SiteGround Review Visit SiteGround »

Features 4.9 / 5.0
Ease of Use 4.9 / 5.0
Pricing 4.8 / 5.0
Reliability & Support 5.0 / 5.0
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Alexandra Leslie

Alexandra Leslie,

Hosting Expert:

With a reputation for reliable customer support and the leading-edge tech innovations they bring to the hosting space, if SiteGround isn't among your potential hosts, your list is lacking. CEO Tenko Nikolov and Founder Ivo Tzenov gave us an inside look at the tech behind their customer-centric hosting innovations.

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Best Overall Rating



Setup Time:

Alexandra Leslie

Alexandra Leslie (

“With an impressive breadth of overall hosting services offered, SiteGround is a leading innovator in the hosting space — from custom software solutions to premier customer support. They offer the full range of web hosting features, including a free Cloudflare CDN, cPanel with SSH access, and unlimited MySQL databases and bandwidth — not to mention their prize-worthy customer support.

Tech Talk with Tenko Nikolov (CEO) & Ivo Tzenov (Founder)

We got a chance to sit down with both the CEO, Tenko Nikolov, and Founder of SiteGround, Ivo Tzenov, to discuss the technology behind some of their incredible innovations. They gave us the inside scoop on SiteGround's features, and took us through the solutions they've engineered to enhance the user experience.

Custom-Built Customer Service: Chat and ticketing systems

What's SiteGround's strongest "pull" factor, you ask? Well, customer service has been their claim to fame, without a doubt. However, customers come to SiteGround for the support, only to be blown away by the custom solutions they've built to make the hosting experience as stress-free as possible.

SiteGround has engineered an in-house chat software that allows users to select and rate thoroughly vetted customer service agents with whom they've worked previously. They've written their own ticketing system as well, which is comprised of an algorithm designed to select appropriate technical support representatives for specific tasks.

In-House Solutions: Shared, WordPress, Cloud, & Dedicated

They've taken their preference for in-house software solutions for customer support and applied it to their entire business. "All of our infrastructure and all of our code beds are done internally," Tenko said.

For their shared hosting service, they've conceived a one-of-a-kind server isolation system that prevents vulnerable servers from taking down entire networks. In place of VPS hosting, they've built their own cloud container platform, featuring thousands of containers and top-notch scalability and security. All SiteGround hosting service users benefit from their unique downtime prevention mechanism, which has helped SiteGround develop their reputation for uptime rates: 99.996% annually and 99.999% monthly.

Other Unique Perks: SuperCacher and In-House Backups

In the cases of caching and backups, customers have access to SiteGround's in-house SuperCacher, with a flexible range of options to meet any and all page load needs at optimum speeds. Their custom backup software improves upon technology off the shelf, which often takes up to a day to run. Instead, SiteGround customers receive daily backups from a system that only takes about an hour.

Final Word: Unmatched User Experience with SiteGround

SiteGround is, without a doubt, an esteemed leader in customer service within the hosting industry. They've emphasized that commitment to quality with the unique, custom solutions they've built. On the development side, they devote a tremendous amount of time to UX testing, epitomizing their commitment to the user experience.”

  • FREE site transfer or new site setup with 1-click install
  • FREE automated daily backups, CDN, email, and SSL
  • 24/7 expert support with no wait time on phone or live chat
  • Recommended by WordPress as a top WordPress host
  • Ideal for business email hosting, with 99.9% uptime
  • Get started on SiteGround now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
10 GB - 30 GB
Domain Name
New or Transfer
Hosting Plans

Cheap Rating



Setup Time:

Alexandra Leslie

Alexandra Leslie (

“Hosting with the perfect balance of technological innovation and superior customer support, SiteGround offers a range of affordable hosting services to meet your needs. In addition to the expected cheap web hosting perks — free website builder and unlimited bandwidth — they specialize in the custom-built tools they bring to the table for technical and customer support.

Amazing (and Yet, Affordable) Customer Service

SiteGround has developed their own ticketing system and custom chat software, allowing you to chat with trusted and capable representatives with whom you've had success in the past. Their custom software takes in around 1,500 chats on any given day. Their ticketing system uses an algorithm to assign tasks to the most appropriately qualified team member out of their dozen-or-so web developers.Their website itself receives about one million visitors per month, with users coming for both their tutorials and knowledge base articles written and updated by their tech support team.

