To have the business running smoothly and to make profits, there is a genuine need for the entrepreneur to look for ways and means and put in the hard efforts. Besides trying to avail plenty of free instagram followers and free instagram likes, the entrepreneur has to maintain his social media presence.

Some useful tools for maintaining social media presence

Apart from increasing free instagram likes and free instagram followers, there are different tools present for enhancing the social media presence, without actually increasing the regular workload.

  • Tweet Adder: Using this software, Direct Messages can be automated to the new followers. Also, it is possible to easily and quickly generate relevant people list, who can follow, without logging to Twitter platform.
  • Paying with Tweet: This software can provide followers with an alternative to opt in with their email address and name. Rather, they could pay with tweet. The existing newsletter subscribers are offered with the option for paying with tweet. As subscribers pay up with tweets, it is likely to comprise of a link that leads back to the landing page not requiring an opt-in. Hence, any person clicking on the tweet is needed to opt in for the mailing list, thus helping the list to expand.
  • Meeting Edgar: This typical scheduling software which is used by entrepreneurs require some manual work, since there is a need to enter times and days for every profile. Moreover, it is not possible to automatically re-use content. With Meet Edgar, a good amount of content can be loaded and Edgar allowed selecting when scheduling is to be done. Edgar gets all the moiré smarter with more posted contents. It will be used automatically by Edgar for increasing engagement on the pages.
  • Canva: Creating branded graphics for the social media posts could prove to be a real pain, unless the person is a qualified graphic designer. A better alternative is to make use of Canva for creating social media graphics. The Free Layouts can be customized with images, colors, images, messages or quotes to resonate with the followers.
  • Fan of the Week: The app can prove to be a wonderful way for showering love for most of the active fans on the Facebook fan pages. The software evaluates every week which of the fans was amongst the most engaging on the profile, while rewarding the fan simply by announcing them as “Fan of the Week”. It is regarded to be an automated and easy way for keeping the followers satisfied.
  • Hub-Spot Blog Topic Generator: A challenging aspect with regards to social media is to come up with stuffs for posting about. It includes creating blogs for syndicating on the social media. Using the tool, couple of words relevant to what is desired to be written about is to be entered, and it is likely to generate blog topic idea list.

Equipped with the above mentioned social media tools and free instagram followers and free instagram likes, it is possible for any business to create a huge fan following.

date16 Oct
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