Feature Members



Katie Brown and her son Lucas

Post-natal depression: an interview with Katie Brown

Katie Brown is a journalist, yoga teacher, infant massage practitioner and mother of three. Her tumultuous journey through work, motherhood and post natal depression has become a book, aptly titled “Mother Me”.

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Essential Baby feature member of the month, Cherry.

Asperger's - through adult eyes

Asperger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder, each individual a different ‘colour’ in the spectrum. Essential Baby member, mother and wife Cherry shares her experience.

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EB blogger Ghania Dib

It's three for me

As a mother of young children, I am frequently asked by friends, relatives and even strangers if I will have another child. I was often asked the question after I had just had my first child, shortly after having my second child and again, shortly after having my third.

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Diagnosing Dion

Dion was a surprise package from day one. I thought that I was having another girl but out came a beautiful little boy with red hair.

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Our little shining star: A SIDS story

Michelle shares the story of the devastating SIDS loss of her daughter, Ashleigh. Ashleigh’s brother Boyd looks up at the night sky each week and talks to Ashleigh; a little shining star.

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Thoughts and Dreams of Amber

The hopes and dreams of Betty and husband Andrew for their daughter Amber quickly shattered when the pregnancy and birth turned into a series of desperate measures to save Amber’s life

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EB Mum Sam shares her family's brave story

My son, my hero

At 32-weeks Cadel made a dramatic entrance into the world and seemed as healthy as one could hope at eight weeks premature. Cadel's entrance however proved to be one of many challenges he would come to face.

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Adam in hospital

Hirschsprungs Disease: The rollercoaster

My newborn son was vomiting green bile and was yet to pass meconium. It was the start of a rollercoaster ride that resulted in nine major operations and almost losing him at thirteen months.

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Marcia's triple joy

Raising triplets

That first pregnancy ultrasound is usually filled with nervous anticipation and excitement for new parents. But imagine the shock for parents in finding there are three little beings occupying the ultrasound screen!

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Chloe and Mitchell

Allergies - A Learning Curve

When children with life-threatening allergies start day care, preschool or school, there can be a steep learning curve for all involved. Mums, Therese and Tarin, tell their stories.

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