Daily Kos presents Daily Kos Radio. Progressive politics, news & talk hosted by Contributing Editor David Waldman

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Cambridge AnalyticaDavid Waldman is as alarmed about that as you are, but it’s not like he hasn’t been warning you about them for about a year now.

First, some breaking news, and also sadly a regular topic on KITM, a school shooting. This time at Great Mills High School in Maryland, thoughts and prayers did not arrive in time for at least one out of the three shot.

Bombs, the generally less efficient tool of amateur mass murderers, have been employed in Texas recently. As long as a few million people stay in their house, they only need to worry about the bombs arriving in the mail.

Are there still Supreme Court Judges that are left of Gorsuch? Then don’t expect any Republicans to step between Donald Trump and Robert Mueller. #18USCode2381, btw. Could Trump just be looking for attention maybe? So why does he guard his privacy with lifetime $10 million nondisclosure agreements? The Trump lawyer seeking to silence Stormy Daniels was a lead counsel for Trump University.

Donald invited Junior over to “The Celebrity Apprentice” to pick out a girl advise contestants, and he ended up engaged in an affair years before his divorce. Meanwhile, the wife of White House social media director Dan Scavino also files for divorce.

Kris Kobach has a hard time maintaining his voter suppressing fantasies in front of a judge.

Now, back to Cambridge Analytica, Facebook’s surveillance machine. Follow Carole Cadwalladr if you want to keep up-to-the-minute on this, because she sure is. Britain is on the forefront of this threat, and the Russia ones, although Putin thought he took care of them a while back. We know that Donald Trump is rich and married, therefore it is impossible to tempt him into corruption. His election consultants, however, were happy to use those techniques on others.

Direct download: March_20_2018_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:31pm EDT

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From the moment he woke up on that mulch truck, David Waldman knew today (and this week) would be a crazy one, and he’s here to help us figure it out.

Greg Dworkin stops by to bring us the big weekend stories:

Things are going so great for Donald Trump, that aids sometimes need to whisk him to the golf course so that he isn’t just overcome by glee. Republicans are still too busy shuffling through their Supreme Court fantasy picks to much notice, so far.

We fix all of this by voting. The polls are looking better all the time, but polls don’t vote. We need to keep our elephants and riders going in the same direction.

Did Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and Steven KG Bannon win a psychological war against America by hijacking the profiles of millions of Facebook users in order to target the US electorate? We may never know if they won, but there are a whole lot of losers, including Facebook. Regulation and investigation would be nice, if anyone at the FTC cared about stuff like that that anymore. $2 trillion will make a big receivership case.

Hope Hicks won’t say how she did it, but she almost quit doing it several times. She definitely witnessed plenty.

Direct download: March_19_2018_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 1:19pm EDT

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Oh boy! It is mulch time again! David Waldman is all set to pull the first muscles of Spring, but before he can say goodbye to his back, David has to set us up to handle the weekend:

Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Trump are separating. Who knows what the future might bring, but we wish them well in their forthcoming endeavors.

Chief Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow assures us that, kind of like a married guy has no reason to cheat, “Wealthy folks have no need to steal or engage in corruption.” That’s why it is so weird that Donald Trump keeps on being accused of both. Kellyanne Conway makes more than you do, but not enough to keep her from temptation.

HUD advisor Naved Jafry knows “we live in the world of opinion and facts merging together” and was pretty certain that included lying about his military record and fraud. Donald Trump lives in a world of lies and other lies merging together, and now the rest of us do.

Gina Haspel did not oversee waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah, but she did plenty of other stuff that needs attention called to in her Senate confirmation hearings.

Emails show conservatives fearing others might do what they fantasize about doing. How conservative activists catfished Twitter. How a Navy sailor and his lawyer got Trump’s attention: hate on Hillary.

