Northeastern Anarchist #3

The Northeastern Anarchist

Issue # 3, Fall 2001

Despite The Tragedy of September 11th, We Still Remain Ungovernable!

This Issue's Feature: Anarchists Against The War


News From The Northeast

  • The Growing Wave of Anti-War Protest in the Region;

    G20 Protests in Ottawa;

    NEFAC Anti-Patriarchy Conference report;

    New England Anarchist Bookfair;

    O16 Protests in Toronto;

    Mass Arrests at Demo for Palestinian Rights;

    Police Violently Evict Montreal Squatters;

    Boston Anarchists Face Serious Charges;

    Repression at Concordia University; and more...

Book Reviews

  • Globalization From Below (Jeremy Brecher);

    The Truth That Never Hurts (Barbara Smith);

    No Logo (Naomi Klein);