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Charles P. Pierce | The Myth of the Centrist Holy Grail

Where Is Donald Trump Even Getting This Sh*t?

The Racist Origin of the Second Amendment and the Rise of Black Gun Ownership

Pennsylvania High School Punishes More Than 200 Students for Participating in National Walkout Against Gun Violence

Trump's tarriffs head for legal minefield

Sanctions announcement reveals hacks of U.S. critical infrastructure

Study: 93 Percent of Bottled Water Contains Microplastics
-- Lorraine Chow of EcoWatch on BuzzFlash at Truthout

It's Official: The White House Is a Flaming Hot Dumpster Fire That Shows No Signs of Cooling Down

New York Democratic Rep. Louise Slaughter dead at 88

Republicans Say Forced Labor Is Good for Detained Immigrants in Letter Defending Private Prison

The Koch Brothers Tried to Spread Fake News in Black Churches. It Did Not Go Well

Republicans fear they botched Russia report rollout

NFL safety Eric Reid claims his activism is hurting him in free agency

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization documents in Russia probe

Cash in: the rich guys in Trump's cabinet who can't resist public money

FEMA’s Plan for Dealing With Natural Disasters Is Missing the Two Most Important Words

Farmworkers Bring Human Rights Fight to Wendy’s Doorstep, Fasting and Calling for Boycott over Abuses

Trump to Remove McMaster as National Security Adviser

'Bloody Gina' Should Not Lead the CIA

WaPo Fails to Disclose Ownership in Puff Piece for Bezos

Finding Freedom From Fear in Sanctuary Cities
-- Bob Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout

In Pictures and Video: Highlights From the #NationalStudentWalkout

Pelosi's Leadership Challenged

Trump's New Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow Doesn't Actually Have a Clue About Economics

Spy poisoning: allies back UK and blast Russia at UN security council

Some Democrats are Still Pushing Nuclear Power and Weapons

Senate vote to weaken Dodd-Frank risks another financial crisis

Special election rebuff builds Trump's losing streak

Students Demand Leaders Address the Root Causes of Gun Violence

National School Walkout: What Have Adults Done Since Parkland?

The "Voter Fraud" Myth Is Just Embarrassing at This Point

Report: New Zealand Diplomat Told Dems "Get Your S**t Together Or We Will All Die"

Countless Archaeological Sites at Risk in Trump Oil and Gas Auction

What It Will Take to Achieve a Nuclear-Free Korean Peninsula

Neo-Nazi Group Implodes Over Love Triangle Turned Trailer Brawl

Donald Trump tells troops he wants to launch a "space force" because it is a "warfighting domain"

Two foster agencies in Philly won't place kids with LGBTQ people

21 Reasons People Hate, Hate, Hate Betsy DeVos

School Militarization: The Tide It Is a-Changin'
-- Pat Elder for BuzzFlash at Truthout

After House Intel GOPers Call It Quits, Dems Note The Many Leads They Ignored

Steve Bannon is a parasite abroad in search of a new host to ruin

Trump to name Larry Kudlow as Cohn replacement: report

Republicans Brace for More Retirements

Philly Teens to Florida Teens: Would You Have Stood in Solidarity With Us?
It’s the attention the Florida students have gotten that felt unfamiliar and unjust when so little attention is paid to the gun violence that touches so many children in cities like Philadelphia.

GOP gearing up to challenge District 18 results, impound all voting machines used in special election

Shocker: Ben Carson Lied About Picking Out That $31,000 Dining Set for His Office

Ryan Zinke says he never took a private jet because the plane he flew on had propellers
These people are real.

Democrat Conor Lamb declares victory in Pennsylvania race

What's Going On With These Mysterious Deaths?
From the UK to Austin, a wildness has taken hold.

