National Geographicحساب موثّق


Since its inception nearly 130 years ago, the core purpose of National Geographic has been to further the knowledge and awareness of our world.

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  1. قبل ٥٣ دقيقة

    Can you spot the animals hiding in these photos?

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  2. قبل ساعتين

    "I really wanted to paint a picture of an animal that is actually perfectly adapted for survival."

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  3. قبل ٣ ساعات

    This photographer spent four years living with Ireland’s close-knit Traveller community

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  4. قبل ٤ ساعات

    The orphaned baby rhino featured in a heartbreaking viral video has been rescued

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  5. قبل ٥ ساعات

    Even at the very beginning of her life, it was clear that Margaretha Zelle would become someone extraordinary

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  6. قبل ٦ ساعات

    She chases after the train every night, peeking into doorways in search of something—or someone

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  7. قبل ٧ ساعات

    Nature is capable of producing spectacular colors

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  8. قبل ٨ ساعات

    "It would be extremely exciting if this was a signal of dark matter, and it's not impossible."

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  9. قبل ٩ ساعات

    Barbra Streisand cloned her dog, and if you have $100K handy, you could too

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  10. قبل ١٠ ساعات

    Water boosts our minds, spirits, and bodies—take a look at our editors' favorite photos of watery wonders

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  11. قبل ١١ ساعة

    Live freely, don't waste, and constantly learn—those are the founding principles of Wild Roots

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  12. قبل ١٢ ساعة

    After conducting 250,000 interviews across the country, these just might be the happiest places in the U.S.

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  13. قبل ١٢ ساعة

    Archaeologists found human remains, wooden stakes, and textile fragments off the coast of Florida

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  14. قبل ١٤ ساعة

    It took her less than a year to create the injection, but she never got a chance to publish her findings

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  15. قبل ١٦ ساعة

    What's a snowshoe hare to do when its coat turns white, but there's no snow on the ground?

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  16. قبل ١٨ ساعة

    Their winter breeding season is currently ending, and no new calves have been seen

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  17. قبل ٢٢ ساعة

    How old is the universe, and how did it begin?

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  18. قبل ٢٤ ساعة

    In just one day, you can get a taste of what makes St. Petersburg so compelling

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  19. ٢٨ فبراير

    The vibrant beauty of the blooms is highlighted as they transition through the four “seasons” represented by each element

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  20. ٢٨ فبراير

    Increasingly, Chinese are leaving polluted cities for "longevity villages," where the clean air and water are touted as miracle cures

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