Who and what Are We?
Mission Statement -- We research and develop genres and protocols that enhance cognition in digital environments.
History -- Principals at IMRL have researched Issues in Interactive Media since 1988, developing new technologies for capturing and preserving critical skills, developing new metrics for measuring cognition and user preference, and developing a new understanding of the impact of genres on digital media.
Project Samples Samples of projects we have done through the years.
Engineering Simulations
Module 1 -- Chapter 12
Module 2 -- Chapter 13
Module 3 -- Chapter 14

Module 4 -- Chapter 15

Module 5 -- Chapter 16
Module 6 -- Chapter 17
Module 7 -- Chapter 18
Module 8 -- Chapter 19
Complete Engineering Courses
Electrical Engineering for Non-majors
Strengths of Materials
.Relevant Publications.
Technology for Professional Writers
Killian Memo Study
Tools for Capturing and Preserving Professional Skills for Independent Learning

How Genre Choices Effect Learning . . .

Circumventing Internet Bandwidth Problems
Online Education Horror Stories . . . (4.6MB)
Distributed Hard Drive Education
Virtual English at USU
A Case for Monster Media
Hypermedia, Multimedia, and Reader Cognition
Heuristic Value of Help
Mystification of Myst
Important Resources
EServer TC Library logo About 
Site Maps 
Class Resources
6460 Article
Sample Portfolio for 5410 students
Color Theory -- Impact of Gray on Gray
Color Theory -- Interaction of Primary Colors
Color Theory -- Experiments
Color Theory--Page Samples
Color Theory -- Student Sample Pages
Shape Relationships -- First Sample Pages
Shape Relationships -- New Sample Pages
5410 tutorial template
Internship Opportunities
Interactive Media Research Laboratory
Contact Dr. Hailey
Lab R&D in progress
Thermodynamics Proof of Concept
Web Sites IMRL Maintains
David Hailey's Personal Site
Original Tech Writing Program Site
Thermodynamics Proof of Concept