Service Put to the Test: SiteGround vs Competitors

"Everybody says we have 24/7/365 support," Tenko said. Once a month, SiteGround tests the support of a list of hosts, themselves included, with dummy accounts. They measure response times, politeness, responsiveness, et cetera, and if a competitor is really doing something well, SiteGround's team takes note and acts on that to improve their own services. “Quality is #1 for us, not the revenue or the numbers," Tenko told us.

Final Word on SiteGround: Easy-to-Use and Cost-Effective

For hosting users, SiteGround's interface and API are simple and intuitive. They have free automation-migration from popular hosting sources, so you can just input SSH data directly from your site. SiteGround makes it affordable and easy to get your website up and running, and their support crew doesn't leave your side at any point.”

  • FREE website transfer service to get started
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee, Cloudflare CDN, and unlimited site traffic
  • 1-click WordPress installs and cPanel with an all-inclusive UI
  • 24/7 support featuring their custom Chat and Ticketing Support Systems
  • SuperCacher with 4 caching options, plus staging and Git available
  • Get started on SiteGround now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
10 GB - 30 GB
Domain Name
New or Transfer
Hosting Plans

Dedicated Rating



Setup Time:

Alexandra Leslie

Alexandra Leslie (

“Looking for limitless server resources that are easily accessible across the globe? Look no further than SiteGround's dedicated hosting. Featuring multiple datacenters based out of the US, Europe, and Asia, SiteGround's dedicated servers offer extreme accessibility, scalability, and security.

Dedicated Hosting Overview

If you're interested in dedicated hosting, you're probably not new to the web hosting community, as hosting on dedicated servers is designed for site owners faced with extremely high traffic volumes (ie. not entry-level site owners or mom-and-pop shops looking to build a web presence). These customers are therefore in need of a server dedicated to providing blazing-fast page load speeds and mega-scale bandwidth for their very popular website, and their website alone.

What to Look for in a Dedicated Host

With dedicated servers, the key points to consider before choosing a host are bandwidth limitations, speed and processor performance, as well as RAM and storage options. To ensure your account is secure, you'll also want to look into data protection, downtime prevention, and of course, network size and overall security.

What SiteGround Dedicated Hosting Brings to the Table

SiteGround starts you off with Intel Xeon E3 or E5 processors, with a minimum of four CPU Cores and eight Threads. Depending on whether you choose the "Entry Server", "Power Server", or "Enterprise Server" Plans, you'll be given 4-16GB of DDR3 RAM, and 8-15MB of CPU Cache. Disk space ranges across the three plans, from 500GB of SATA II to four 500GB SATA IIIs with RAID 10 (all HDD). Best of all, all SiteGround dedicated hosting customers are alotted five terabytes of bandwidth.

SiteGround Hardware

On the hardware side of things, SiteGround uses the latest hardware, while keeping replacement parts on-site for every model used. Their Dedicated Server Operations Team puts a tremendous amount of resources into testing and tweaking hardware configurations for optimum server performance. To reward their loyal customers, hardware is regularly updated, with seamless transitions and zero downtime. Overall, SiteGround averages 99.999% uptime each month and 99.996% annually.

SiteGround Software

For software, SiteGround prides itself on using mostly in-house solutions and performing their own custom patches and bug fixes for products bought off the shelf, which are also always kept up-to-date. "We really obsess over doing everything ourselves, because we believe that’s the best way to do it,” Tenko said. Their customer service offerings, including their ticketing and chat systems, were developed in-house, and offer top-level support 24/7.

SiteGround Security

In terms of security, SiteGround was the first to implement a unique server isolation mechanism that protects servers from becoming compromised by a single, vulnerable account. They actively monitor and detect security exploits. The unique downtime prevention software they developed detects and resolves the majority of server issues instantaneously, while most hosts take up to 40 minutes to detect, triage, and react to security breeches.

The Bottom Line on SiteGround Dedicated Hosting

For unmatched support, server resources, and technological innovation, you can't go wrong with choosing SiteGround as a dedicated server host. As Tenko put it best: “Quality is #1 for us, not the revenue or the numbers.””

  • WHM, cPanel, SSH access, and 24/7 proactive uptime monitoring
  • 5 FREE IPs and Softaculous autoinstaller
  • Cloudflare CDN and iptables firewall
  • MySQL 5 and PostgreSQL
  • Private DNS server setup
  • Get started on SiteGround now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
Up to 5 x 400 GB SATA III/RAID 10
Domain Name
New or Transfer
Hosting Plans

VPS Rating



Setup Time:

Alexandra Leslie

Alexandra Leslie (

“When it comes to VPS hosting, SiteGround does things a little differently. Instead of managing a typical virtual private server network, they have their very own cloud platform that they built from the ground-up. It's similar to VPS, with shell access included, but it's much more scalable, according to Tenko.

