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Reporters sans frontières - Reporters Without Borders (RSF). We fight for all over the world.

Joined June 2009


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Mar 8

    On est le et pour la nous publions le nouvel . Il est entièrement consacré aux femmes à travers 100 magnifiques clichés de Françoise Huguier () pour la ✊

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  2. Retweeted
    Mar 3
  3. Retweeted
    Mar 9

    Assassinat, prison, agression, harcèlement : enquêter sur les droits des femmes n’est pas sans risques. L’ONG dresse un rapport sur une vingtaine de pays.

  4. Retweeted
    Mar 9

    Turkey's highest court says journalist should get stiffer sentence: these judges will have to live the rest of their lives with a feeling of shame and guilty in their minds

  5. Retweeted
    Mar 9

    La libération (conditionnelle) des journalistes (de Cumhuriyet) Ahmet Sik et Murat Sabuncu est une éclaircie dans une si longue saison d'orages noirs en . Profitons-en ce soir, sans oublier le patron du journal, Akin Atalay, toujours en détention.

    , , and 3 others
  6. Mar 9

    : Les forces de police de la province du Sindh, dans le sud-est du Pakistan, ont récemment reconnu qu’elles détenaient deux portés disparus le mois dernier.

  7. Mar 9

    : Both were initially the victims of enforced disappearances before the police eventually acknowledged holding them.

  8. Mar 9

    is one of the world’s deadliest countries for reporters, with at least ten murdered in connection with their work since the start of 2015, four of them in recent months.

  9. Mar 9

    : Assassinats de journalistes impunis, détention arbitraire, hostilité affichée des autorités face aux voix critiques… A un an des élections générales, nous demandons aux autorités fédérales de donner des gages concrets

  10. Retweeted
    Mar 9
  11. Mar 9

    : Un tribunal turc a condamné 26 journalistes turcs à des peines allant de deux à sept ans et demi de réclusion.

  12. Retweeted
    Mar 8

    Dina Meza, independent journo & defender of freedom of expression in says the US must open its borders to media workers who are threatened. We urgently need protocol that recognizes the link between the murder of journalists & their right to exercise their profession

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  13. Retweeted
    Mar 8

    I feel often that I’m not taken as seriously as men, I feel often that men I work with are treated differently than I’s institutionalized sexism -

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  14. Retweeted
    Mar 8

    I’ve had sexual threats and had my home surveillance. I had to hire a bodyguard...65% of my income goes towards my own protection,” says Dina Meza

  15. Retweeted
    Mar 8

    Last year saw an alarming number of women journalists imprisoned & killed. In 2017, 10 women journalists were killed in connection with their work - many of them experienced & determined investigative reporters with an abrasive writing style. 16 women journalists were detained.

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  16. Retweeted
    Mar 8

    “Govt-driven pressure on my mother was so intense that before her death she remarked to my brother, ‘They are trying to fry me alive.’ This happened in a culture of misogyny, which always puts women journos at greater risk” - on

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  17. Retweeted
    Mar 8

    “A journalist’s death does not come without warning. It is preceded by intimidation and harassment by those they investigate. And the pressure escalates up to the time of their death. When my mother died, she had been harassed and dehumanised for years.” Says

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  18. Retweeted
    Mar 8

    was murdered in October 2017 when a bomb that had been planted under her car exploded. She was Malta’s most influential & widely-read journalist with a growing international reputation through her work on the Panama Papers

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  19. Retweeted
    Mar 8

    “So much excellent reporting out of conflict zones is done by female reporters. They give us a critical window into the pressing issues women face in every country,” says Sulome Anderson, Lebanese-American journalist

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  20. Retweeted
    Mar 8

    Gearing up for the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission's hearing on the challenges and risks faced by women journalists around the world. will speak on behalf of his mother, the late Maltese journalist .

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  21. Mar 8

    Le nouvel est en vente dans vos kiosques et librairies ! Profitez des 100 magnifiques portraits de femmes du monde entier par Françoise Huguier et soutenez le combat pour une information libre et indépendante 💪

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