Media Temple Review Visit Media Temple »

Features 4.9 / 5.0
Ease of Use 4.3 / 5.0
Pricing 4.5 / 5.0
Reliability & Support 4.9 / 5.0
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Ryan Frankel

Ryan Frankel,

Hosting Expert:

Media Temple has long been the standard to which web hosts are set. As an innovator in the cloud hosting arena, MT has an immense amount of experience and the team is always ahead of the curve. They focus on high-performance technology and easy-to-use features to keep customers happy.

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Best Overall Rating



Setup Time:

Ryan Frankel

Ryan Frankel (

“You've heard all the buzzwords: VPS, the Cloud, clustered architecture — it all started here! If site performance and reliability matter to you, look no further than Media Temple's Grid hosting service. Considered the first public cloud host, the Grid is the benchmark by which all other hosts are measured.

Interested in what makes Media Temple's Grid so exceptional? How about its MySQL SmartPool: Media Temple's exclusive cluster of redundant, blazing-fast SSDs. That means your database will never slow down your site, regardless of the amount of traffic you take in. Other features that make your site scream are pre-installed PHP with FastCGI and CloudFlare CDN with RailGun.

For the novice users, please don't let the jargon scare you. The best part about all those features is they are there automatically, allowing you to focus on the other details that make your website great. Automatic data backups and CloudTech security mean that your data is always safe. All of that is wrapped up nicely in an extremely easy-to-use interface that's usable by everyone.

We've all needed a little support before, even folks like us who fancy ourselves to be experts. Media Temple provides award-winning 24/7/365 live support via phone, chat, and Twitter. Their real, live engineers are standing by in their L.A. office, ready to assist with anything you may need.

If you've read this far, you trust us, and you are ready to be the Web's next big thing. You've likely already signed up. If you don't trust us, Media Temple's Grid is used by folks the likes of Adobe, Disney, and ABC. If you are ready to take your website to the next level, there is no better host to consider than Media Temple; just please remember us when you are famous.”

  • Top-rated Grid hosting platform
  • Maintains speed, regardless of traffic
  • SSD database storage
  • Best-in-class 24/7/365 support
  • Use code AFF25HOST to get 25% off
  • Get started on Media Temple now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
100 GB
Domain Name
FREE (1 year)
Hosting Plans

Cheap Rating



Setup Time:

Ryan Frankel

Ryan Frankel (

“If site performance and reliability matter to you, look no further than Media Temple's Grid hosting service. Ranked lower on our list of cheap hosts, but extremely high overall, the performance value of Media Temple’s service is hard to fully quantify in US dollars.

Considered the first public cloud host, the Grid is the benchmark by which all other hosts are measured. You've heard all the buzzwords: VPS, the cloud, clustered architecture, et cetera. Well, it all started here!

Interested in what makes Media Temple's Grid so exceptional? How about its MySQL SmartPool: Media Temple's exclusive cluster of redundant, blazing-fast SSDs. That means your database will never slow down your site, regardless of the amount of traffic your site receives. Other features that make your site scream are pre-installed PHP with FastCGI and CloudFlare CDN with RailGun.

For the novice users, please don't let the jargon scare you. The best part about all those features is they are there automatically, allowing you to focus on other features making your website great. Automatic data backups and CloudTech security mean your data is always safe. All of that is wrapped up nicely in an extremely easy to use interface that's usable by everyone.

We've all needed a little support before; even folks who fancy themselves experts, like us have. Media Temple provides award-winning 24/7/365 live support accessible through phone, chat and Twitter. Their real, live engineers are standing by in their L.A. office ready to assist with anything you may need.

Media Temple's Grid is used by folks the likes of Adobe, Disney, and ABC. If you are ready to take your website to the next level, no matter the cost, there is no better host to consider than Media Temple.”

  • Top-rated Grid hosting platform
  • Instantly scalable for ultra-fast speed
  • SSD database storage
  • Live customer support available 24/7
  • Use code AFF25HOST to get 25% off
  • Get started on Media Temple now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
100 GB
Domain Name
FREE (1 year)
Hosting Plans

Dedicated Rating



Setup Time:

Ryan Frankel

Ryan Frankel (

“Are limitless server resources and a 100% clean neighborhood invaluable to your business? If you answered "yes," look no further than Media Temple’s dedicated hosting. While not for everyone due to the higher-than-average pricing, there is no arguing the impressiveness of this enterprise-level server.

Offering self-, semi-, or fully-managed options, Media Temple’s dedicated offering has boundless flexibility to go with its power. First, you start with your choice of Linux operating systems pre-installed for you. Then if you are on the self-managed plan, the sky is the limit with full root access (the stuff geeks dream about). If you opt for the semi- or fully-managed solutions, you get the asssitance of a professional System Administrator, with performance monitoring, daily backups, OS and application updates, constant security, and regular malware scanning.

