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Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 20, 2018

Speechroom, birdlore and wordstock: white nationalists push for a new language to drive out the impure old.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 11, 2018

The radical right started the year on a roll, with allies in the White House. But then came Charlottesville, and the movement was knocked back on its heels. Still, Trump's rhetoric and the country's changing demographics continue to buoy the movement.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 10, 2018

Some see the monument as “the largest shrine to white supremacy in the history of the world.”

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 10, 2018

Far-right groups favor street-level action, as the so-called "alt-right" bickers over tactics.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 10, 2018

It took blood in the streets for the tech industry to finally face its domestic extremism problem. Will this newfound commitment last?

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 10, 2018

The U.S. government, media organizations, and political scholars often characterize the “War on Terror” as a clash of civilizations or a battle against radical Islam. 


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