Their goal is $150,000 and donations will still be accepted until the middle of August ... But before the donations started to pour in, the survivors got to walk around the track in the StadiumofChampions ... One of the walkers, a survivor of two months, KalebBush, felt like a super hero. In fact, he felt like Superman, to be exact ... Pryor added it’s a very rare type of cancer ... It is the only type of cancer her team works with....
They were joined onstage Friday night at the MidlandCenter for the Arts Little Theatre by Beaverton's Brandon Calhoon, an accomplished singer-songwriter who has provided original music for several seasons of their "Dropped" series, and their longtime producer and business partner Jason Brown... days of no food) and their next "Dropped" adventure....
Called The AwesomeAdventuresofCaptainSpirit, this isn’t the numbered sequel to Life is Strange that we were all hoping for (I expect that might be announced at Square Enix’s press event tomorrow), but it is set in the series.What’s more surprising to hear is that the game is going to be out in just about two weeks, with a launch scheduled on June 26 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC....
SAFTA winner Bongile Mantsai will make his first appearance on etv’s drama seriesScandal! today. The 33-year-old, who is best known for his role in the South African film Inxeba, takes on the role of Mthunzi Mayisa, a villain who is driven by revenge, but comes across as charming ... “The script writers are amazing at what they do, and I am so grateful and excited to be a part of this new adventure,” he said....
I looked up from my bacon and eggs to see everyone staring at the TV behind the counter, where the words “Anthony Bourdain dead at 61” flashed on the screen. The headline was accompanied by a seriesof photographs of the TV star, the bad-boy chef, writer and adventurer. In practically all of them, he was well-groomed and smiling, the picture of success and contentment ... The theme of hope resonated with me....
In 2011, China decided to censor time travel in TV and movies, branding it "frivolous" subject matter. Ever since, the adventuresofMarty McFly and Doc Brown have been effectively banned there, with Bill And Ted's ExcellentAdventure also prohibited for the same reason. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Back To The ......
Our week begins with America's first baseman -- Paul Goldschmidt, one of the hottest hitters on the planet -- leading the D-backs into a big series, and it ends with a pair of rivalries that are more than a century old ... on the planet -- leading the D-backs into a big series, and it ends with a pair of rivalries that are more than a century old....