Tarek FatahПотврђен налог


Author, 'Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State' (Wiley). 'The Jew is Not My Enemy' (McClelland). Fellow, Middle East Forum. Columnist, Toronto Sun.

Toronto, Ontario
Придружио/ла се новембар 2008.
Датум рођења: 20. новембар 1949.


Блокирао/ла си корисника @TarekFatah

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    This trailer of Uri (based on the surgical strikes) has already been viewed more than 1.9 crore times and has been shared on Facebook and Whatsapp a million times. I am looking forward to the movie in January.

  6. пре 4 сата
  7. пре 4 сата

    America’s 1st Hijabi congresswoman who wears Islam on her head, mocks Jesus and Christianity. This by a woman who is alleged to have married her own Somali brother to get him a visa. No wonder is the darling of America’s Sharia-Bolsheviks.

  8. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 7 сати

    Constantinople conducted a defensive war - for 800 years. When it fell in 1453, it could never be recovered. This is the final result of defensive strategies.

  9. је ретвитовао/ла
    13. дец

    The man who bombed Libya back to the stone age, turning a country that had the highest standard of living in Africa into a war-torn state where jihadists roam the streets and sell human beings in open air slave markets, wants to lecture us about “a more just and peaceful world”.

  10. је ретвитовао/ла
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    Lost 2014 Video Found — 2 Weeks Before Her Unexpected Death Joan Rivers Revealed ‘Barack is gay. Michelle is a transgender.’ ... via

  11. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 7 сати

    Rome's decline was caused less by gaping wounds than gaping inequality, and by leaders unable or willing to remedy it

  12. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 5 сати
    Одговор за корисника

    is a cog in the CongLeft media ecosystem. Objectivity & facts are their last priority. Jihadi jingoism & evangelical espousal is fine with them.

  13. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 9 сати

    All this time I thought ostriches were native to Australia, but thanks to i know i can find them in India too. He's upset at me for exposing the Hindu hatred of this UP creep. I guess it was Vinod & his type of cowards who welcomed Babar.

  14. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 7 сати

    A red letter day in 's history. On December 16,1971, 95,000 soldiers of Pakistan army surrendered to Indian army in Dhaka. A new nation was born. पाकिस्तान के दो टुकड़े करने वाली भारतीय सेना के शौर्य को सलाम. भारत माता की जय.

  15. пре 6 сати
  16. пре 6 сати
  17. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 7 сати

    New Quillette podcast episode: interviews Coleman Hughes () about what’s it like being out of step with the prevailing progressive orthodoxy at an Ivy League college.

  18. је ретвитовао/ла
    15. дец

    Cow smugglers try to crush Police team under a pick up van. Basheer, Sher Khan, Arif, Naseem, Rafik, Naseem, Sharif and Sharbat Ali arrested

  19. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 11 сати

    I can’t keep track anymore of how many serious challenges to Western elites are being eyed as Kremlin plots. Congratulations to everyone who’s taken part in this Russia-blaming elite protection racket:

  20. пре 7 сати

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