Q+A: John Ballingall interviewed by Corin Dann

Press Release – TVNZ

Trade war very worrying for NZ NZIER Deputy CEO John Ballingall, a senior economist and trade expert at economic think tank NZIER says, therere a number of ways New Zealand could be impacted by a tariff war. First of all, despite what … Read more »

Shane Jones’ AirNZ demands would breach the TPPA

Press Release – Professor Jane Kelsey

Shane Jones has been an ardent supporter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). His latest interventions on Air New Zealand confirm my suspicions that he has no idea what restrictions it places on what New Zealand governments can do, … Read more »

Mr Parker’s side letters make no real difference

Press Release – New Zealand National Party

National Party Trade spokesperson Todd McClay says that the Trade Minister should stop pretending he fixed the TPP with his side letters and admit that they have no real effect on the agreement. Read more »

Q+A: Jacinda Ardern interviewed by Corin Dann

Press Release – TVNZ

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is unsure when free trade talks with Russia will resume The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told Corin Dann on TVNZs Q+A this morning that a nerve agent attack in the UK this month had changed everything in terms of … Read more »

Ardern-Peters Govt needs to stand alongside UK

Press Release – New Zealand National Party

The Prime Minister needs to join Australia and others and immediately take a stand alongside the UK in the wake of the military-grade nerve agent attack on UK soil, Nationals Foreign Affairs spokesperson Todd McClay says. Read more »

Shamefully short deadline for scrutiny of CPATPP

Press Release – Association of Salaried Medical Specialists

The absurdly short deadline for submissions on an international trade deal with far-reaching implications for health delivery in New Zealand shows the Government is not serious about scrutinising the deal properly, says Ian Powell, Executive … Read more »

Trade war could create ‘considerable fallout’ to NZ economy

Article – BusinessDesk

March 12 (BusinessDesk) – New Zealand’s small and trade-reliant economy faces “considerable fallout” if the imposition of US tariffs on steel and aluminium triggers a trade war, say ASB Bank economists. Read more »

The Nation: Lisa Owen interviews Winston Peters

Press Release – The Nation

On Newshub Nation: Lisa Owen interviews Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters Lisa Owen: US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will soon sit down for talks together despite months of provocative tweets and comments that … Read more »

Capitulation in TPPA-11 raises fears of more to come

Press Release – Professor Jane Kelsey

The so-called Joint Declaration on Inclusive and Progressive Trade, released by New Zealand, Canada and Chile alongside the signing of the resurrected Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA-11), comes across as a desperate attempt to put a gloss … Read more »

Exporters welcome CPTPP as a counter to threat of trade war

Article – BusinessDesk

NZ exporters welcome CPTPP as a counter to threat of trade war sparked by US tariffs Read more »

Faafoi rejects anti-dumping duties on Chinese steel imports

Article – BusinessDesk

Faafoi rejects NZ Steel’s second bid to get anti-dumping duties on Chinese imports Read more »

Foreign property investors ban could kill build-to-rent

Article – BusinessDesk

March 8 (BusinessDesk) – Outspoken rental housing advocate Shamubeel Eaqub warns that by shutting out foreign investors, the Overseas Investment Amendment Bill will make it impossible to build enough new rental properties to meet the country’s housing … Read more »

Don’t be ashamed of the TPP Mr Parker

Press Release – New Zealand National Party

National Party Trade spokesperson Todd McClay says New Zealand exporters can rejoice as Trade Minister David Parker and New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters hang up their TPP protest signs with the signing of the revised TPP trade agreement in Chile … Read more »

Cemented into the CP/TPP = Stuck in a 20th C Trade Treaty

Press Release – Dont Do It NZ

As Labour MP David Parker prepares to sign the CPTPP trade deal in Chile, four (4) people have cemented themselves in place in front of Minister for Primary Industry, Damien O’Connor’s Labour Party office in Motueka. They say, We want people and … Read more »

Parliamentary petition for democratic overhaul of TPPA

Press Release – It’s Our Future

During the rally outside Parliament at midday, a petition will be handed over by Oliver Hailes to Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman calling for a democratic overhaul of the process for negotiating and signing the trade, investment and economic integration … Read more »

TPPA Don’t Sign protest outside Prime Minister’s office

Press Release – TPPA Auckland Call to Action Group

The government intends to sign the re-branded Trans Pacific Partnership (cpTPP) in Chile today, March 8th2018. Read more »

President to speak at Wellington CPTPP Rally

Press Release – New Zealand Nurses Organisation

The New Zealand Nurses Organisation objects to the New Zealand governments intention to sign the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement tomorrow. NZNO asserts that although some improvements have been made, the CPTPP is not ready … Read more »

Forestry rights to be added to overseas investment regime

Article – BusinessDesk

March 7 (BusinessDesk) – The government is adding forestry rights to the Overseas Investment Act screening regime ahead of this week’s signing of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership in Chile, preserving its … Read more »

Rally at Parliament against signing of TPPA

Press Release – It’s Our Future

Rally at Parliament against signing of TPPA Protestors will gather outside Parliament at midday on Thursday 8 March to hear from a range of speakers in opposition to the TPPA signing ceremony in Chile, says Oliver Hailes, spokesperson for Its Our … Read more »

Q+A: Winston Peters on China and the Pacific “reset”

Press Release – TVNZ

PR: Foreign Minister Winston Peters appears on Q+A to talk about China and the Pacific “reset” Read more »

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