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Inspired by World Oceans Day on June 8, 2015, the Alliance and the European Association of Aquatic Mammals (EAAM) have launched a comprehensive campaign under the name of "Our World Oceans Month" focused on the global problem of marine debris. In light of the tremendous negative impact of debris in our oceans on marine mammals, throughout the month of June, the Alliance- and EAAM-accredited marine animal parks, zoos and aquariums around the world are posting 30 days of conservation messages, tips, calls to action and other information about the oceans and marine debris on Facebook and via Twitter using the hashtags #OurWorldOceans and #DebrisFreeSea.

Find out more about the campaign here.

Alliance members seeking access to the campaign toolkit are encourage to visit the Members Only section of the Alliance website.

Friends of the Alliance

A Public Service Announcement reminds people to
stop feeding wild dolphins that can be injured or killed
when they become addicted to begging for handouts. Alliance members helped fund the PSA and are
incorporating it into their public education programs.

The Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums is an international association representing marine life parks, aquariums, zoos, research facilities, and professional organizations dedicated to the highest standards of care for marine mammals and to their conservation in the wild through public education, scientific study, and wildlife presentations.

AMMPA Standards and Guidelines

Alliance member websites are windows to exciting information about the marine mammals in these zoological parks and aquariums. They feature many special education programs and unforgettable interactive programs offered by each facility, research that helps marine mammals in the wild, and programs to rescue stranded animals and nurse them back to health. Information is also available about how to find a career working with these fascinating animals. To learn more about our individual members and their work on behalf of marine mammals, click below.

Interested in an internship or career with Marine Mammals? Looking for Alliance members who offer internships? Find more information here.

Vancouver Aquarium's Decision to Discontinue Public Display of Dolphins and Whales a Loss for Visitors, Science and Conservation

Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums Celebrates 30 Years of Accreditations by making its Standards and Guidelines Available to the Public

AMMPA Accreditation Standards and Guidelines

Statement on SeaWorld San Diego's Announcement of the Passing of Beloved Killer Whale Kasatka

New and updated bottlenose dolphin factsheet available!

Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums Calls on Public to Help Raise Emergency Funds to Save the Critically Endangered Vaquita

Testimony before the House Committee on Agriculture

Statement on Vancouver Park Board’s Devastating Decision to Prohibit Vancouver Aquarium from Caring for Beluga Whales

Alliance rejects Virgin Holidays' altered position and pledge on whales and dolphins in human care

Statement on Vancouver Aquarium Announcement on Beluga Whale Research

AMMPA Statement on Dubious New List Attacking North American Facilities with Whales and Dolphins

AMMPA comment on NMFS beluga proposed rule

AMMPA Letter to Chairman Levine RE: AB 2305 California Captive Orca Welfare and Safety Act

2015 Alliance Annual Report

AMMPA Statement on SeaWorld Decision To End Its Killer Whale Program

Alliance Statement on Sea Shepherd’s “World Love of Dolphins Day” Protests

Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums Comments on Proposed APHIS Draft Regulations

Schiff Bill to “Phase Out” Orcas in Human Care Wrong, Would Set Dangerous Precedent for Other Species in Zoos & Aquariums

Alliance Commends Japanese Aquarium Decision on Drive Fisheries; Offers Help to Maintain Healthy, Genetically Diverse Population of Animals

Alliance responds to PETA complaint about animal care at SeaWorld

Join the Alliance and Speak Out Against the Japanese Dolphin Hunts

AMMPA Members Earn Two 2014 Daytime Emmy Awards and Six Nominations; Georgia Aquarium and SeaWorld Recognized for Ocean Conservation Shows

Watch this short film Understanding Dolphins that provides a glimpse into training, husbandry and enrichment best practices.

The Alliance responds to Empty the Tanks Day protests

Former AMMPA Board President Billy Hurley discusses the Alliance’s condemnation of dolphin drive fisheries on Al Jazeera America

Learn more here.

Statement on Georgia Aquarium’s complaint seeking to overturn permit denial for beluga whale import

Learn more here.

International Code of Best Practices for Dolphin Facilities

The Alliance introduces its International Code of Best Practices for Dolphin Facilities addressing animal care, education programming, scientific advancement, responsible in-water interactive programs, and the conservation of dolphins in the wild. Learn more here.

Making More Than Just A Memory

National Poll Finds Accredited Marine Parks, Aquariums and Zoos Best Places for Children to Learn About, Connect with Marine Mammals. Learn more here.

Dolphin SMART

The Alliance is a Proud Supporter of Dolphin SMART and the program’s mission to promote responsible viewing of dolphins in the wild. Learn more here.

National Poll Finds Accredited Marine Parks, Aquariums and Zoos Best Places for Children to Learn About, Connect with Marine Mammals

According to a new national public opinion poll that says the public strongly believes seeing and experiencing live animals is the best way for children to learn about marine mammals. Learn more here.

More Inspiring, Life-Saving Stories From AMMPA Marine Parks’ Dedicated Doctors

If the movie Dolphin Tale inspired you, click here to learn more about true life-saving stories from marine park veterinarians.

Alliance opposes Japanese drive fishery

As strong, international advocates for marine mammals, Alliance members strongly condemn slaughter of dolphins and whales in the Taiji, Japan, drive fisheries, which is a practice criticized in the documentary film The Cove. Learn more about the Alliance's position on drive fisheries and how it opposes them.

"Don't Feed Wild Dolphins" Says Public Service Announcement

"Just stop feeding me!" says an animated dolphin in a public service announcement that highlights the dangers of dolphins getting hooked on human handouts. The PSA was produced by a coalition of government agencies and private organizations.

Alliance members are strong supporters of the Ocean Literacy Campaign designed to help people better understand what we can all do to help protect our oceans and the marine life that depends on healthy oceans to live. Test your knowledge by taking the survey.

To learn more about the ocean and its wonderful wildlife, check out the Alliance’s Ocean Literacy Reference Guide. Join our efforts to help keep marine mammals and their homes safe!

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