Out There, Exhibit 69: WND's Arch of Fake News, Part 2

WorldNetDaily is still weirdly taking the side of ISIS on the destruction of priceless antiquities, and it's maliciously accusing those who try to reconstruct the destroyed artifacts of promoting pagan religions.

Related: Out There, Exhibit 67: WND's Arch of Fake News

Letting Fake News Stand Uncorrected

Both the Media Research Center and WorldNetDaily hyped a claim that CNN tried to script questions during a post-massacre forum. That turned out to be false -- but neither ConWeb outlet will correct the record.

The MRC's Favorite (Dishonest) Catholic

The Media Research Center -- and in particular its "news" division, CNSNews.com -- gives Bill Donohue of the right-wing Catholic League a free pass to rant, rave and lie.

WND's Paul Nehlen Problem

WorldNetDaily published a book by an anti-establishment Republican who quickly turned into an anti-Semitic white nationalist. While WND (eventually) stopped selling Nehlen's book, it has never publicly denounced him or his views.

Does WND Deserve to Live?

Joseph Farah is begging for money to keep WorldNetDaily alive, but he's refusing to address the elephant in the room: the fake news and shoddy reporting that played a major role in bringing WND to the brink.

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