Felix Sater, Russian mafioso, stock swindler, American Spy, probably a Russian spy, and Trump babysitter says “Greed is my go-to weapon.” Does he want to be Donald’s bunkmate for 10 to 20, or will he by Mueller’s pal instead

What are the odds finding a few tons of gold in your yard this weekend? Always better if your yard is in Russia.

Direct download: March_16_2018_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:14pm EDT

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David Waldman spends the full 2 hours of KITM avoiding the question of why cats “blep”. He does cover just about everything else today:

Conor Lamb probably won the Pennsylvania special election. Greg Dworkin is here to tell us probably why he did. It is definitely a big Democratic wave and Conor Lamb is definitely a Democrat, the kind that plans to do a good job representing his constituents, a.k.a. “the winning kind”. Even some Republicans are figuring that out, though luckily not most of them. The Gop tax scheme did not represent constituent needs in Pennsylvania. Voters, not Republicans, got that.

This leaves Dems in disarray somehow. Pelosi’s in peril as usual. Good thing we have the Trump administration for comparison! Spin can’t get them out of this mess before the midterms. Donald Trump sees only one solution: heads must roll. Donald says all that is "very exaggerated and false", so it’ll probably happen before I can finish typing this. First, Jeff Sessions needs to fire Andrew McCabe before he earn his pension, then Trump can fire Sessions, then everyone else, and new ones can replace them. Some are just too dumb to fire.

Sacré bleu! Quel imbécile stupide bébé, eh? Our Cartoon Used Car Salesman in Chief just doesn’t care, as long as you sign on the dotted line.

As we know, Stormy Daniels doesn’t even own a carpet, but Donald Trump sure has a rug, and he is sweeping a lot under it. BuzzFeed has found a new position that Stormy hasn’t tried before, but will be great to watch.

Elliott Broidy climbs toward the top of the scandal ladder, but is still feeding Donald chocolate cake.

The UK knows what happened to Sergei Skripal. So does the rest of the world, even if some choose to adhere to our enemies as they levy war against us, and give them aid and comfort.

Students across the nation said “enough”. One word, badly interpreted in Virginia and California this week, and way too late for this student.

The white trash circus tent collapsed in Charlottesville.

Preliminary results from NASA's Twins Study reveal that 7% of astronaut Scott Kelly's genes “did not return to normal” after his return to Earth two years ago...

Direct download: March_15_2018_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:46am EDT

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Ah, the Blue Waves of Spring: In with the Lamb, out with the liar. Of course this means the Dems are in disarray... But not on KITM!  It’s Wednesday, so David Waldman has both Greg Dworkin and Joan McCarter to help set us straight on course:

Greg already has the polls and punditry prepared to cut through the chaos. Thanks Obamacare! Healthcare was a defining issue in the race, also Donald Trump’s awfulness. Thanks Trump! Certainly thanks go to Tim Murphy. Our once and future Madam Speaker thanks you all. Republicans are realizing it is better for their health if they just retire now. Donald Trump thinks he could lose a few pounds, as he contemplates life after Rex.

The Seth Rich family has filed a lawsuit against Fox News, blaming Sean Hannity. But, where did Hannity get the idea? Ben and Candy Carson really liked a $31,000 dining set, but are beginning to really dislike email.

Joan believes that this would really be a good week for Senate Democrats to defeat a racist banking bill. The Bank Lobbyist Act will make it even easier for banks to discriminate on mortgages. All that is happening in the Trump administration demands an extraordinary response from the Senate opposition.

Kids again have to show us how it is done.

An Alabama Sheriff discovered a win-win solution to over-pampered prison inmates.


Direct download: March_14_2018_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:50am EDT

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The Trump sewer really backed up quick this morning. David Waldman barely stayed a step ahead of the gusher to give a live accounting of the bodies floating by:

Rex (Everything) Tillerson could have sworn that everything was going great. Sure, there was a little tension here or there, but the boss had his back. And, he was just getting into his job as Secretary of State, siding with our ally, condemning Russia and... Well, Donald Trump hates people that feel a little differently from him. Actually Donald loves Rex Tillerson, but just did not “love” love him.

