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northeastern anarchist

Class Struggle In The Green Mountains: Vermont Workers' Center

by Lady, Green Mountain Anarchist Collective (NEFAC-Vermont)

The Vermont Workers' Center (VWC) opened the doors to its first office space in the spring of 1998. The mission of the center reads: "We seek an economically just and democratic Vermont in which all residents have living wages, decent health care, childcare, housing and transportation. We work to build a democratic, diverse movement of working Vermonters that is locally focused and coordinated on a statewide basis. We work with organized labor in moving towards economic justice and in strengthening the right to organize. We are committed to taking action on the full range of issues that concern working people, and to building alliances nationally and internationally." The VWC seeks to build an effective and meaningful labor movement within the particularities of Vermont.

The Northeastern Anarchist

The Northeastern Anarchist is the English-language magazine of the Common Struggle Libertarian Communist Federation, covering news of revolutionary resistance that is of interest to the anarchist movement, and publishing class struggle anarchist theory, history and analysis in an effort to further develop anarchist communist ideas and practice.

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