Anna Soubry MPOvjeren akaunt


MP for Broxtowe and life long One Nation Tory. Constituents please email me on

Broxtowe, Nottinghamshire
Vrijeme pridruživanja: lipanj 2011.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    2. ožu

    Leave voters will listen to PMs wise words on the complexity and cost of & increasingly realise they’ve been sold a pup. It doesn’t have to be this way and people must be entitled to change their minds

    Prikaži ovu nit
  2. prije 3 sata

    No it’s good common sense based on sensible pragmatism putting our country’s best interests first.

  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    18. ožu

    John McDonell is ‘the most dangerous man in British politics’- well said

  4. prije 16 sati

    And I went on to say that & have changed their line to find favour with voters after polling showed huge support for stance on . will say anything to get in to power.

  5. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    18. ožu

    . & totally right on - there are attempts to stop MPs working cross party on . We will ignore them+carry on working in the national interest. V.proud of the entire movement inc & others

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  6. prije 19 sati

    Excellent makes case for British lamb (tastes great & sheep farming vital for hill management) & & risk tariffs & abandon regulatory alignment w EU for unicorn trade deals when we already are exporting to new markets?

  7. 18. ožu
  8. 18. ožu

    Thanks for the warm welcome after a v early (cold and snowy) start ....

  9. 18. ožu

    Usually a big fan . I am named in a story penned by him in the Sunday Times. I wasn’t asked to verify its’ claims before publication. If I had I would have denied it as it’s not true.

  10. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    17. ožu

    a) People the Corbynites have fiercely criticised since the Salisbury attack: Tory MPs. Theresa May. Labour Moderates. Israel (all of it). British security officials. The producers of Newsnight. b) People the Corbynites have not fiercely criticised: Vladimir Putin.

  11. 17. ožu

    Blowing a blizzard!

  12. 17. ožu
  13. 17. ožu

    Great game in store this afternoon. You will get a warm welcome at Meadow Lane.

  14. 16. ožu

    50,000 more children will get free school meals. Everyone has a responsibility to tweet honestly. This totally inaccurate tweet does nothing to improve genuine debate and political engagement.

  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet

    ❄️ Weather turning much colder tonight with ice & snow showers likely over the weekend. 🌨️ Our gritters will be completing two runs overnight tonight & closely monitoring conditions over the weekend, gritting as necessary. Routes ➡️

  16. 16. ožu

    Well done the Government front bench. Having listened to the debate they decided not to vote against (FamilyReUnionBill Excellent cross party working

  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    16. ožu

    Refugees do not choose to leave their lives, jobs and homes, says , they are forced to by war and conflict: "They are human beings who fled abominable circumstances"

  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    16. ožu

    "It's very easy to take a group of people and attach to them a label, which then disassociates yourself from seeing each and every person in that group as what they are - a human being, with a story to tell" 👏👏👏👏

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  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    16. ožu

    . thank you for your passionate eloquence - "[Humankind] hasn't changed over the centuries, over the decades - your desire is to keep your child safe, not to use it as a route for your own escape."

  20. 16. ožu

    Thank you. I am proud to support the Refugee (Family Reunion) Bill. It’s fair, humane, proportionate & improves our existing rules and laws.

  21. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    16. ožu

    . argues against the idea that the Bill would incentivise people to send their children ahead to the UK: "These are people who are fleeing war, persucution and terror on a scale beyond anything we could imagine"


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