Latest Articles

Montreal: Disruption of the Parc-Ex Borough Council Meeting to Denounce Gentrification

The following report was originally published on Montreal Counter-Info. On March 13, we went to the Villeray-St-Michel-Parc-Extension borough council meeting in order to prevent the...

Neither Carrot Nor Stick: Still Refusing to Vote in the Ontario...

The following editorial was originally published on North Shore Counter-Info. Against all expectations, the Ontario provincial election is shaping up to be politically interesting. I...

South Bend, IN: Ursula K. Le Guin Reading Group

Announcement for a readying group in Indiana. This is a chance to discuss stories and novels by Ursula K. Le Guin, who passed away earlier...

Gun Control? No, Youth Liberation: On Shootings, Walkouts, & Getting Free

The following collection of materials from CrimethInc. is designed to be printed and handed out at upcoming 'March for Life' actions, and offers a...

Anti-Pipeline Fight at Burnaby Mountain Heats Up

The following video from sub.Media.Tv documents how recent actions on Burnaby Mountain in so-called British Columbia are heating up. People blocked tree cutting equipment, slated...

Bay Area: 2nd Annual Revolutionary Organizing Against Racism (ROAR) Conference

The Revolutionary Organizing Against Racism Conference (ROAR) returns to Ohlone land, the so-called bay area on April 28th and 29th, and will take place...

All the News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

The political crisis grows in DC, as Jeff Sessions fired the Deputy Director of the FBI. In response: Former CIA Director John Brennan, speaking for...

Cutting Class Interview with Autonomous Student Network from Austin

This interview first appeared in Cutting Class, and features an interview with the Autonomous Student Network of Austin. Over the next few days, weā€™ll...

Announcing the Institute for Advanced Troublemaking’s Anarchist Summer School, Year 2

The following is a call to take part in the second annual and week long, Institute for Advanced Troublemaking summer school, happening in July,...

Anarchists in Brazil on the Assassination of Marielle Franco

Brazil has been rocked this past week over the political assassination of Marielle Franco, a prominent Black, feminist and socialist activist in Rio de...

Mexico: Letter and Call for Support to Free Anarchist Prisoner Luis...

Below is a translation of a call from the Free Luis Fernando Sotelo Campaign regarding an organizing meeting in Mexico City and actions that...

Otherworlds Review #7: Spiritual Anarchism

Sun in Pisces, New Moon in Pisces Issue 7, March 2018 ā€œThe puppet called 'historical materialism' is always supposed to win. It can do this with...

Reliving the Past: A Hands-On Experience of Modern-Day Slave Labor in...

Jason Renard Walker is Deputy Minister of Labor for the New Afrikan Black Panther Party and one of the contributors to the Fire Inside...

Toronto: Posters Naming Brutal Cops Up for March 15th

Anarchist Network of Toronto and was originally re-posted by North Shore.Ā  As part of the International Day Against Police Brutality (March 15th), members of...

Support Herman Bell – Four Things to do Right Now!

The following comes from supporters of Herman Bell, and details things you can do to support him. Last week the New York State Board of...

West Virginia: Peter’s Mountain Blockade Enters into Third Week

The following is an update about the ongoing tree sit in West Virginia against the Mountain Valley Pipeline, which has now been active for...

CORRECTION: On ‘Antifa Hunter’ Jack ā€œPale Horseā€ Corbin

Philly Antifa helps set the record straight on one of the biggest doxxers the Alt-Right has produced. To read the full, original article, go...

Montreal: Two Queen Victoria Statues Vandalized with Green Paint

The following anonymous communique is re-posted from the counter-information website, Montreal Counter-Info. March 15, 2018, Montreal ā€” Two landmark statues to Queen Victoria in...

Antifascist Organizing Combats Rise in California Racist Attacks

This expose from Northern California Anti-Racist Action, which was recently labeled an "anarchist extremist" group by the nearby Fusion Center, chronicles the rise in...

Letā€™s Defend Free Radios Against the Legal and Repressive Force of...

The following editorial comes from Mexico, and discusses the clamp down on pirate and autonomous radio stations. Like the water and land, they also...

Kite Line: Women’s Resistance Behind Bars

Kite Line is a anti-prison radio and podcast show out of Bloomington, Indiana. In this episode, they talk with Victoria Law. Listen and Download Here This...
Jason Renard Walker is Deputy Minister of Labor for the New Afrikan Black Panther Party and one of the contributors to the Fire Inside zine. Here, he describes the experience of forced unpaid work in a prison kitchen. Since the birth of the Texas Department of Corrections (TDC), now called...
Philly Antifa helps set the record straight on one of the biggest doxxers the Alt-Right has produced. To read the full, original article, go here. As many of our readers are probably aware, in the aftermath of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA in August, there was a...
The following report was originally published on Montreal Counter-Info. On March 13, we went to the Villeray-St-Michel-Parc-Extension borough council meeting in order to prevent the elected officials of the borough from granting Ron Basal a permit to continue the development of his luxury apartment project in Plaza Hutchison. After the...
The following video from sub.Media.Tv documents how recent actions on Burnaby Mountain in so-called British Columbia are heating up. People blocked tree cutting equipment, slated to clear the way for Kinder Morganā€™s Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, that would bring oil from Albertaā€™s tar sands to the port of Vancouver. These actions...
The following editorial was originally published on North Shore Counter-Info. Against all expectations, the Ontario provincial election is shaping up to be politically interesting. I don't ever vote and I encourage others to also abandon any remaining faith in electoral democracy. If you don't care much about which party leads...
This expose from Northern California Anti-Racist Action, which was recently labeled an "anarchist extremist" group by the nearby Fusion Center, chronicles the rise in white supremacist hate crimes, which has led to the need for increased antifascist organizing. As mainstream media coverage of the anti-fascist struggle has skyrocketed over...