Ava DuVernayOvjeren akaunt


“A solitary fantasy can transform a million realities.” - Maya Angelou

Los Angeles
Vrijeme pridruživanja: lipanj 2008.


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  1. prije 5 minuta

    “Our dreams make us large.” Thank you, .

  2. prije 2 sata

    Designed especially for our young ones, Patty. So his response thrills me. Thanks for taking your sweet boy. Look forward to seeing you around the block soon, lady. xo

  3. 14. ožu

    "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy ." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  4. 14. ožu

    Thank you, Maestro. Tomorrow, there will indeed be more of us. 🖤

  5. 14. ožu

    My general mood forever. Also: I love this girl! Please tell her to never change! 😋

  6. 14. ožu

    Everything! Thank you for sharing. And thanks to all of you all over the world for sharing your pictures and thoughts. Trying to read as many as I can and archive them in my “likes” to let you know I appreciate you, I hear you and I thank you. Much love + respect! xo!

  7. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    14. ožu

    "Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious." — Stephen Hawking

  8. 13. ožu

    When I was little, I was my Mother’s . She always told me to shine my light and stay focused. Yes, ma’am.

  9. 13. ožu
  10. 13. ožu
  11. 13. ožu
  12. 13. ožu
  13. 13. ožu
  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. ožu

    The moment I handed my 15,000 dissertation/love letter to Legally Blonde - and yes, it was scented. I blacked out somewhere between her taking it and Oprah saying 'wow'

    Prikaži ovu nit
  15. 13. ožu

    My Twitter “Likes” timeline is pure joy. Feels like thousands and thousands of diamonds. Thank you to everyone sharing your experiences, thoughts + pictures with such love and passion for . Some of my faves here! Many hugs + tesser well. xo. A.

  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. ožu
  17. 13. ožu
  18. 12. ožu
  19. 12. ožu

    You were the only Caucasian journalist of any gender to see it, understand it and seriously ask me about it. Appreciate the chat, the sensitivity and the writing.

  20. 12. ožu

    Love the child inside yourself. They still live there. My Aunt Denise taught me that. She’d say, “Take care of yourself the way you would take care of that little girl that is still you. Feed her well. Put her to bed on time. Be kind to her. Teach her to be happy.”


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