An Alternative to VPS: SiteGround Cloud Hosting

Their managed cloud hosting includes thousands of containers and is much faster than most products you'll find on the market. A single cloud instance can be provisioned, up, and running in seconds, according to Tenko. "Unlike most of the container cloud platforms out there, it's completely secure," he said.

Tenko also told us they've done around 70 kernel patches to ensure security for their cloud hosting innovation. “We’re really obsessed with performance and security," he said, "and we really obsess over doing everything ourselves, because we believe that’s the best way to do it.”

The Motivation Behind Building a Cloud Container Platform In-House

When asked about the motivation behind crafting an in-house cloud platform rather than using a container product off the shelf, Tenko said, "there are a lot of reasons, but the main one is flexibility." It may require more groundwork in the beginning, but being able to dictate changes to the technology means that SiteGround stands out, providing an enhanced, faster, more-scalable service. "People feel that they're getting something custom," he said.

SiteGround Prefers In-House to Off-the-Shelf

The container platform that their cloud hosting is built upon isn't the only in-house technology they've got up their hosting sleeve. Instead of using third-party software, the SiteGround team writes almost all of their software themselves.

In-House Software: From Server Isolation to Customer Service

Among SiteGround's many custom solutions is their unique server isolation system. The technology shields servers from falling victim to the vulnerability of single, corrupted accounts. SiteGround was the first in their field to develop such a mechanism.

SiteGround also created their own backup system, which runs daily backups in about an hour, a downtime prevention mechanism that has yielded stellar uptime rates, and their SuperCacher, which offers four caching options for optimum load times.

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, SiteGround developed the software to build their very own chat system and ticketing system, which enable them to provide the ultimate customer support. Ivo told us, "customers come for the customer service, but they stay because of the technology."

Final Word on SiteGround's VPS Alternative (Cloud Hosting)

With each custom innovation SiteGround has engineered, customers have reported being pleasantly surprised by how much the technology simplifies their hosting experience. SiteGround's cloud hosting service is no different. They offer all the hit features they're known for, plus the added scalability and security that surpasses most VPS hosting providers. If you're ready to move beyond shared hosting, and want to do so with a king of customer service and tech solutions, look no further than SiteGround's cloud hosting.”

  • Fully managed cloud hosting with ultra-fast performance and scalability
  • 3 datacenters, FREE Cloudflare CDN, and daily backups
  • SuperCacher, Git integration, and 1-click install for popular CMSs
  • WHM, cPanel, SSH access, and private DNS server setup
  • Dedicated IP address and iptables firewall
  • Get started on SiteGround now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
40 GB - 120 GB
Domain Name
New or Transfer
Hosting Plans

WordPress Rating



Setup Time:

Alexandra Leslie

Alexandra Leslie (

“Want a hassle-free, WordPress-compatible hosting service? SiteGround has thought of everything you need to get your site up and running. Starting with the essentials, users get free email accounts, site transfer, Cloudflare CDN, and cPanel license. Then they make it simple for you to start rolling out content by offering easy, single-click installs for popular CMSs, including WordPress.

Getting Started: SiteGround Shared Hosting & WordPress

With SiteGround's WordPress hosting, you'll find features you would normally only have access to with managed (more cost, less control, compared to shared) WordPress hosting services. "Our WordPress product has several distinct characteristics that make it attractive to the end user," Ivo told us.

Seamless Site Transfers & SiteGround's Downtime Prevention Mechanism

Users experience a seamless site transition with transferring conducted by SiteGround's WordPress experts, with a free template and template installation included as well. Sites experience no downtime during the transition, but that's no surprise given that SiteGround is reputed for an incredible 99.999% monthly uptime rate (99.996% annually!).

SiteGround's unique downtime prevention software monitors servers' statuses in real-time and resolves over 90 percent of server issues instantly and automatically. With most competitors, it can take an average of 5-20 minutes to detect, plus up to 20 minutes to react to and resolve issues.

WP Features: Autoupdates, 1-Click Staging, & Git Version Control

SiteGround's WordPress hosting also features autoupdates to the core and plugins, with WordPress caching built-in as well. Users can easily stage and deploy changes to their site, with SiteGround's single-click staging, and Git is available for version control. "Our customer feedback on these features has been extremely positive," Ivo said.

