LRB Cover
Volume 40 Number 6
22 March 2018

LRB blog 16 March 2018

Musab Younis
Sharing the Best of British Expertise

15 March 2018

Jeremy Bernstein
Remembering Stephen Hawking

15 March 2018

Samuel Earle
Outselling the Bible


8 March 2018

Jamie Fisher
The Pursuit of a Chinese Typewriter

8 March 2018

Anne Enright
The Genesis of Blame

8 July 2010

Jenny Diski

In the next issue, which will be dated 5 April, Rosemary Hill’s LRB Winter Lecture: ‘What Does She Think She Looks Like?’

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Amia Srinivasan

Does anyone have the right to sex?

To take this question seriously requires that we recognise that the very idea of fixed sexual preference is political, not metaphysical. As a matter of good politics, we treat the preferences of others as sacred: we are rightly wary of speaking of what people really want, or what some idealised version of them would want. That way, we know, authoritarianism lies. This is true, most of all, in sex, where invocations of real or ideal desires have long been used as a cover for the rape of women and gay men. But the fact is that our sexual preferences can and do alter, sometimes under the operation of our own wills – not automatically, but not impossibly either. More

Gaby Wood

‘In a Lonely Place’

What does it mean for a romance to take the shape of a murder investigation? In a Lonely Place, Nicholas Ray’s elegantly bitter film about damaged trust, throws that question at its viewers. If all love stories are inquiries of one kind or another, the movie seems to suggest, perhaps they differ only in their relative violence. When filming began, Ray was married to its female lead, Gloria Grahame; by the time it ended, they were living apart. Ray said it was ‘a very personal film’ – and as parting gifts go, it was both poisonous and immortal. More

Linda Colley

The Problem with Winning

Could it be that Britain’s political stability has become too pronounced? That, by not having to adjust and alter its political system as so many other countries have had to do, the UK has stored up unaddressed problems and unhelpful stagnancies? If so, might the convulsions and divisions over Brexit have some tonic effect? Might this bitterly divisive and presumably long-lasting change turn out to be the painful moderniser that military defeats and invasions have sometimes proved to be for other countries? More

At the Movies
Michael Wood

Short Cuts
Tom Crewe

At Kettle’s Yard
Eleanor Birne


AUDIO ‘Coffin Liquor’

John Lanchester story

Toby Jones reads John Lanchester’s ghost story. Listen  »

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VIDEO The Genesis of Blame

Anne Enright

Anne Enright delivers her lecture on the corruptions of Adam and Eve. Watch  »

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