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Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi MP 7h
This afternoon I raised a Point of Order regarding the recent attack on one of my guests whilst he queued outside . The perpetrator tried to pull off the of the visitor and shouted ‘ go back home’.
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Kaur Life Feb 20
Brazilian women visit Golden Temple, plead for gender equality. “Sikh women in Brazil can perform kirtan, path or anything related to rituals without any restriction unlike India," Shanti Khasla.
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Tarek Fatah Feb 25
"Canadian politics sinking deeper and deeper into the sinkhole of 'identity politics'." My column in on the disastrous trip to India by PM that seemed only to secure the grip on the vote for the next elections.
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Eleanor Segall 9h
Hi. I am writing a piece for on and . Are you ///// etc and tackling mental health stigma? Please get in touch or email DM open
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Ravindar S Rajpal Feb 21
My name is and I am not a is the issue which is being used by even our politicians for their personal interest.
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Amarjit Singh Atwal 3h
Curry and rice prepared by the Community for the to enjoy when they come off the freezing streets to stay overnight Nobody should be on the streets in this weather.
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Tarek Fatah Feb 22
This is what has to do to guarantee the Vote Bank in Canada. Easy, isn't it?
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Candice Malcolm Feb 18
Diplomatic sources are saying the government is concerned over radicalism in Canada. National security advisors from both countries met last week & discussed these concerns. The mainstream media in Canada should pay more attention.
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Tarek Fatah Feb 22
Yet another Canadian extremist who protested PM 's visit to Canada in 2015 with signs "India out of ," calling the Indian PM a 'Terrorist', is part of delegation -
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rocky singh Feb 24
I hope you all get married in a and not on the beach or in a hotel.
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Tarek Fatah Feb 22
Front Page of today: ‘Wannabe assassin [convicted of attempted murder] invited to state function in India’. Via .
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Tarek Fatah Feb 22
to blame? Unbelievable! Candian official blames Indians for the CDN High Commissioner's invitation to convicted assasin for dinner with . Claims, India may be trying to make Canada look weak on extremism.
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DNA Feb 23
's new collection under fire for appropriating traditional turbans
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Rajwant Singh Feb 21
is attacked outside of Parliament in with a racial motive. The attacker said go back and took off the turban of Ravneet Singh, India Manager, who was in-line to meet with ! Attacker ran away! So sad 😭
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Harjinder Singh Kukreja Feb 20
Replying to @CanadianPM
Jee Aayan Nu! Welcome!! Bienvenue!!! We welcome Justin Pierre James Trudeau, his wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, ten-year-old son Xavier James Trudeau, nine-year-old Ella-Grace Margaret and three-year-old Hadrien to 🙏❤️
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Nick Griffin Feb 23
once again inciting racial hatred by blaming 'Asians'. For the hundredth time: These bastards are not defined by being 'Asian', but by being MCENSORED!
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Suman kaur Feb 25
All framed and ready, pls contact if you’re interested - Guru Gobind Singh on horseback with his followers - after reading about Sikh frescos left to deteriorate in monuments I have reflected and created this piece after K.Singh from wall painting in Punjab India.
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Tarek Fatah Feb 22
Prime Minister keeps harping about Canada’s ‘Freedom of Speech’ that permits anti-India Sikhs in Canada to speak of breaking up India. Why doesnt use the same Freedom of Speech to CONDEMN seperatists and DENOUNCE the idea of ?
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Suman kaur Feb 21
My smaller works from my project are for sale, if you know anyone who’d like to own some original art and support my development as an artist please share x ❤️✨
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Suman kaur Feb 22
Boy on red bike Sees Sikh Man -W.colour on paper. So much of what my art is about is reflected in the image, every part has its place in the narrative of the work. Piece is for sale pls DM for enquiry or RT. Hope to find it a good home.
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