Two political movements which should have been able to make inroads into the majors have failed, and, as a result, ...

Election wipeouts show a change

Two political movements which should have been able to make inroads into the majors have failed, and, as a result, changed the psychology of politics.

CBA's new CEO, Matt Comyn, has pledged to fix mistakes uncovered by the royal commission.

Comyn pledges to fix CBA problems

Matt Comyn has warned staff this week's royal commission hearings will include examples of CBA customers being unfairly treated by the bank.

OPEC will need to extend its production cuts to prevent a fresh collapse in oil prices, some say.

Oil headed for crash unless OPEC acts

OPEC will need to increase and extend its oil production cuts to avert a fresh collapse in oil prices, given expected strong growth in US shale output, according to Norway-based energy consultancy Rystad Energy.

Investors have to navigate a range of challenges this week, including the chance of new US trade tariffs aimed at China.

Fed likely to lift rates above RBA

Trade wars, an increasingly aggressive US central bank and bad behaviour from our banks are issues for investors to wrestle with this week.

Eight Investment comes under attack

Controversial fund manager Aurora is pushing for control of the $50 million listed investment company run by Big Un shareholder Eight Investment Partners.


NEG not needed to reach emission targets

The Turnbull government should boost emissions reduction targets under its NEG after a report found the impact of state renewable schemes had been under-estimated.

SA Best Leader Nick Xenophon failed miserably in the SA election with his party unable to win a lower house seat.

'I'll be citizen X': Xenophon

Nick Xenophon misfired badly in the SA election and the hotels lobby says the state has ''dodged chaos'' because of it.

Free trade push at ASEAN

Australia is pushing for free trade deals with Indonesia and the wider region to be signed by the end of this year.

Personal Finance

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann says flexibility exists to allow resources to relocate between portfolio departments ...

Cormann defends government's consultant use

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann rejects calls for a cap on contractor and consultant spending, while a the public sector union says "concerns about cronyism have increased as the numbers of contractors and consultants has increased".