Category: Society

People, environment and democracy before profit and corporate rights – Joint statement of European Civil Society groups working against the TTIP threat, March 2014

People, environment and democracy before profit and corporate rights – Joint statement of European Civil Society groups working against the TTIP threat, March 2014

1. Who are we? We are an EU-wide coalition of civil society organisations who share a deep concern about the various threats posed by the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP (also known as Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement or TAFTA). We represent a wide range of public interests including environmental protection, public health, agriculture, consumer rights and protection of food […]

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Resistance to the NATO Aggression against Serbia – one of the Battles in the Global War

Resistance to the NATO Aggression against Serbia – one of the Battles in the Global War

By Milenko Srećković At the beginning of the NATO aggression in 1999 the Cuban leader Fidel Castro expressed belief that Serbian guerrilla skills, acquired and developed throughout history, will provide dignified resistance to air strikes and a potential ground invasion of the biggest military alliance in the world, behind which stood nineteen world’s most powerful country. On the other side, […]

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Social resistance to neo-liberal policies in Serbia – report from the debate in Paris

Social resistance to neo-liberal policies in Serbia – report from the debate in Paris

Social resistance to neo-liberal policies in Serbia with Milenko Srećković from the organization “Pokret za Slobodu” Minutes of the meeting Association pour l’Autogestion, ATTAC and the Assemblée Européenne des citoyens February 3rd, 2014, CICP offices, Paris By Kassia Aleksić Translation from French to English by Dorothée Genovese During the first International Gathering of “The Workers’Economy” (January 31st – February 1st, […]

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We Opposed the Demonization of Serbs – Interview about the Freedom of Speech

We Opposed the Demonization of Serbs – Interview about the Freedom of Speech

Interview with Mick Hume, British author and editor By Milenko Srećković In 1997 British magazine “LM” published a translation of the article “The picture that fooled the world” by German journalist Thomas Deichmann, where the way in which big media corporation ITN reported on war in Bosnia in 1992 was called into question. In his article Deichmann concluded that ITN’s […]

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Corporate Control over Public Interest – International Investment Treaties

Corporate Control over Public Interest – International Investment Treaties

By Freedom Fight Info The last two decades have witnessed the silent rise of a powerful international investment regime that has ensnared hundreds of countries and put corporate profit before human rights and the environment. Through International investment treaties – such as Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs), states determine the rights of investors in each other’s territories. These treaties include a set of investment […]

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