

Ministers statements: WorkSafe

Mr SCOTT (Minister for Finance) — I am pleased to update the house on the launch of the WorkSafe Safety Values advertising campaign.

Embrace Diversity Campaign

Mr SCOTT (Minister for Finance) — The Victorian government has launched Embrace Diversity, a campaign to engage people across our community in a broad conversation about the benefits of our diversity. The campaign is employing social media and other channels for people to show their support for..

Preston electorate

Mr SCOTT (Minister for Finance) — (Question 375) My constituency question is for the Minister for Health, who is also the Minister for Ambulance Services. It concerns the state of Preston ambulance station, which was constructed in the 1950s and is in a poor state of repair. The..


Mr SCOTT (Minister for Finance) — On behalf of all members of goodwill, I rise to offer my best wishes to the Islamic community in the holy month of Ramadan, which is a time of deep significance on the Muslim calendar. It is a time..

Hon. Joan Elizabeth Kirner, AC

Mr SCOTT (Minister for Finance) — I rise to offer my sincere condolences to the family and friends of Joan Kirner, especially her husband, Ron, their three children, Michael, Kate and Dave, and her four grandchildren. Much of what I would have said has been already touched..

Appropriation (2015-2016) Bill 2015

Mr SCOTT (Minister for Finance) — After that intriguing speech, I want to start my contribution to the debate on the Appropriation (2015–2016) Bill 2015 by referring as Minister for Multicultural Affairs to something I hope all members in this house are strong supporters of: multiculturalism. Multiculturalism..

Frank Cox

Mr SCOTT (Minister for Finance) — I rise to pay tribute to the life of Francis George Cox, OAM, who passed away on 20 March after 99 years of service to the community and an extraordinary life. Frank Cox, as he was known, was a pillar of the community..

Preston high school Petitions

To the Legislative Assembly of Victoria: The petition of certain citizens of the state of Victoria draws to the attention of the house the need for a high school in the northern suburb of Preston. In particular we note: 1.     Preston currently has a high..

Lunar New Year

Mr SCOTT (Minister for Finance) — The Lunar New Year was on 19 February this year. It is a particularly important celebration, which I am sure members across the chamber participated in with Chinese and Vietnamese communities and other growing communities, such as the Korean community in..