EPA is undermining the science that helps protect us from pollutants

MTV, BET, Comedy Central to suspend programming during gun violence walkout

There are 119 Republican House members who should be VERY nervous today

Family of slain DNC staffer sues Fox News over retracted story

Stephen Hawking, a Physicist Transcending Space and Time, Passes Away at 76

DeAndre Harris, Black man beaten in Charlottesville, found not guilty of assaulting white supremacist

Teaching Students How to Dissent Is Part of Democracy

A Torturer at the Top: Why Gina Haspel's CIA Appointment Will Spur Torture at All Levels

Congress Doesn't Want You to Know the Facts About Gun Violence
-- Mark Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Pennsylvania shakes up House map with 17 new race ratings

Six months after Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico pleads for help

Vietnam marks 50 years since U.S. massacre at My Lai

Warnings of "Civilization-Threatening Disaster" as John Bolton Tops List of McMaster Replacements

7 US service members killed in Iraq helicopter crash

White House Purge Reportedly Coming

Abortion, free speech collide in Supreme Court dispute

Judge Vance Day -- who wouldn't marry same-sex couples -- suspended for 3 years

Jimmy Kimmel says he's filing a federal complaint after buying Trump merchandise

Pedestrian Bridge Collapse Death Toll Rises To 6 In Miami-Dade County

Brazilians protest after black human rights activist is murdered.

Stormy Daniels' lawyer says porn star was physically threatened to remain silent over alleged affair with Trump

Feinstein faces new pressure from left over CIA nominee

Facebook Quietly Hid Webpages Bragging of Ability to Influence Elections

Brazilian Rights Activist Marielle Franco Assassinated in Rio

The Trump administration announced Thursday it is enacting new sanctions on Russia for its election meddling

Trump admits to making up trade deficit claim with Canada's Trudeau

Report: Defense Dept. Spent $140,000 at Trump Properties

The Trump Administration Is a Government of Billionaires and Their Sycophants

On Facebook, Dan Rather Makes a Comeback

Today’s Eerie Echoes of the Civil War

Democracy Requires Teaching Students How to Dissent

A lawyer for the Trump Organization sought an order last month to stop porn star Stormy Daniels from talking about her alleged affair with President Donald Trump

Stormy Daniels' Lawyer Says More Women Are Exploring Legal Cases Against President Trump

17 Minutes of History: Wednesday’s Walkout Part of Long Tradition of Students Speaking Out, From Tinker v. Des Moines to Black Lives Matter

The truth about torture: Trump’s CIA pick can't lead without facing her past

The Market Can't Solve a Massacre

Jeremy Scahill: Gina Haspel Should Be Answering for Her Torture Crimes, Not Heading the CIA

Time to Yank the Democrats Out of the Pocket of Wall Street

"Trump Wants Them Out of There": After Swinging the Axe at Tillerson, Trump Mulls What to Do With Mcmaster, Sessions, Jared and Ivanka

Sen. Doug Jones’s grassroots supporters ask him to withdraw support of bank deregulation bill

Lead Exposure Linked to 412,000 Premature Deaths in US Each Year
-- Lorraine Chow of EcoWatch on BuzzFlash at Truthout

Boston students show up on school snow day to protest gun violence

Stephen Hawking’s dire warning about what Trump’s policies will do to the Earth

A Month Since Parkland, Teachers Are the Ones Shooting Inside Schools

Conor Lamb's Victory Matters, and Paul Ryan Should Be Scared

3 rural Illinois men charged with Minnesota mosque bombing

Trump Wants to Send Secret Service Into Polling Stations
-- Mark Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout

"Enough": Students Walk Out Nationwide to Protest Inaction on Gun Violence
Students at more than 3,000 high schools across the country planned to participate in the 17-minute "Enough" walkout on Wednesday.

Can You Beat a Billionaire by Mobilizing Young Voters?

How Jeff Sessions Is Sneaking Trump Allies Into Key DOJ Positions That Normally Require Senate Confirmation

Donald Trump wants feminist cred for putting a veteran torturer in charge of the CIA

How the US Gun Industry Is Tied to the NRA

Why fire Tillerson now? Unshackled Trump making more unilateral decisions
Trump is creating a team in his own image, not likely to contradict him but rather to provide affirmation

Chinese workers say firms tricked them into illegal US work

Britain to expel 23 Russian diplomats, freeze Russian state assets after ex-spy poisoned

US government sued after failing to submit climate change report

Trump Wants to Stock White House Team With Fox News Stars, Loyalists, "Killers"

Gun-trained teacher accidentally discharges firearm in Calif. classroom, injuring student