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'It’s not the stadiums... It’s the shambolic way we've sold it'

'It’s not the stadiums... It’s the shambolic way we've sold it'

The Liberals are bracing for the prospect Berejiklian may not be able to govern in her own right by next year's election.

  • by Alexandra Smith and James Robertson

Opinion & Perspectives

Pressure on Turnbull as jobs fail to cut it with electorate

It used to be a rule of Australian politics a federal government could confidently expect re-election if the economy was growing solidly. But that rule has expired.

Peter Hartcher
    Peter Hartcher

    Sponsor-heavy inductions a bad look when we should be in big league

    Look I am all in favour of third-Party agreements in rugby league - but this is a seriously low-rent look.

    Peter FitzSimons
      Peter FitzSimons

      The road to serfdom is paved with CEO bonuses

      You know those guys who seem to be nearly unembarrassed by the banking inquiry? They have got a good thing going. 

      Jenna Price
        Jenna Price


        Berejiklian must calm the nerves of her backbench
        NSW election

        Berejiklian must calm the nerves of her backbench

        Gladys Berejiklian faces her biggest test yet. And she can't afford to have sniping MPs in the background.

        • by Alexandra Smith
        Voter revolt on stadiums poses threat to Premier
        NSW election

        Voter revolt on stadiums poses threat to Premier

        The Coalition still leads Labor in the polls but its Sydney stadiums policy is emerging as a serious election threat.

        • by Alexandra Smith