condom-bombed with water-filled condomns, and pelted with “the people’s apples” as they ran away after about a 30 minute barraging.
Monday’s counter-protest was a remarkable showing of individuals in solidarity against racism and white supremacy. Though Boxcar Books was targeted for today’s particular action, this was never a singular threat against Boxcar or MWPP but rather an assault on the safety of all.
While retreating, wet and defeated, TYN members announced that they would be back shouting, “expect us again!”
White supremacists, EXPECT RESISTANCE.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

ARA Benefit Compilation CD Now Available

It's been a long wait but the Anti-Racist Action (ARA) compilation CD's have finally arrived and are
ready to be sold. The funds from this CD go to the ARA warchest. 15% of the warchest goes directly to our long term prisoners such as the Tinley Park 5, and the rest is put aside to support antifascists who may be victims of state harassment in the future. The compilation CD features Wretched of the Earth, Konstrukt, Adelitas, Appalachian Terror unit, Divergent, Oi Polloi, Welkin Dusk, the Last Chance Boys, Brillen Baggage, We must Dismantle All This, A- Truth, DSI, Let the World Die, Macula, and Tom Morello.

To order this CD, send a total of $13 ($10 for CD + $3.00 postage and handling) in the form of well concealed cash, a check, or money order, payable to Anti-Racist Action PO Box 1055, Culver City 90232. If any record labels, distros, or antifa chapters are interested in selling these contact us at for bulk prices.

Woman And Her Girlfriend Beaten In Homophobic Attack

Taken from the Chicago Tribune:
The two women clutched each other, pinned against a car by as many as 10 men who taunted them for being gay and took turns punching and kicking them on the dark street. “It was punches, kicks, everything being thrown at us,” said one of the women, 23. “We just held each other until somebody said, ‘Here come the police.’ ” 
Police have labeled the attack a hate crime and have charged one man so far. The rest remain at large.

The attack occurred late Saturday night as the women walked down North LeClaire Avenue in the South Austin neighborhood on the West Side.

A man they knew from the neighborhood started following them, the woman said. Earlier that night, the couple had passed him as he stood with other men. As has happened before, the woman's masculine dress prompted anti-gay slurs, she said. The woman's girlfriend, 25, told the men to stop, in vain, the woman said.

Now, as the man followed them, he kept shouting slurs and daring the woman to fight, she said. “Tell your b---- to stop looking at me,” the man told the woman's girlfriend, whom he knew from high school.

The woman said she did her best to ignore him but he kept following. Her girlfriend tried to reason with the man, asking him to leave the couple alone, the woman said.

But then a second man came up, cursing both of the women, and the first man took a swing and punched the woman, she said. The couple said they fought back and other men quickly joined in, dragging the women apart.

The couple struggled to get back together, pressed against a car as the beating continued and no one came by to help, the woman said. “I didn’t think we were going to make it out,” she said.

Finally, one of the men said the police were coming. The attackers, laughing, fled in one direction and the women went the other way. Both women had lost their shoes in the scramble, and someone had ripped one of the victim’s shirt off. The men stole their phones and cash.

No officers arrived, and the couple ran back to the woman's building and asked a neighbor for a phone to call for help. Bruised and bleeding from the nose and mouth, the woman said she passed out and woke up as paramedics were working on her in an ambulance.

At the hospital, doctors took a CT scan of her head and X-rays of her ribs and legs, she said. They found swelling but nothing broken. Her girlfriend was not as seriously injured.

Terry Glover, 24, of the 0-100 block of North Parkside Avenue, has been charged with two counts of felony hate crime and two counts of felony robbery. He is being held on $1 million bail. Police said they are still looking for the others.

The woman said she has left the neighborhood.

“It really shouldn’t matter who I like or who I love,” she said. “I should be able to walk the streets wherever I want to go and talk to whoever I want to talk to.”

Dale Duncans Swastika Flag Spurs Anger And Debate In An Elkhart Apartment Complex

Dale Rae Duncan
1806 Visscher Dr, Apt 5
Elkhart, IN 46514-6512

Taken from the Elkhart Truth:

ELKHART — Two small U.S. flags sprout from flower pots outside an apartment.

Hank Stow, a woman who lives at Walnut Hills, used to occasionally fly a large U.S. flag from her balcony, sometimes a Notre Dame flag. Not anymore.

After a neighbor flew a Nazi flag, causing a minor uproar, managers of the apartment complex cracked down on such expressions. No matter the flag’s colors, tenants can’t fly anything from their balconies. Thus Stow’s limited to the two small flags, flying discreetly from the flower pots on the floor of her second-floor balcony.

She betrays no hint of resentment. But ask her about Dale Duncan — the neighbor who unfurled the Nazi banner on April 15, the day of the Boston Marathon bombing, and May 27, Memorial Day — and she exclaims loudly.

“He put that ... flag up and was laughing,” Stow said, seated in a recliner adjacent to the balcony, the exterior of Duncan’s unit visible across the street, the TV set tuned to a medical advice program. “I hollered from right here. I said, ‘Mr. Duncan, you need to take that flag in.’”

