- published: 24 Jul 2017
- views: 3646
Gifu Prefecture (岐阜県, Gifu-ken) is a prefecture in the Chūbu region of central Japan. Its capital is the city of Gifu.
Located in the center of Japan, it has long played an important part as the crossroads of Japan, connecting the east to the west through such routes as the Nakasendō. During the Sengoku period, many people referred to Gifu by saying, "control Gifu and you control Japan."
The land area that makes up modern-day Gifu became part of the Yamato Court around the middle of the fourth century. Because it is in the middle of the island of Honshū, it has been the site of many decisive battles throughout Japan's history, the oldest major one being the Jinshin War in 672, which led to the establishment of Emperor Temmu as the 40th emperor of Japan.
The area of Gifu Prefecture consists of the old provinces of Hida and Mino, as well as smaller parts of Echizen and Shinano. The name of the prefecture derives from its capital city, Gifu, which was named by Oda Nobunaga during his campaign to unify all of Japan in 1567. The first character used comes from Qishan (岐山), a legendary mountain from which most of China was unified, whereas the second character comes from Qufu (曲阜), the birthplace of Confucius. Nobunaga chose those characters because he wanted to unify all of Japan and he wanted to be viewed as a great mind.
撮影場所 : 岐阜県関市小瀬 撮影協力 : HOMEYのお父さん 映像編集 : HOMEY HOMEY Twitter : https://twitter.com/ONE_HOMEY HOMEY / You Are MV : https://youtu.be/YaVdrjwZNQU ▶【HOMEY】 [OFFICIAL WEBSITE] homey-web.com ▶どちらにする ・福岡人トリセツ《https://youtu.be/w3XZgfRelAk 》 ・千葉人トリセツ《https://youtu.be/wWhm136PM9k 》 ▶200万回再生された話題のオトコ版トリセツ トリセツ / 西野カナ (勝手にオトコ版 #Cover)【 HFU Beat Jack Project】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg15E... ▶原曲:トリセツ / 西野カナ https://youtu.be/aPHGClLjZWk ▶「ヒロイン失格」 ベストセラーを記録している幸田もも子のコミックを実写化した青春ラブコメディー。 思いを寄せる相手にとって自分こそがふさわしいと考える自信過剰な少女が、さまざまな騒動を巻き起こす。 メガホンを取るのは、『貞子3D』シリーズなどの英勉。ヒロインに『女子ーズ』などの桐谷美玲がふんし 彼女と三角関係になってしまう少年たちを『L・DK』などの山崎賢人、『娚の一生』などの坂口健太郎が快演する。 ときめきあふれる物語はもちろん、変顔や丸刈り姿まで繰り出す桐谷のコメディエンヌぶりも必見。 (C) 2015 映画「ヒロイン失格」製作委員会 (C) 幸田もも子/集英社 作品情報:http://www.cinematoday.jp/movie/T0019855 ...
チャンネル登録をお願いします↓↓↓↓↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSdED269iwegoyyYhSvPUZw?sub_confirmation=1 【衝撃】岐阜はイケメンパラダイス!?岐阜県出身のカッコイイ有名人ランキングトップ10 綾野剛 伊藤英明 野口 五郎 清春 細川 茂樹 瀧上 伸一郎 岡田 義徳 ちゅうえい 朝井 リョウ 田中 邦衛 【人気の関連動画】 実は嫌われている【芸能人】まとめ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePYZcmYbaP4 【女子アナ不倫】フジ・秋元優里アナの不倫疑惑相手に憶測!それともほぼ特定か?気になるお相手は!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PZy8KLTfnY 【衝撃】北斗晶が入院、借金でいよいよヤバくなった現在の佐々木健介・・・生い立ちから振り返ってみた https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcCCXdZQipQ&list;=PLHNkusgqOy6qZtIgCieC85a5jcIVsUmuD&index;=1&t;=2s 【驚愕】実は〇〇だった意外な有名芸能人!!生い立ちが壮絶すぎる芸能人 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qbAsnDXAgI&index;=2&list;=PLHNkusgqOy6qZtIgCieC85a5jcIVsUmuD 【女の歴史】綾野剛の熱愛発覚した元カノの歴史を大公開! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbORwa8eFco
いつも視聴していただき 本当に本当にありがとうございます 気になったニュースや情報などを 色々投稿しております 気に入っていただけましたら チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします♪ I always watch it and have Really thank you very much News or the information that I was worried about I contribute it in various ways If you can like it Please register a channel ♪