Tech Support: From Server Isolation to Online Tutorials

SiteGround's technical support and reliability is uncanny. In addition to downtime prevention, they've developed a server isolation system that prevents vulnerable servers from devastating entire networks; SiteGround was the first to innovate in such a way in the shared hosting space.

When their team of about 26 developers, designers, and DevOps gurus isn't writing and building premier solutions from scratch, or coming up with new tutorials and knowledge base articles for the SiteGround site, they're talking to customers directly.

Customer Support: 2 In-House Solutions

On the customer support side of things, SiteGround hits the ball out of the park. Two innovations contribute to their unbeatable customer service: their ticketing/help desk and chat system. Both of these user-focused software solutions were custom-built in-house.

1. Support Ticketing System

The ticketing system they designed uses an algorithm to select appropriate tech ops team members for specified jobs. Users can submit support ticket requests under an array of categories and can expect a reply in 10 minutes or less (usually less). The algorithm calculates based on skill level and specialty, assigning the most appropriately qualified developer to each job in the queue.

2. Chat System Portal

The custom chat system harnesses the relationships built in previous chat scenarios by allowing users to select team members they've previously worked with, rather than waiting on the next available agent. Customers can also preview profiles and rate representatives based on their experiences.

Tenko and Ivo took us through an impromptu demo of the chat system, revealing both the ease of use of the product and the genuine helpfulness and responsiveness of their Support Team members, who had no idea who they were chatting with at the time.

Conclusion: We Welcome SiteGround as a WordPress Host

From in-house solutions on the technical side to warm and unwavering support from a customer service angle, SiteGround has crafted a complete package for any hosting need. For WordPress-specific hosting, they offer popular perks that you wouldn't necessarily get with other shared hosting providers. Get started with all of the awesome freebies, enjoy their helpful and polite team, and prepare to be blown away by SiteGround's commitment to building hosting solutions intended to make your web experience easier than ever.”

  • Officially endorsed by as a top host for WP
  • FREE WordPress transfer or site setup with 1-click install
  • Pre-installed Git, 3 caching levels, and FREE CDN
  • FREE WordPress setup wizard, staging, and auto-updates
  • 99.9% uptime, 24/7 support, and custom chat system
  • Get started on SiteGround now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
10 GB - 30 GB
Domain Name
New or Transfer
Hosting Plans

Website Builder Rating



Setup Time:

Alexandra Leslie

Alexandra Leslie (

“Do you know you need to build a website, but don't know where to begin? Well, SiteGround will start you off with unlimited email accounts, site traffic, and database storage options — all for free. Those are just some of the essential starting perks.

From the beginning, you'll also experience unrivaled customer service, whether you're transferring a domain or want a relatively hands-off experience starting your very first site. Even web savants will love the support they receive from SiteGround.

SiteGround Site Building: Easy Install of Your Favorite CMS

SiteGround hosting includes easy installations for your choice of CMS, including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento. Their WordPress experts will even migrate your site for you — a seamless transition with zero downtime — or first-timers can benefit from their in-house setup wizard.

Customer Service: In-House Ticketing and Chat Systems

Once you're up and running, if you run into any trouble, their custom ticketing and chat systems' software has been engineered and implemented to provide you with pleasant and tech-savvy customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Site-Building Tools Options

SiteGround offers tons of additional freebies and add-ons to make building your website with WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or Magento intuitive and stress-free.

Staging, Caching, Git, and More

Other WordPress website-building perks you'll enjoy with SiteGround include staging options to easily test and deploy changes to your site. Their SuperCacher offers four different caching options, including those for static and dynamic content, for optimized page loading. You can also opt to have Git pre-installed, so you'll always have version control and revision history.

Plus SiteGround's In-House Mechanism for Daily Backups

SiteGround also conducts daily site backups, using their own in-house system that can run backups in about an hour, compared to rival technologies that can take up to half a day to operate. For "GrowBig" and "GoGeek" Plan customers, up to 30 copies of these backups are available.

Final Word on Website Building with SiteGround

Tenko told us that customers "come for the customer service, but they stay for the technology." Whether you're a hosting newb or a site-building savant, you can trust SiteGround to provide you with a hosting and website-building combo that's simple to manage and pleasant to troubleshoot.”

