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         1918 MW Operational capacity of renewable power generating plants: 1858 MW Solar | 60 MW Wind

         3 GW Target capacity by 2020 for integrated solar PV manufacturing from polysilicon to modules

         10+ GW Target generation of renewable power by 2022

                1.2 GW One of the world’s largest single location producers of cutting-edge solar PV cells and modules

           800 MW Operational capacity of renewable power generating plants: 788MW Solar | 12MW Wind

           3 GW Target capacity by 2020 for integrated solar PV manufacturing from polysilicon to modules

           10+ GW Target generation of renewable power by 2022

                     Largest renewable energy portfolio in India with a target of 10+ GW by 2022 World’s largest single location multi-technology solar power plant with a capacity of 648 MW                World’s largest solar power plant completed in record eight months  Strong group financials to support rapid execution                State-of-the-art solar manufacturing ecosystem under development Multi-technology: Fixed Tilt, Single-Axis Tracker, Bifacial, Thin Film-based power plant with hi-tech robotic cleaners for optimum power generation                2+ GW of operational portfolio powering over 900,000 homes Creating inclusive growth of local communities by boosting ancillary industry                Contributing to a cleaner world by reducing 4 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents  Focus on local infrastructure development, community health and education                Largest renewable energy portfolio in India with a target of 10+ GW by 2022 World’s largest single location multi-technology solar power plant with a capacity of 648 MW           World’s largest solar power plant completed in record eight months Strong group financials to support rapid execution           State-of-the-art solar manufacturing ecosystem under development Multi-technology: Fixed Tilt, Single-Axis Tracker, Bifacial, Thin Film-based power plant with hi-tech robotic cleaners for optimum power generation             World’s largest solar power plant powering 650,000 homes Creating a sustainable society with reduced carbon footprint           Contributing to a cleaner world by reducing 4 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents  Focus on local infrastructure development, community health and education            Video Gallery     Adani Solar, Enlightening Lives     Adani Solar : NGC Megastructures     World's Largest Solar Plant          Our Group Websites     Adani Group       Adani Foundation       Adani Enterprises       Adani Ports & SEZ       Adani Power       Adani Transmission       Adani Wilmar       Adani Gas       Adani Bunkering       Adani Agri Logistics       Farmpik       Adani Australia       Adani Hospitals       Adani Vidyamandir       AIIM       AIIE       APTRI                         $("#videoGallery").flipster({ style: 'carousel', autoplay: false, buttons: 'custom', spacing: -0.4, loop: true, keyboard: false, scrollwheel: false, click: true, touch: true, buttonPrev: '', buttonNext: '', });   $(document).ready(function(){ // get the video var video = document.querySelector('video'); // use the whole window and a *named function* window.addEventListener('touchstart', function videoStart() {; console.log('first touch'); // remove from the window and call the function we are removing this.removeEventListener('touchstart', videoStart); }); $("#selectSite").val("index.html"); $('#bannerText').bxSlider({ auto: true, pause: 5000, mode: 'fade', captions: false, pager:false, controls:false, }); $('#ourPlants').bxSlider({ auto: false, pause: 6000, mode: 'fade', captions: false, controls:false, }); $('#timelineMob').owlCarousel({ items:1, loop:false, center:false, nav: true, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:2 } } }) });   $(document).ready(function() { var width = $(window).width(); var height = $(window).height(); if ((width >= 1025)) { $('#adScroller').fullpage({ //Navigation navigation: true, //navigationTooltips:['Home','Adani Timeline','Unmatched Scale','Video Gallery','Our Group Websites','Footer'], slidesNavigation: true, loopBottom: false, //Scrolling css3: true, scrollBar: true, responsiveSlides: true, responsiveWidth: 1025, //scrollOverflow: true, //Accessibility keyboardScrolling: true, //Design verticalCentered: false, //paddingTop: '50px', afterRender: function () { setInterval(function () { $.fn.fullpage.moveSlideRight(); }, 10000); }, }); } });   $(function () { $('.vidGallery').magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a', type: 'iframe', video: { cursor: null, titleSrc: 'title' }, gallery: { enabled: true, preload: [0, 1], // Will preload 0 - before current, and 1 after the current image navigateByImgClick: true } }); });   AOS.init({ easing: 'ease-out-back', duration: 1500, disable: function () { var maxWidth = 1024; return window.innerWidth < maxWidth; } })