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The Coming Insurrection

by: The Invisible Committee

December 8th, 2010 · post by Pete Willis · Make a comment

Price: Free from 56a, or, £9.99 from MIT Press

So this isn’t necessarily a zine, it just happened to be I picked up a copy from the 56a Infoshop in Elephant and Castle which they had printed out in zine form. Had I waited a few weeks, I could’ve picked up the book version from all the major gallery bookshops and even my college library. It seems weird that this book that is allegedly so dangerous, if you believe the incoherent babbling of Glenn Beck when he reviewed it on his show last year as a terrorists handbook from the left, is found on the shelves of the Tate and Whitechapel Gallery amongst others. Moreso that it’s supposedly revolutionary, an insurrectionary call to arms, outlining not only why we should usurp the current system but how to as well! But I am not entirely surprised, as those who happily pay the £9.99 cover price at the ICA will probably read it not as a call to war, but as a new-age Society of the Spectacle. A potentially revolutionary book co-opted by the art world as a comment on society rather than a manual for dismantling it. But this isn’t about art school, it’s about this text. Which is very good, and should probably be required reading for every school-leaver from now on. It outlines with current examples, a backdrop of the December riots in Athens, the looming financial crisis, the need for a revolution, and details how global capitalism has separated us from each other and ourselves and nicely treads the fine line between hippy ‘love each other’ bullshit and an actual slightly-romanticized need for co-operation and connection that probably only could have come from a French collective. The first half of the book follows this line, the different ways the system fails us gearing you up for the second half, which goes further than most other supposedly ‘revolutionary’ manifesto’s. It says what the next step is. It literally becomes a how-to. Under the banner of “Find Each Other”, it explains the necessity of organisation and using anonymity as an offensive tactic. And yes, Mr. Beck, it does mention armed insurrection, but had Glenn read the rest of the sentence he eloquently quoted on his Fox News show, following the call to “Take up arms” it says “Do everything possible to make their use unnecessary”. If nothing else, this little book or fat zine highlights more eloquently than most what is wrong, and offers steps to begin making it right, read it now and then start organising.

Coming Insurrection - Third CircleComing Insurrection - Find Each Other

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