Featured Reporting

The Dissenter

07 Mar 2019

#ChiMayor19—Episode 4: Ending Austerity For Chicago Public Schools

The fourth episode in Shadowproof’s limited podcast series on Chicago mayor’s race covers education, particularly austerity agenda bolstered by Rahm Emanuel

Chelsea Manning. Photo by Media Convention Berlin on Flickr.
07 Mar 2019

Chelsea Manning Risks Jail To Fight WikiLeaks Grand Jury

Chelsea Manning will face a closed contempt hearing after refusing to testify before a grand jury that is investigating WikiLeaks.

Rep. Ilhan Omar. Photo by Fibonacci Blue on Flickr.
06 Mar 2019

Outrage Pushes Democrats To Scrap Vote On Resolution Against Ilhan Omar

UPDATE: The House of Representatives passed a resolution on March 7 that was initially drafted in response to Representative Ilhan Omar’s comments against the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which is commonly known as the Israel lobby. It morphed considerably as a result of outrage from progressive Democrats and

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash
05 Mar 2019

Here Comes Another Round Of Excellent Freelance Reporting At Shadowproof

Shadowproof will soon publish another exciting round of freelance reporting, but we need your help to pay our writers a decent wage for their work.


Prison Protest

Credit: Kempis "Ghani" Songster
04 Oct 2018

Beyond Prisons — Episode 29: Kempis ‘Ghani’ Songster (Part 1)

Kim Wilson interviews formerly incarcerated activist Kempis “Ghani” Songster in part one of Beyond Prisons episode 29.

Photo by Ashoka Jegroo.
25 Sep 2018

Brooklyn Residents Protest ‘Miniature Rikers’ As City Unveils Plans To Expand Borough Jail

Brooklyn residents let New York City officials and their corporate partners know they oppose new jails as part of plans to shut down Rikers Island.

Photo by Nick Muscavage.
20 Sep 2018

How Bail Reform Trapped Marijuana Activist NJ Weedman In Jail

The case of NJ Weedman shows how the state’s bail reform act allows for detention without bail and extra time to be added to a trial date.

Graphic by Amanda Priebe: https://www.amandapriebe.com/movement/
18 Sep 2018

Beyond Prisons — Episode 28: Prison Strike 2018

Recorded in the midst of the strike, the Beyond Prisons team discusses the strike’s progress, the challenges of organizing, and why the press is unprepared to cover it.

South Carolina prisoners abandoned to Hurricane Florence were forced to fill over 35,000 sand bags. Photo via SC Department of Corrections on Twitter.
14 Sep 2018

Member Newsletter: Why South Carolina Abandoned Prisoners During Hurricane Florence

Brian Sonenstein examines decision not to evacuate South Carolina prisoners in path of Hurricane Florence and what it says about how we dehumanize them.

13 Sep 2018

Illinois Department Of Corrections Sued For Censoring Book On Attica Uprising

Illinois Department of Corrections was sued for allegedly censoring “Blood In The Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy.”


The Bullpen

Photo (cropped) via Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur on Flickr.
24 Jun 2017

Senate Trumpcare Bill Shows GOP Thinks Working Poor Should Struggle More For Health Care

Senate Republicans want to make Obamacare much worse in order to fund a large tax cuts for the rich, drug companies, insurance companies, and device makers.

Photo by Health California on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CampaignForAHealthyCalifornia/photos/a.393244267445755.1073741831.312800772156772/973157642787745/?type=3&theater
07 Jun 2017

California Plan For Single-Payer System Must Confront Political Obstacles To Succeed

Generating support for single-payer health care is important, but it will never succeed without planning for the trade-offs necessary to make it work.

Screenshot from Mother Jones website.
24 May 2017

Single-Payer Health Care Is Less Expensive—Deal With It

Practically everyone (except Kevin Drum at Mother Jones) believes single-payer would cut health care costs. It’s the heart of the whole debate.

Screenshot from C-SPAN broadcast of House vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA): https://www.c-span.org/video/?427816-1/gop-health-care-bill-narrowly-clears-house-217213
14 May 2017

Trumpcare Shows Majority Of Politicians Are Willing To Vote Against Health Care Industry

Single-payer opponents claim it’s politically impossible get a majority in Congress to oppose the health care industry, but House GOP just proved them wrong.

Vermont Human Right To Healthcare. Rally at the State House in Montpelier, VT. Photo by NESRI on Flickr.
02 May 2017

Road To Single-Payer: Overcoming Hurdles At The State Level

Attempts to convince states to adopt single-payer healthcare face significant hurdles that are both legal and financial.

"Obama at Healthcare rally at UMD." Photo by Daniel Borman (dborman2) on Flickr.
24 Apr 2017

Road To Single-Payer: Fighting For Universal Health Care At The Federal Level

In Part 3 of Jon Walker’s series, he examines various hurdles at the federal level that Americans must overcome to achieve a universal health care system.



Demonstrators at the Bernie Sanders rally in Philadelphia during the DNC Convention. Photo by Victoria Pickering on Flickr.
05 Aug 2016

An American Child’s Primer For The US Presidential Election

See the Republican. Voters are angry. He feeds off their anger. Voters are scared. He feeds off their fear. He watches himself on tv. This would make a good tv show.

Hillary Clinton accepts the Democratic Party's nomination for president. Photo by Disney ABC on Flickr.
29 Jul 2016

Clinton Cut Sections From Her Historic DNC Speech, And Here They Are

We managed to uncover some of the sections from Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, which were cut.

Donald Trump and family, on stage after his RNC acceptance speech. Photo by disneyabc on Flickr.
22 Jul 2016

Trump Cut Sections From His RNC Speech Last Night, And Here They Are

We managed to uncover some of the sections from Donald Trump’s speech, which were cut.

07 Mar 2016

Comedy Sketch: ‘Bernie Bros On Campus’

Over the past months, I have taken a stab at sketch writing. My attempts at sketch writing mostly stem from the fact that I am enrolled in improvisation classes at the iO Theater in Chicago, and I performed in two sketch shows in the Chicago Sketchfest in January. I am

Photo from secret, anonymous source: Jonathan Chait's tear-stained face
10 Feb 2016

The Night The Establishment Pundit Class Died

Anonymous, unnamed, unidentified, and unknown sources have given us the inside scoop on what happened to several establishment pundits last night.

01 Feb 2016

VIDEO: Trump Around — Donald Trump Unleashes A ‘House of Pain’

“The racists get down / the sexists get down / They get out of their seats and Trump Around!” raps Donald in this parody of the House of Pain classic.

