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Ai Weiwei's gigantic new sculpture is a statement on the refugee crisis

Arts 17. März 2018
The controversial Chinese artist has built a 200-foot (61m) rubber lifeboat filled with people in order to raise awareness about the global refugee crisis. The sculpture is on display at Sydney’s Cockatoo Island as a part of the Sydney Biennale.

Ai Weiwei makes triumphant return to Sydney to open biennial

9 Antworten 317 Retweets 1.058 Gefällt mir
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Artist and activist Ai WeiWei built a massive sculpture of a refugee lifeboat as a powerful reminder of the international refugee crisis

39 Antworten 1.467 Retweets 2.846 Gefällt mir

An evocative reminder of our collective failure to deal effectively with devastating sets of human catastrophes. We desperately need a fair, compassionate strategy because, in time, climate change & competition for resources are likely to make the flows even greater.

7 Antworten 124 Retweets 451 Gefällt mir

Hard to comprehend the scale and materiality of latest works at ... such important works to have on show here in Australia

7 Antworten 175 Retweets 463 Gefällt mir

It's a much needed conversation in Australia. Mandatory offshore detention centres will be something future generations look back on and ask us "why?" Thanks for giving us this mirror to reflect back on ourselves.

13 Antworten 82 Retweets 216 Gefällt mir
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Ai Weiwei is making art about refugees. Here's why.

14 Antworten 615 Retweets 973 Gefällt mir

Sydney Biennale review – from Ai Weiwei's refugee journey to silent orchestras

1 Antwort 18 Retweets 59 Gefällt mir