Then there’s Johnny McEntee, who was ejected so fast he couldn’t put his coat on. Remember: Never do business without giving the boss a taste.

Does Republican Tom Rooney seriously believe the the House intelligence committee has even heard of the word “credibility”?

Oh, and Roger Stone might have conspired with Julian Assange against Democrats. Is nothing sacred?

That was this morning. The second half of KITM was devoted to tomorrow— 

David was joined by Armando and Chris Reeves, Daily Kos Community Outreach Organizer (and much more) to talk about the nuts and bolts of how the Democratic Party plans to operate, how to develop and boost diversity and participation, determine who participates in primaries, encouraging primaries, and the primary schedule for 2020!

Direct download: March_13_2018_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:47pm EDT

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Saving some daylight? Stock up now, you never know when you might need some.

David Waldman catches us up from the weekend. Donald Trump said the usual awful, stupid and self-centered stuff, which ends up being the least chaotic thing he could do.

Betsy DeVos wore her dunce cap on 60 Minutes. It fit her well, as it had been in the family for decades. DeVos heads back to Washington to mishandle school gun violence. As usual Trump excels at finding the exact mishandler for the job. The pediatrician that treated the Columbine Kids speaks outGreg Dworkin is a pediatrician from Newtown and has spoken out, as have others who have seen firsthand the damage these guns can do.

Greg tells us about the chaos to come, if we have any brain cells left to handle it. Ivanka Trump never cut ties with the Trump Organization, and that turned out to be a problem. Robert Mueller’s obstruction of justice case against Donald Trump will wrap soon because, duh, who doesn’t know Trump’s guilty on that one?

Why do racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic authoritarian Evangelical Christians stick with Trump, other than being racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic and authoritarian? Republicans thank the Lord and the New York Times for conservative columnists. It would be hard to look in the mirror without that thick layer of false principal-based intellectualism coating.

Is YouTube a gateway to radicalization? Yes, and that is by design, although it is turning out to be a bug not a feature.

Tomorrow—all you ever wanted to know about Super Delegates and caucuses, when Armando and Daily Kos’ Chris Reeves join KITM for a discussion of 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination rules!

Direct download: March_12_2018_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:40am EDT

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Well, we’re on our own. David Waldman has taken us all the way to Friday, but it is now time to fend for ourselves, at least for a couple of days. Here’s the KITM you need to listen to:

Trump goes to North Korea. A historical moment that could only be born from this presidency, because nobody on earth can be played like this president

OK. That’s about it, then. What would you like to talk about while we wait?

Erik Prince colluded with the Russians, at least to set up a meeting in Seychelles to make it easier for future colluding. Jared Kushner’s man in the middle east, George Nader is not quite convicted, yet not quite innocent of child pornography. This didn’t make Jared too shy, or scare off many strange bedfellows throughout the US, Russia and the Middle East. Without George, Erik or Jared to help,  Saudis still need to speak Donald Trump’s language. Russians knew a good way to get Trump interested in doing business was to first let him watch women in The Act. Meanwhile, a senior HUD adviser repeatedly promoted the theory that John Podesta participated in a satanic rituals. Taylor Weyeneth failed his way over to HUD. White House ethics officials’ path to success requires not seeing ethics violations. Hope Hicks’ hackers were only interested in stealing evidence of her wrongdoing.

Lucky Peyton Manning sold his  31 Papa John’s franchises just 2 days before the NFL ended their partnership.

And if all this wasn’t enough, here is some more recommended weekend reading: 

Part 2 of  David Corn and Michael Isikoff’s The secret story of Obama’s response to Putin’s attack on the 2016 election.

The very strange case of two Russian gun lovers, the NRA, and Donald Trump.

The right-wing censorship advocacy groups at the White House video games meeting, and the state legislator that wants to register strippers.