  • FREE Weebly site builder and unmetered traffic
  • WordPress auto-updates and intuitive staging area
  • Easy CMS install and setup wizard
  • In-house-built ticketing/chat system
  • SuperCacher with static/dynamic caching options available
  • Get started on SiteGround now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
10 GB - 30 GB
Domain Name
New or Transfer
Hosting Plans


(4.9 / 5.0)

FREE Site Transfer and Live Setup Assistance

  • SiteGround makes it easy to get your website launched cost-effectively and quickly, with tons of freebies to get you started. They offer free auto-migration, as well as WordPress setup conducted by their own in-house experts.
  • You'll love the all-inclusive UI with cPanel, which includes readily available SSH access. All plans include Cloudflare's CDN, and SiteGround conducts daily backups, proactively preserving changes made to your website.
  • Experience the comforts of 24/7 customer support and a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Plus, their tech support team offers tons of free tutorials and knowledge base articles, which they update frequently to keep you up-to-speed with relevant web intel.

Custom Solutions for Customer Support

  • Their in-house-built ticketing system assigns specified tasks to the most appropriately qualified tech ops team member. The custom solution uses an algorithm to select an agent based on skill level and expertise.
  • The chat system used by their support team to communicate with users is also custom-built. Customers can select team members they've previously chatted with and rate them based on their experience.
  • Peruse your history with customer service representatives. All customer support team members go through thorough training before being approved for user interaction, and users can view their professional profiles within the custom chat system portal.

SuperCacher and Downtime Prevention

  • SiteGround has an advanced website optimization caching system, called "SuperCacher," built to dramatically improve site performance and speed. SuperCacher includes options for static or dynamic caching, as well as a Memcached and HHVM option.
  • With other hosts, most server issues take up to 20 minutes to detect and an additional 20 minutes for reaction and resolution. SiteGround's unique downtime prevention software monitors server statuses in real-time, and 90 percent of performance issues are instantly detected and automatically resolved.
  • With real-time server issue detection and blazing page load speeds, SiteGround over-delivers on their promise of 99.9% uptime — 99.996% yearly and 99.999% monthly!

In-house Server Isolation and Software Fixes

  • SiteGround was the first to implement a unique isolation system in which vulnerable accounts are prevented from taking down entire servers. Their one-of-a-kind isolation technology makes their shared hosting service as secure as most (more expensive) dedicated hosting.
  • Popular software brands can act as magnets for malicious attacks, yet most hosts wait for the software's developers to react in the event of a security breech. SiteGround monitors and detects threats, while keeping software up-to-date and performing in-house patches.
  • On the hardware side, their Dedicated Server Operations Team actively tests and tweaks the server architecture for optimized performance. Replacement parts for every hardware model are kept on-site, and hardware is regularly updated, with seamless transitions.

Ease of Use

(4.9 / 5.0)
Intuitive UI with Tons of Add-Ons
SiteGround Review
Expert Articles and Assistance
SiteGround Review
Sleek Support Ticket System
SiteGround Review

SiteGround's easy-to-navigate interface is stocked with tons of free, easy, single-click installs, as well as plenty of upgrades and add-ons. The all-inclusive UI with cPanel is simple-to-learn and houses flexible options for users of all skill and comfort levels, to help them get started.

Plus, SiteGround's in-house experts are there to help 24/7/365. Whether you're looking for expert assistance with WordPress setup or some tips for marketing your site, their tech support team has assembled a series of tutorials, guides, and step-by-step resources to make launching a website with SiteGround hassle-free.

SiteGround's commitment to customer service is made clear by the technology they've built to support their users. Easily submit new issues regarding billing, development, site transfer, installations, and more using their Support ticketing system they've developed in-house, or click to chat with a representative using their custom chat system.


(4.8 / 5.0)

"StartUp" Plan

"GrowBig" Plan

"GoGeek" Plan

SiteGround offers a range of hosting plans to meet your shared hosting needs (as well as those for dedicated and Cloud hosting). All of their shared hosting plans come with the "essentials:" website transfer service, app installations, email accounts, plus unlimited traffic and MySQL databases, with 24/7 support and a 30-day money-back guarantee. You'll also receive free daily backups, as well as cPanel, Cloudflare CDN, and of course, SiteGround's outstanding uptime (99.996% yearly, 99.999% monthly).

