Dan Petegorsky

Dan has lived in Oregon since 1996, when he moved from Seattle to take over as Executive Director of Western States Center. He's been active in the social change movement since the late '60s, when he was first recruited at a United Farm Workers house meeting (it really does work!). Dan helped found the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center and the Institute on Money in State Politics, and also serves on the board of Public Campaign. He shares his twisted sense of humor with his twin brother.

PublishedTitle Comments
Mar. 03, 2012What We Need from Our Next Mayor: More than Just Lip Service to Equity
Jan. 19, 2012Legislature Fares Poorly on Racial Equity Report Card
Apr. 29, 2011Apologists for the plutocrats lay an egg
Apr. 19, 2011Really, Greg Goodman? You want us to imagine our school children as the products of a shoe factory?
Mar. 10, 2011Are AG Kroger's Hardball Tactics Over the Line?
Jul. 15, 2010A Victory for Main Street
May. 21, 2010Portland Business Alliance Hits a New Low
May. 20, 2010Merkley and Wall Street Reform: Down to the Wire
May. 08, 2010Portland Exceptionalism
Apr. 25, 2010Wall Street Beware: It’s Payback Time for Widows and Orphans
Jan. 24, 2010Top ten alternate headlines for "Publisher's Note: Our Editorial Board Doesn't Take Dictation"
Jan. 21, 2010Big Banks Rule
Jan. 14, 2010Haiti
Dec. 12, 2009Kurt Schrader Picks Wall Street Over Main Street
Nov. 24, 2009Afghanistan escalation: a terrible decision
Nov. 09, 2009What historic moments do you celebrate?
Jul. 27, 2009The State of Black Oregon
Jun. 16, 2009Time to End the 'Shampoo Economy'
May. 05, 2009A Tip of the Hat to Street Roots
Mar. 26, 2009Keeping the toothpaste in the tube
Mar. 10, 2009The MLS Deal is Solid: A Wall Street Mogul Says So
Mar. 04, 2009Wyden and AIG
Mar. 01, 2009Adams' State of the City: Falling Short on Equity?
Jan. 15, 2009A Wag of the Finger to Jeff Merkley
Jan. 10, 2009Props to Blumenauer and DeFazio on Gaza Resolution
Jan. 09, 2009Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Jan. 01, 2009Sizemore a loser - again
Oct. 06, 2008The New Ballot Guide is Here!
Oct. 02, 2008Haven’t They Done Enough Harm Already?
Sep. 21, 2008The Administration’s Bailout Plan: Trust Me.
Sep. 04, 2008Pants on Fire
Aug. 30, 2008What Palin's Appointment Says about John McCain
Aug. 19, 2008Why McCain Deserves Our Contempt
Aug. 14, 2008Rebutting smears
Aug. 07, 2008The Olympics and the Technology of Repression
Jul. 27, 2008That Ain't Right
Jul. 16, 2008McCain, Obama and White Privilege
May. 03, 2008Ballot snafu worse than Bradbury suggests - CORRECTION
Apr. 27, 2008Hillary and McCain Singing the Same Tune on Iran
Apr. 18, 2008Slavery and Liberation
Mar. 23, 2008Is the Oregonian Unethical?
Mar. 12, 2008Potter Turns Pol
Mar. 07, 2008Mayoral Race Gets Weird

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