Labor's cash refund grab: What to do?

Big losers from Labor's proposals will be individuals who pay little or no tax, given the ability to use franking credits to offset taxable income will remain intact.

Guy Debelle, deputy governor of the RBA, says policymakers need to be prepared for higher global interest rates.

RBA warns on rising rate risks

The Reserve Bank has warned investors that a shift higher in global interest rates could impact other asset classes as major governments shift from net buyers to net sellers of bonds.

Complacency still rules financial markets, and the RBA is still worried about it.

Complacency still rules markets

What happened to weighing up risk versus reward? RBA deputy governor Guy Debelle puts on his investor hat - and doesn't like what he sees.

Is the bond market's calm about to break?

Will massive shifts in global bond markets induce volatility than infects other asset classes? It's a question taxing the mind of one of the world's top central bankers.



Action man Scott goes for growth

Wesfarmers chief executive Rob Scott's move to demerge Coles in a transaction that could value the supermarket chain at up to $18.5 billion is all about giving Wesfarmers shareholders a bigger slice of the Bunnings earnings machine.

Personal Finance

Inset: Peter Paradise of Herbert Smith Freehills.

HSF disciplined partner seven years ago

The senior Herbert Smith Freehills partner suspended over allegations of sexual harassment was disciplined seven years after a complaint by a female staff member.