Direct download: March_9_2018_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:11pm EDT

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KITM hit the lottery today. David Waldman rakes in an embarrassment of riches—tons of news, and all of the best minds on hand to tackle it.

It’s International Women’s Day, so go out and have a powerful one. Donald Trump marked the occasion by hissy-fitting Sarah Sanders. Sara said what Donald told her to say, but without getting the results he imagined she would, so she’s in trouble because now everything is getting stormier by the minute for Trump. It turns out that there is a lot more interesting about this than the salacious. details. Armando sees a crime scene to be investigated, and prosecuted. Sanders said Trump won the arbitration order, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer says no. Armando talks arbitration, federal and consumer, JAMS and ADR... but basically somebody needs to go to jail.

Greg Dworkin brings in some new polls, and reasons to cheer up. The majority of Americans don’t want to arm teachers. The new Florida gun bill has some good and some really stupid in it, but normally you’d expect it to be 100% stupid. Now, polling is tilting from leaning Republican to toss-up in PA, and approval for the tax bill is waning, causing the Gop to pull tax ads in the state. Under Trump, the forgotten men and women are still forgotten. Republicans are expecting defeat in a district Donald Trump won by 20 points. Democrats are up to +9 from +2 in national polls. The news changes so fast that the numb public retreat back to their comfort zones when the chaos overwhelms them.

Trump’s tariff plans will ruin the economy, even Republicans can tell you that much. Arliss Bunny tells us that even better, because she knows what she’s talking about. America’s student debt is a women’s issue. As an added bonus, Arliss previews a special joint podcast on trade, featuring the Hopping Mad crew and the Irreverent Testimony gang! Download it tonight from either site!

Robert Mueller is also a kid in a candy store. All he has to do is choose wisely. Jared Kushner needs to go further south to escape extradition, but for today is in Mexico, after shaking the US ambassador. Another possible conflict of interest between Jared and Apollo Global Management has popped up in the Mojave Desert

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in the world Erik Prince had to walk into the one with the pro-Trump Russian agents in the Seychelles.

If Donald Trump is in some sort of legal trouble, could someone please contact him? He’d like to know.

Direct download: March_8_2018_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:11pm EDT

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Some week so far, huh? It’s been wall-to-wall crazy, and it has been wall-to-wall David Waldman covering it for us for KITM. But today Greg Dworkin took a few minutes from trying to figure out the new computer system at work to help David figure out the rest of the universe:

First of all, yay West Virginia teachers! This might be the biggest sign things might be going the right way after all. The polls, of course mostly agree with sane people. That doesn’t mean sane people are in the majority everywhere, but at least they are getting more excited, and are being represented by more women. Nobody likes Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump trails the generic Democrat, as good a choice as any for a 2018 opponent.

Donald lost one of his last marbles. Gary Cohn lost his last straw, and is getting out while the getting is still good. Kellyanne Conway’s next door neighbor Oleg Deripaska has also seen the insider writing on the wall. The European Union responds to Trump’s tariff threats by promising to withholding a big piece of the American pie.

Stormy Daniels believes she was screwed by Donald Trump and Michael Cohen when they intimidated her into signing her non-disclosure agreement. So she is suing them with a work of legal art designed to expose Donald in more ways than one. David pores over the original NDA, taking time for a special analysis of Stormy Daniels’ “PP”, and also to bare whatever Donald Trump (and frankly most of us) would rather stay un-bared. Speaking of Michael Cohen, Robert Mueller is speaking of Michael Cohen to witnesses, and it seems Cohen received inside information from the Russia probe.

Chris Cillizza tried some “analysis” the other day. He confused Donald Trump with the competent, intelligent human being he once played on TV. Soledad O’Brien pointed out how sad, wrong, and dangerous articles like that can be, and how sad, wrong and dangerous believing people like Chris Cillizza can be.

Direct download: March_7_2018_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:53am EDT