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Battle Cry
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
Gal. 4:16

Table of Contents March/April 2018

New Relic Rules for an Old Idolatry
The Vatican recently updated its rules regulating the use of relics for potential saints. This "saint" worship can be traced to the heathen practice of multiple gods for various purposes.

How Evolutionists Plan to Save the World
When they removed God from the equation they removed all hope for mankind. Now, evolutionists are desperate to save the world.

University Looking for Ways to Teach "Happiness"
Using evolutionary theories to eliminate the need for a Creator, universities have lost contact with the one source of true happiness —Biblical Christianity— and their students are wanting answers!

Petrified Forest in Antarctica More Evidence of the Flood
Explorers in Antarctica have discovered the "oldest polar forest on record in the southern polar region." It is a fossilized mix of evergreens, deciduous, and Gingkoes, that appeared to have died suddenly.

A Testimony from Missionary Anthony Rietberg
Missionary Anthony Rietberg tells how using Chick tracts and our Gospel film, "The Light of the World" helped bring Thai students to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Medical Personnel Now Free to Refuse to Assist Abortions
The new Health and Human Services leadership has reversed a previous policy that cost some medical workers their jobs.

Clergy Sex Abuse Still Haunts the Pope
Several recent events have refocused the world on the Vatican's failure to deal with clergy child sex abuse.

Missions Report - March
Missionaries around the world tell how Chick tracts are affecting their ministries.

A special message from David W. Daniels

Chick Mail Bag





Battle Cry

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