Storage allotted is 10GB, 20GB, or 30GB, and sites can handle approximately 10,000, 25,000, or 100,000 visits per month, depending on your plan. Their "StartUp" Plan is perfect for kick-starting a single site, while the "GrowBig" and "GoGeek" Plans allow you to build multiple sites with priority tech support, 1-year SSL certificate, and their SuperCacher for optimum speed. "GoGeek" users also receive "Geeky Advanced Features," which include fewer accounts per server, advanced hardware, free PCI compliance, and pre-installed Git and staging.

All of these plans come packed with the best features for the some of the best prices you'll find. To save at checkout, you might want to try for a SiteGround coupon or promo code. But even without such a discount, we consider SiteGround's pricing to be a great value for what you get.

Reliability & Support

(5.0 / 5.0)

SiteGround prides itself on innovating with ideas previously considered implausible. For example, in the early days of shared hosting, the drawbacks to running on shared servers were typically weakened security and hindered performance. "Isolation between shared hosting accounts was considered impossible," Tenko told us. "People told us we couldn't do it, and we did." SiteGround was the first to implement a unique mechanism that isolates server accounts, so that vulnerable accounts can't be the demise of entire networks.

SiteGround also offers free daily backups to their customers. In the past, the backup systems available took up to half a day to generate results. They created their own backup system, which takes about an hour to run, at no additional cost to users of any of their packaged plans. "GoGeek" users can also receive up to 30 copies of these backups.

SiteGround Includes

99.9% Uptime Guarantee, Free Daily Backups, Free Cloudflare CDN, Unlimited MySQL Database Storage, 24/7 Support, cPanel, and SSH Access

Other Hosts vs. SiteGround

Wondering how SiteGround stacks up againt other web hosting services? See our host-vs-host reviews below and compare them side by side.

SiteGround vs DreamHost

Two of the few independently owned hosting companies left in the market, DreamHost and SiteGround proudly march...

see full comparison »
DreamHost vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0
DreamHost vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.8/5.0

SiteGround vs. Bluehost

Two fierce competitors in the WordPress hosting space, both SiteGround and Bluehost offer services for shared hosting,...

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SiteGround vs Bluehost

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0
SiteGround vs Bluehost

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.9/5.0

SiteGround vs. InMotion

Performance, security, speed, scale — these are just a few of the buzzwords that may come to...

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SiteGround vs InMotion

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0
SiteGround vs InMotion

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.9/5.0

SiteGround vs. HostGator

SiteGround and HostGator both emerged in the early 2000s. They are longtime members of the hosting community...

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SiteGround vs HostGator

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0
SiteGround vs HostGator

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.5/5.0

SiteGround vs. GoDaddy

Two trusted brands in the web hosting industry, SiteGround and GoDaddy each present a bevy of options...

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SiteGround vs GoDaddy

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0
SiteGround vs GoDaddy

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.7/5.0

SiteGround vs WP Engine

Many hosts say they specialize their services for WordPress, but few hosting providers do so as well...

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WPEngine vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0
WPEngine vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.5/5.0

SiteGround vs eHost

We can’t rank these two hosts any higher. Even though eHost and SiteGround offer notably different services...

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eHost vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0
eHost vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0

SiteGround vs iPage

When ticking off the names of some of the most reliable hosts out there, you’ll quickly find...

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iPage vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0
iPage vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.9/5.0

SiteGround vs A2 Hosting

Hosts don’t come ranked much higher than A2 Hosting and SiteGround. Both offer comprehensive and high-powered hosting...

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A2 Hosting vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0
A2 Hosting vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.9/5.0

SiteGround vs A Small Orange

Here we compare a host that touts “homegrown hosting” with one that’s become known for their in-house...

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A Small Orange vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 5.0/5.0
A Small Orange vs SiteGround

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.8/5.0

SiteGround is the winner
9 out of 10 times.

The Rundown

Alexandra Leslie

Alexandra Leslie

Hosting Expert:

Here's the Rundown on What SiteGround Has to Offer

A hosting hero when it comes to customer service and tech solutions, SiteGround is a dominate leader in web hosting, across the board. Tenko and Ivo offer hands-on support to their team when it comes to the development side of ensuring quality as a top priority. Their attention to detail is reflected in the rigorous UX testing, 24/7/365 customer support with custom-built software, and of course, their supreme uptime. Whether you're looking for shared, dedicated, first-time, or cloud hosting, SiteGround is prepared to meet your needs with top-tier features and an incredibly responsive and polite approach.

SiteGround review

Overall Rating

5.0 / 5.0