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LBO News · 1Y ago

Fresh audio product

Just added to my radio archive: June 16, 2016 Richard Seymour, author of Corbyn: The Strange Rebirth of Radical Politics, on Brexit • Virginia Heffernan, author of Magic and Loss, on why the...
LBO News · 1Y ago

Dems in a pickle

I’ve written before about how the Hillary Democrats are running against hope, and how the ...
LBO News · 1Y ago

Trump vs. HRC

At first I thought that Hillary Clinton would have no trouble dispensing with Donald Trump...
LBO News · 1Y ago

Fresh audio product

Just posted to my radio archive: April 28, 2016 Greg Grandin on the recession of the Pink Tide in Latin America • Ashton Applewhite, author of This Chair Rocks, on aging and ageism I didn’t ...
LBO News · 1Y ago

Hillary quotes conservatives

Although Hillary fans discount her early enthusiasm for Barry Goldwater, she did say this in 1996 (audio here): “I feel like my political beliefs are rooted in the conservatism that I was ra...
LBO News · 1Y ago

Katha Pollitt’s review of It Takes A Village

Katha Pollitt is now a big fan of Hillary Clinton, but she wasn’t always one, as this review of her dreadful book It Takes A Village shows (although the opening is a portent of the future). ...
LBO News · 1Y ago

Factchecking Gail Collins

Gail Collins wrote this ludicrous paragraph in her New York Times column today: The bottom line on Hillary Clinton is that she’s spent her life championing women and their issues. She began ...
LBO News · 1Y ago

Fresh audio product

Just added to my radio archive: April 21, 2016 Bruce Dixon, managing editor of the Black Agenda Report, on black voters’ mysterious lingering romance with the Clintons • Alfredo Saad Filho o...
LBO News · 1Y ago

Fresh audio product

And so soon! Freshly added to my radio archive: April 14, 2016 Ann Neumann, author of The Good Death, on how we spend our final days in the USA • Richard Florida on class and urban space  
LBO News · 1Y ago

Fresh audio product

Just posted to my radio archive: April 7, 2016 David Howell on the increase of the minimum wage to $15 in California and New York • Vidar Thorsteinsson, author of this article, on the politi...