Plan For Jobs And Growth

Victorian Labor’s Plan for Jobs and Growth will return Victoria to an economic powerhouse by creating jobs for Victorian families, investing in skills and training and providing an infrastructure pipeline.  The plan provides 67 practical and affordable initiatives that will secure Victoria’s economic future and undo the damage of the Napthine Government’s failure to act.

On the Liberals’ watch thousands of Victorian workers have lost their jobs, businesses have closed-up shop and confidence has collapsed.  Instead of taking immediate action to kick-start the local economy the Napthine Government has been asleep at the wheel.

In the absence of a policy from the Napthine Government, Victorian Labor has developed a plan in consultation with industry, business and community leaders to boost the Victorian economy and get it back on a sustainable footing.

Victoria Labor’s plan has been developed through extensive forums and consultations throughout Victoria. We have heard the same thing time and time again – when will the Liberals get serious about creating an environment for jobs and investment?

A future Victorian Labor Government will:

  • Fund TAFEs and crack down on unscrupulous training providers
  • Establish Infrastructure Victoria to plan the State’s infrastructure priorities
  • Establish Projects Victoria to deliver critical major projects
  • Determine the viability of Bay West as the location for Victoria’s future container port
  • Protect WorkCover from government plunder
  • Establish robust regulatory burden reduction measures
  • Support Victorian businesses seeking to tap into the resources boom
  • Protect Melbourne Airport’s curfew-free status from inappropriate development
  • Support Victorian regional councils seeking to develop crucial infrastructure; and
  • Ensure the Victorian Government’s procurement processes support local jobs and businesses.

Download Victorian Labor’s Plan for Jobs and Growth here: Plan for Jobs and Growth