The UN reports that up to 50% of crop value vanishes between harvest and the point of sale.

Small co-operatives are currently by far the best way to improve efficiency in developing countries and help farmers retain a bigger share of their crop value. Co-ops presently rely on paper-based records, verbal promises, and complicated agreements; this frequently causes critical problems due to lack of transparency, restricted access to price data, lying, graft, and corruption.

AgriLedger is a Mobile App that records and transacts incorruptible truth using blockchain technology. It is a complete framework of integrated services for delivering an even playing field to farmers and co-ops. This solid framework of trust allows everyone to know they are working, buying, selling, and sharing things according to a cryptographic “Book of Truth” that is utterly incorruptible.


AgriLedger streamlines co-operative operations by putting a simple Distributed Cryptoledger Mobile App into the hand of every small farmer.


All transactions are permanently recorded on an incorruptible Blockchain ledger.


Build the world's largest network of small farmers and cooperatives.


Creating the framework of trust with integrated services for farmers and co-ops.


Providing SmartPhones enabling small farmers to sell harvests and buy supplies efficiently


Small Farmers are disadvantaged.

500 million

small farmers supply 80% of food in developing countries.

40% of

world’s population income comes from Agriculture.


goods below market prices due to limited access to market information.

Unable to deliver

to better markets.

Pay inflated prices

for essential supplies in small quantities.

Rarely have access

to insurance, banking or basic financial services.


Using simple technology, we can make small improvements that will have a life changing impact for billions of people.

$940 Billion

of food lost or wasted each year between the harvest and the fork.

795 million

people go to bed hungry every night.

One in Four

people in developing countries are undernourished.

One-third of the world’s available food either spoils or gets thrown away before it ever reaches a plate—that’s enough to feed everyone in the world for two months. And with 1.2 billion people food insecure or undernourished, millions of vulnerable smallholder farmers losing profits they can’t spare, and a population expected to increase by 2 billion by 2050, we cannot afford to allow these losses to continue. – Rockefeller Foundation

On 470 million smallholder farms across Africa, lack of access to training and technology negatively impacts harvests and farmers livelihoods.

When crops and food exports don’t make it to market, the economic development and global competitiveness of agriculture-dependent nations suffer as well.

50% food produced in Africa is wasted.

According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nation (FAO), the amount of food wasted on the continent is enough to feed 300 million people. The statistics of food production compared to hunger suggest that Africa actually produces more than enough to feed itself.


The cooperative model offers unique solutions to “free people from hunger and poverty in a globalized world in which crises, including climate change, touch everyone”.

Laura Chinchilla, Former President of Costa Rica

Farmers join together in co-ops to overcome the challenges but are still facing the lack of:


Empowering small farmers through inclusion.

Farmers join together in co-ops to overcome the challenges but are still facing the lack of:

Equality for Women and Minorities

Empower Small Farmers

Increase Farmer Income

Reduce Food Waste

Provide Digital Identity

Basic Mobile Finance

Enable Insurance and Loans

Access to New Products and Services

A Better Life for Families and Local Community

AgriLedger is dedicated to empowering small farmers.
Trust is the essential first step.

From Our Blog

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