岐阜県の南西部に位置し、面積206.57㎢、人口は県内では岐阜市に次ぐ2番目に多い162,307人(2016.2.29)。古くから中山道と美濃路が行き交う交通の要衝として栄え、戦国時代「大垣城」は関ヶ原の戦いにおいての西軍の本拠地であったことは知られている。江戸時代に入ってからは、大垣藩十万石の城下町としても宿場町としても栄えた。明治22年(1889年)の市町村制施行に伴い大垣藩は大垣町となり、大正7年(1918年)には県内2番目の市制を施行した。大正から昭和にかけては、大垣の豊富な地下水を利用できる繊維業などの産業が進出し、現在では電子部品や自動車部品、情報関連産業などが集まる工業都市でもある。 静岡県からのアクセスは、東海道新幹線で名古屋まで行き、東海道線に乗り換え、名古屋から大垣まで新快速で約35分。 中心市街地は、JR大垣駅から大垣市役所付近までのエリア。 大垣は、駅を挟んで南側は城下町、北側は郊外型大型商業施設が立地する二つの顔を持つ都市だった。南側の商店街と、北側のアクアウォークという点と点がうまく結びつけば、大垣駅の南側への潜在的集客力は計り知れないと思った。 【JR大垣駅】 JR東海道線と樽見鉄道が乗り入れる他、西側に隣接している養老鉄道大垣駅にも接続され、1日当たりの乗車人員(2014年度)は東海道線が16,688人、樽見鉄道が683人、養老鉄道大垣駅の1日当たりの乗降人員(2012年)は7,789人。駅は地上駅の橋上駅舎で、東海道線ホームとその北側の一部が樽見鉄道線ホームとなっている。改札外の跨線橋である自由通路が北口と南口を結び、南口には駅ビルの「大垣アピオ」と直結している。 【大垣アピオ(駅ビル)】 店舗面積5,247㎡、地上1階から3階と、6階が商業フロアとなっている駅ビルで1986年にオープンした。 【アクアウォーク大垣】 店舗面積40,2...
サブチャンネル https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCppjHa3U0tTB_0nRME0qHnA よーらい https://twitter.com/yoraaai ↑↑↑リストに釣りよかメンバー入ってます Tシャツ販売の詳細はこちらの動画より↓↓↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji9PCZm0VJ4 音楽素材/369様 http://www.369musiq.com/ 素材提供 PIXTA様 It's a bass fishing in Japan
Learn about and travel to Gifu City, where you can pet squirrels, watch cormorant fishing, & visit Gifu Castle! (日本語字幕付き) ►Comment: Where in Gifu City would you like to see? More info on visiting Gifu City: http://travel.kankou-gifu.jp/en/see-and-do/17/ This is episode 1 of 6 in season 4 of Tour Japan. This season we're visiting the relatively undiscovered Gifu prefecture. New episodes of Tour Japan are released every Tuesday (EST) when in season (4 seasons/year). Keep up with Andrew Marston: ►http://www.twitter.com/andrewdmarston ►http://www.instagram.com/andrewdmarston ►Snapchat: andrewdmarston Follow/Sub Happy in Japan: ►http://www.youtube.com/HappyInJapan ►http://www.facebook.com/HappyInJPN ---------------------------- CREDITS: Japanese subs by Brad Loewen (hire him to translat...
Learn about and travel to Takayama in Gifu, famous for its Edo era streets! (日本語字幕付き) ►Comment: Where should future episodes be filmed? More info on visiting Takayama: http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e5900.html This is episode 4 of 6 in season 4 of Tour Japan. This season we're visiting the relatively undiscovered Gifu prefecture. New episodes of Tour Japan are released every Tuesday (EST) when in season (4 seasons/year). Keep up with Andrew Marston: ►http://www.twitter.com/andrewdmarston ►http://www.instagram.com/andrewdmarston ►Snapchat: andrewdmarston Follow/Sub Happy in Japan: ►http://www.youtube.com/HappyInJapan ►http://www.facebook.com/HappyInJPN ---------------------------- CREDITS: Japanese subs by Brad Loewen (hire him to translate your vids!): http://www.youtube.com/federalg...
Shirakawago ( 白川郷 ) https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/shirakawago Description ———————————————————————— Shirakawago is nestled obscurely in the mountains. The distinctive gassho-zukuri houses are located there and even now, the villagers continue on with their lives. It is a precious area which is an unspoiled landscape reminiscent of a nostalgic Japan. Nearby Spots: ———————————————————————— Ogi-machi Castle Ruin Observation Area https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/ogi-machi-castle-ruin-observation-area Natural Onsen – Shirakawa-go no Yu https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/natural-onsen-shirakawa-go-no-yu Wada House https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/wada-house Gasshozukuri Minkaen Outdoor Museum https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/gasshozukuri-minkaen-outdoor-museum Myozen-ji Temple Museum ...