Duncan didn’t, of course, and the sight of a large red flag with a black swastika in a white circle
caused an uproar. People in cars stopped, gawked, took pictures, Stow said. Duncan — whose garb consists of Civil War-era attire — sat there on his porch, for at least a time, taking it all in, the flag rippling.

“He had it right over the (balcony) railing and it was just flying everywhere,” Stow said. Duncan, she added, tipped his hat “like a crazy person” when she hollered at him.

Speaking from his small, neat apartment, Duncan decried what he sees as an infringement of his free speech rights — the subsequent crackdown on flags. A Nazi flag and Adolph Hitler picture decorate one wall inside, a map of the Interurban Trolley public transportation system hangs from a closet door. A purple box of raisin bran sits atop the refrigerator.

“A couple of neighbors, they weren’t violent, but they called the office and they complained and now nobody can fly a flag,” Duncan said, clad in gray wool pants and suspenders that mimic the garb Confederate soldiers wore. He had called The Elkhart Truth to report the situation.

Still, he doesn’t report any plans to fly the Nazi flag outside again, much as he’d like to. He hints at concerns about getting the heave-ho from his apartment, one of a couple hundred or so units at the Walnut Trails complex in eastern Elkhart.

“Course my flag doesn’t talk. But it brings out volumes,” Duncan said.

The former farm hand and military veteran who now relies on disability checks to get by said he identifies with a Detroit-based group called the National Socialist Movement, has been drawn to the cause since he was 21.

Should Duncan have to put his flag in the closet? Does he deserve attention? Should he and his message about racial superiority be ignored, kept in the dark, under a rock?

That red, black and white flag — the same as used in Hitler’s Germany — was hard to miss for those living around him who saw it. It’s hard not to talk when it’s right there. And the calls came in. Walnut Trails reps won’t go on the record, but the phone rang, people complained. The callers weren’t happy.

Stow, who hails from Myrtle Beach, S.C., and speaks with a southern lilt, said some didn’t know what to make of the flag. Especially when Duncan brought it out the day of the Boston bombing, which spurred widespread alarm across the nation, speculation about terrorists. He also flew it on Hitler’s birthday, a few days later.

A provocateur?

A kook about to go off the deep end?

A violent racist?

“They was scared. They didn’t know what was going on,” said Stow.

Walnut Trails management reacted. They contacted Duncan, he said, and posted reminders around the complex about rule No. 9 in the standard lease agreement. No flags, period.

Apartment officials can’t be accused of singling anyone out, attacking any particular message. Just keep your balconies clear of any and all banners. It’s about keeping things tidy, preventing showdowns between competing messages.

“Notice effective immediately! Flags and or banners are not permitted to be hung from the windows, balconies or patios as stated in your Lease Agreement,” the reminder reads. It continues: “There are NO EXCEPTIONS.”


So who is this guy?

Duncan is 59 and worked maybe 10 years as a hired help on a Wakarusa-area dairy farm, until about a year and a half ago. He talks of previous stints in Chicago and Virginia and said he previously served in the U.S. Marines and the Indiana National Guard.

He plans to run for mayor of Elkhart in 2015, though he doesn’t seem to be that familiar with the actual chief executive, Dick Moore. Just thinks running the city would be a good job.

While he’s talking, an African-American woman walking past his ground-floor apartment outside — a neighbor — pauses and looks in through the sliding door that connects to his small outdoor patio. They exchange a few pleasantries.

“Well I hope everything’s going all right,” she says before walking off.

Even Stow doesn’t think Duncan is totally a bad sort, necessarily.

“I get along with him,” she said. “When I see him out there I say, ‘Hi Mr. Duncan. How are you doing?’”

Duncan dismisses talk of hate, violence, white supremacy. Philosophically, his thrust is against communism, he maintains.

But there’s a strong dose of anti-Semitism and he casually uses racial and ethnic epithets.

“National socialism is against communism, not Jews. But too many Jews was in the Communist Party,” he said.

He’s a Holocaust denier, thinks different races of people should stick to themselves, shouldn’t mix. Asked if he thinks whites are a superior race, he doesn’t answer directly, but maintains that white Europeans are responsible for more inventions than others. He doesn’t hate anyone, he maintains.

“Whatever you do in the paper, do not refer to me as a white supremacist. Do not refer to me as a hate mongerer,” he said.

Still, there’s the big red Nazi flag, a symbol for genocide, hatred, anti-Semitism, racism. He sometimes even wears a Nazi armband. It’s hard to soft-pedal your views when you use the swastika as shorthand for your belief system. And for many, most probably, it’s no ice breaker for reasoned political discourse.

People sometimes flip him off when he wears his armband.

He was at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs health clinic in Goshen recently when he got in a confrontation with a man offended by the armband swastika. Same thing happened with a woman in a grocery store here.

“She said I was repugnant,” Duncan said. “I called her a communist as she went out the door.”