So where does all this power come from? They start with Dual-socket, multi-core Intel Xeon processors, and then add 128 gigabytes of DDR3 RAM and 1 terabyte of RAID 10 SSD storage. Yeah…  we know right!?

So all of that comes with a pretty hefty price tag, however we can’t say it’s not justified by what Media Temple has to offer; it’s definitely next level stuff. If you already use their VPS options and are in need of something more, you’ll be pleased to hear that it is a seamless, zero-downtime transition to a dedicated server.

Finally, Media Temple offers a 99.999% service uptime guarantee on their dedicated products. If they fall short, you get 20% of your monthly hosting fee back for each 20 minutes of downtime that month.”

  • Your choice of fully, semi-, or self-managed service
  • Multi-core, 128GB of RAM, and 1TB of SSD storage
  • Scale up instantly from VPS Hosting, without migration
  • 99.999% uptime or your money back, guaranteed
  • Choice of Linux OS with root access
  • Get started on Media Temple now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
Domain Name
New or Transfer
Hosting Plans

VPS Rating



Setup Time:

Ryan Frankel

Ryan Frankel (

“While more expensive than some hosts, MediaTemple's managed VPS hosting is second to none from a performance perspective. With an incredible amount of hardware for the price and fully-managed virtualized servers, they offer serious VPS hosting for serious people.

In today’s online world, speed matters. Whether it’s website conversions or search engine exposure, how fast your site loads dictates a lot. That is where Media Temple’s VPS shines. Their all-SSD servers, guaranteed resources, and instant scalability mean you are ready for anything.

Beyond just speed, what you are paying for with Media Temple is reliability. They boast a ridiculous SLA that guarantees a 99.999% uptime, that’s a mere five minutes 15 seconds of downtime per year across all sites.

Okay, so we love us some awesome modern hardware, but our favorite part about Media Temple has always been their support and their VPS team is no exception. At a fraction of a dedicated IT team, offering assistance by phone, chat, or Twitter, their award-winning support staff is standing by no matter the issue.

Finally, we can’t sing enough praises for Media Temple. Though you pay a little more, their speed, support, and reliability make for the hosting industry’s best peace of mind.”

  • All-SSD servers, guaranteed resources, and auto-backups
  • 1-click installations of hundreds of scripts and applications
  • SLA that guarantees 99.999% uptime
  • Ultra-fast scalability
  • Use code AFF25HOST to get 25% off
  • Get started on Media Temple now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
30 GB - 600 GB SSD
Domain Name
New or Transfer
Hosting Plans

WordPress Rating



Setup Time:

Ryan Frankel

Ryan Frankel (

“Media Temple has long been one of our favorite web hosts, and their WordPress offerings are no exception. If you value cutting-edge technology, they should not be overlooked. Having helped pioneer cloud technology, Media Temple has taken their knowledge and applied it to an exceptional WordPress-focused plan.

Web developers will love their fully integrated tools, such as 1-click staging, site cloning, and standard Git integration. SSH, sFTP, and phpMyAdmin access are also appreciated additions. Everyone can appreciate their exceptional load-balanced, all-SSD hardware.

Okay, "geek out" over... Hopefully, I haven’t scared off any newbies. Those I haven't will want to note that Media Temple’s interface is incredibly approachable and easy to use, and their support is truly second to none. A quick setup wizard gets you going and automated daily backups, core updates, and 24/7 uptime monitoring remove the stress of any maintenance.

Starting at $20 per month for two sites, Media Temple is a moderately priced WordPress host. With features comparable to other WordPress-specific packages elsewhere, their modern hardware and exception support make them a strong consideration for anyone serious about their website’s performance.”

  • Picked as a favorite WordPress host among developers
  • Preview changes with custom staging environment
  • Automatic WordPress core updates
  • Blazing-fast servers, SSDs, and built-in caching
  • Use code AFF25HOST to get 25% off
  • Get started on Media Temple now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
30 GB - 1 TB SSD
Domain Name
FREE (1 year)
Hosting Plans

Website Builder Rating



Setup Time:

Ryan Frankel

Ryan Frankel (

“Aimed at creative professional and those looking to build their brand, Media Temple’s Virb site builder gets you a beautiful, mobile-ready site online in mere minutes. Best of all, Virb is backed by Media Temple’s stellar hosting.

When building a professional site, exposure is perhaps the most important factor to your success. Media Temple’s site builder features semantically built HTML5 templates that are fully responsive and a suite of SEO tools. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other applications are also seamlessly integrated into your site. More and more people are using smartphones and tablets to do their searching, so why not be prepared from the start?