Learn about and travel to Shirakawa-go in Gifu, home to an amazing traditional Japanese farmhouse village! (日本語字幕付き) ►Comment: What camera gear do you travel with? More info on visiting Shirakawa-go: http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e5950.html This is episode 5 of 6 in season 4 of Tour Japan. This season we're visiting the relatively undiscovered Gifu prefecture. New episodes of Tour Japan are released every Tuesday (EST) when in season (4 seasons/year). Keep up with Andrew Marston: ►http://www.twitter.com/andrewdmarston ►http://www.instagram.com/andrewdmarston ►Snapchat: andrewdmarston Follow/Sub Happy in Japan: ►http://www.youtube.com/HappyInJapan ►http://www.facebook.com/HappyInJPN ---------------------------- CREDITS: Japanese subs by Brad Loewen (hire him to translate your vids!):...
Subscribe to my channel here. Thank you so much for a thumb-up! https://www.youtube.com/user/JanKnuesel?sub_confirmation=1 I spent a day in the mountain city of Takayama in Hida Region, Gifu Prefecture. Such a beautiful poetic place! If you want me to make a portrait or a mini-documentary in Switzerland or Japan, please contact me: info@asienspiegel.ch Here are my Japan travel guides and my Japan speeches in Zurich (in German): https://injapan.ch/ Read my daily Japan blog: https://asienspiegel.ch/ Tags: Japan, Gifu, Hida, Takayama, mountains, travel, 高山市, 岐阜県, 飛騨 観光, reisen, tourism, tourismus, Canon XC10
Takayama Morning Market ( 高山の朝市 ) https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/takayama-morning-market Description ———————————————————————— The Takayama Morning Market is held daily at the plaza at two places in front of Takayama Jinya and along the Miyagawa River. A traditional market that has been continuing since 1820, seasonal fruits and vegetables and local handicrafts, and other special Takayama products are sold here. Nearby Spots: ———————————————————————— Furui Machinami(Sanmachi-dori) https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/furui-machinamisanmachi-dori Hida Kokubun-ji Temple https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/hida-kokubunji Takayama Jinya https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/takayama-jinya Sakurayama Hachiman-gu Shrine/Takayama Festival Yatai Kaikan (Exhibition Hall) https://planetyze.com/ja...
Check out the Odigo Japan Website for all Japan related information! https://goo.gl/AQ1TzF More Information About These Places: Yakushima Island: https://www.odigo.travel/spots/561b685369702d119ca50300 Sakurajima Island: https://www.odigo.travel/spots/55d1996969702d51801e0100 We’re sending a bunch of YouTubers out to explore Japan, covering the entire country - all 47 Prefectures! Come follow us on this journey as we upload daily vlogs and special reports about our adventures, as well as interesting features and fun facts about Japan. Check out Rachel and Jun here: https://www.youtube.com/user/MyHusbandisJapanese Check out our daily vlogs throughout Kagoshima!! Day 97: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFP84YhDcG4 Day 98: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29h83G3UW50 ————————————————————...
Learn about and travel to beautiful Okuhida in Gifu, famous for its onsen towns, ropeway, and hiking! (日本語字幕付き) ►Comment: Do you prefer the city or countryside? More info on visiting Okuhida: http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e5940.html This is episode 6 of 6 in season 4 of Tour Japan. This season we're visiting the relatively undiscovered Gifu prefecture. New episodes of Tour Japan are released every Tuesday (EST) when in season (4 seasons/year). Keep up with Andrew Marston: ►http://www.twitter.com/andrewdmarston ►http://www.instagram.com/andrewdmarston ►Snapchat: andrewdmarston Follow/Sub Happy in Japan: ►http://www.youtube.com/HappyInJapan ►http://www.facebook.com/HappyInJPN ---------------------------- CREDITS: Japanese subs by Brad Loewen (hire him to translate your vids!): http://...
旅行主義 . Travelism Facebook fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/a.life.traveler Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/hyacinthk Blog: http://mslifetraveler.blogspot.hk/ Blog in English: https://mslifetraveler.wordpress.com/ 久等啦... 終於有新片。 :-) 一連6-7集既日本中部之旅。首先係: 名古屋 名古屋 - 金澤 - 白川鄉 - 高山 Thanks for waiting! I am going to publish 6-7 episodes about my trip in Chubu region in Japan. The first destination will be Nagoya. Nagoya - Kanazawa - Shirakawago - Takayama Stay tuned and subscribe! --------------------------------------- Watch before you travel :-)
Takayama Jinya ( 高山陣屋 ) https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/takayama-jinya Description ———————————————————————— Takayama Jinya served as the offices for the magistrate of the Tokugawa shogunate and regional administrator during the Edo Era. It is now the only remaining outpost surviving among the 66 administrative outposts of its kind which existed nationwide. Nearby Spots: ———————————————————————— Furui Machinami(Sanmachi-dori) https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/furui-machinamisanmachi-dori Takayama Morning Market https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/takayama-morning-market Hida Kokubun-ji Temple https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/hida-kokubunji Takayama Station https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/takayama-station Takayama Nohi Bus Center https://planetyze.com/japan/gifu/takayama-nohi-bus-cen...