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Election Special – Conor Lamb wins PA!

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In today’s UnPresidented Podcast, Cliff Schecter and I look at how Democrat Conor Lamb won the special US House election in a huge upset on Tuesday in the heart of Trump country, ...

From Russia with Poison

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Russia has escalated its efforts to start a new Cold War with the West by recklessly poisoning a former Russian spy, his daughter, and a police detective in Great Britain. This comes ...
dan savage

Dan Savage on sex & politics (podcast)

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Advice columnist and LGBT advocate Dan Savage joins us for a wide-ranging conversation about politics, sex, and everything in between. This episode is definitely not-safe-for-work. ...

Conor Lamb

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In 6 days, on March 13, there will be a special US House of Representatives election in Pennsylvania, at which the next US congressman from Pennsylvania will be chosen. And Republicans ...

Sexism at the Oscars, and bigotry in the Women’s March

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Women are a big topic of today’s podcast, with a discussion of sexism in Hollywood; and then a look at the controversy swirling around the Women’s March and its odd affinity ...

The Democratic memo about the Russia investigation, explained

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The House GOP Intelligence committee has finally released the Democratic memo about Trump’s collusion with Russia, Carter Page, and the Steele (aka Pee Pee) memo. Let’s pull out ...

It’s time for a somber national discussion about [INSERT LATEST MASS SHOOTING HERE]

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This story, first published years ago, was inspired by some American mass-shooting long-forgotten. Sadly, we are forced to republish it on a regular basis. It’s time to have ...

Even Trump’s hair is a lie

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New video seems to show that Trump is as bald as Darth Vader. And while none of us actually care, Trump cares, a lot, about his own appearance, and more importantly, about mocking the ...
george papadopoulos mug shot

So George Papadopoulos was just some drunk. Right.

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The aftermath of the Nunes Memo is the topic of today’s UnPresidented Podcast (Nunes now claims that Papadopoulos was just some drunk who never even met Trump), with satellite ...
melania trump at sotu

The State of the Union is stormy

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Trump’s first State of the Union was a bit of a dud. The real news today is the latest on the Nunes memo controversy (we think Nunes should be thrown in jail), and Trump’s ...
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