Media Temple’s hosting plans are praised by us throughout this site, and the plan offered with their site builder is no exception. The ability to handle huge traffic spikes and an included CDN make your new site really snappy.

Virb, backed by Media Temple, creates very attractive sites that are ready to be noticed. Media Temple’s fantastic hosting and pricing makes them a surefire choice when building your next site.”

  • Hosted on Media Temple's Cloud
  • Semantically built HTML5 templates
  • Featuring one of the simplest site builders: "Virb"
  • Fully responsive sites that look great on mobile devices
  • Use code AFF25HOST to get 25% off
  • Get started on Media Temple now.
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
Disk Space
Domain Name
New or Transfer
Hosting Plans


(4.9 / 5.0)

The Latest Technologies

  • Scalable bandwidth, sites keeps up with large spikes in traffic.
  • SSD-based MySQL SmartPool system, which guarantees plenty of database resources to every Grid service.
  • Automatic Grid backups and recovery, so you know your data is secure
  • Simpler CloudFlare controls. Access to Railgun right inside Account Center

Easy-to-Use Account Center

  • Instantly install apps like Wordpress, Drupal, Zen Cart
  • Manage email users across all your domains
  • Quickly add, reboot, repair, and manage MySQL database permissions
  • Add new domain names to your account instantly

Robust Plans with Room to Grow

  • Storage: >100 GB of premium storage
  • Bandwidth: 1 TB of short-path bandwidth
  • Multiple sites per host: 100 unique sites / alternate domains
  • Multiple databases per host: 100 databases
  • Tech: The latest server technologies, like PHP 5.5 and FastCGI, make your website pages load up to 6x faster

Business-Class Email

  • 1,000 separate email addresses across all your domains
  • Access your messages, contacts, and calendars anywhere through a clean, simple browser interface
  • Use your favorite desktop programs or mobile devices, thanks to full IMAP support
  • Cloudmark’s spam detection technology built right in

Ease of Use

(4.3 / 5.0)
Instant & Easy Signup
Media Temple Review
Room to Grow
Media Temple Review
World-Class Support
Media Temple Review

Media Temple excels in providing straight-forward and easy-to-use hosting. With automatic scaling virtually built-in and a focus on customer support, Media Temple is a hosting option you'll doubtfully regret picking. Whether you've got hundreds of visitors or hundreds of thousands, you can feel secure in your choice to host with Media Temple.


(4.5 / 5.0)

"Personal" Plan

"Pro" Plan

"Agency" Plan

While Media Temple is a slightly more expensive choice then other hosts it is a case of you get what you pay for. Their engineers are knowledgeable and their reliability is close to unmatched. Sometimes a little extra cost is worth the peace of mind.

Reliability & Support

(4.9 / 5.0)

Media Temple prides themselves on being the world’s most accessible web hosting company. Everything — from Grid hosting, to their Virb web builder, to their fully-dedicated servers — comes with their award-winning 24/7/365 support by chat, Twitter, and phone. Live engineers are in their Los Angeles office around the clock, waiting to solve your problems and they are responsive to your needs.

Media Temple Includes

Live Support via Chat, Twitter, Forums, Account Center, or Phone, Plus a Huge knowledge Base to Reference for Common Problems

Other Hosts vs. Media Temple

Wondering how Media Temple stacks up againt other web hosting services? See our host-vs-host reviews below and compare them side by side.

Media Temple vs. Bluehost

Choosing between Media Temple and Bluehost comes down to what stage of the hosting life cycle you’re...

see full comparison »
Media Temple vs Bluehost

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.8/5.0
Media Temple vs Bluehost

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.9/5.0

Media Temple vs. GoDaddy

When sifting through the plans of two of the foremost companies in the hosting industry, remember to...

see full comparison »
Media Temple vs GoDaddy

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.8/5.0
Media Temple vs GoDaddy

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.7/5.0

Media Temple vs. HostGator

Server power meets service prowess — Media Temple and HostGator are two top dogs in the hosting...

see full comparison »
Media Temple vs HostGator

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.8/5.0
Media Temple vs HostGator

Overall Rating

★★★★★ 4.5/5.0

Media Temple is the winner
2 out of 3 times.

The Rundown

Ryan Frankel

Ryan Frankel

Hosting Expert:

To recap, here's a rundown of what Media Temple has to offer

Media Temple has been consistently reviewed as a favorite among web hosts. Their emphasis on performance includes automatic scalability to handle large traffic spikes. They offer the ultimate reliability, enterprise-class email, and advanced technology with every plan, plus one of the easiest-to-use user interfaces in the shared hosting space. Finally, their US-based customer support is backed by knowledgeable engineers who are armed and ready to help you with any troubleshooting need.

Media Temple review

Overall Rating

4.8 / 5.0