Ministers statements: WorkSafe

Mr SCOTT (Minister for Finance) — I am pleased to update the house on the launch of the WorkSafe Safety Values advertising campaign. The campaign will run statewide on multiple media platforms until 19 September to re‑engage the community in a conversation about workplace safety This is a key priority for the Andrews Labor government. It is a priority welcomed by the Victorian community after four years of government by those opposite, because the thing they did in government — the one big thing they came up with — was to change the public name of the organisation to the Victorian WorkCover Authority. Their one big achievement was to literally take the ‘safe’ out of WorkSafe.

While those opposite gutted morale at WorkSafe, I am proud that one of the first things the Andrews Labor government did was to put safety straight back into WorkSafe. This campaign is another step in restoring pride in workplace safety in this state. It aims to promote an environment where safety is openly discussed, promoted and celebrated. And what a celebration of workplace safety it is, with today marking the 30th birthday of the Victorian WorkSafe scheme, which has now supported over 1.25 million Victorians.

I remind the house that if it had been left to those opposite, the proud WorkSafe name would be gone. The Andrews Labor government has brought it back. We have brought the WorkSafe name back to effectively deliver — —

Honourable members interjecting.

The SPEAKER — Order! The minister is making an important statement to the house. The Chair is interested, and I am sure the media and the public, as I have repeatedly said, are interested in this statement being made by the minister. The minister will be heard in silence by all members.

Mr SCOTT — We have brought WorkSafe back to effectively deliver on initiatives like the Safety Values campaign. As the campaign tells us, I will be out engaging in this safety conversation with both workers and employers. I will be talking about how proud I am in this year, the 30th birthday of WorkSafe, because at the end of the day safety matters.