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The ACLJ is a constitutional law firm, led by , committed to defending religious liberty, free speech, and the right to life in America & beyond.
Many in successfully use WeChat as a platform to reach out to the 900 million users. But China is cracking down on WeChat. Will the last free platform for Chinese Christians to share the be destroyed?
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ACLJ 10h
Attempts to silence the of pastors & evangelizers in the US are ongoing. One pastor was told he had to stop ministering near a university. Read to learn how we’re fighting back.
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ACLJ Feb 23
Christian mom could be the first woman executed under ’s Shariah blasphemy law – and all because she offered water to a Muslim coworker. She must be set free:
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ACLJ Feb 23
The paid billions in bogus credits that it can’t get back. This isn’t the first time the agency has handed out bogus tax credits, but we’re fighting to ensure it’s the last.
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ACLJ Feb 22
A majority of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled AGAINST the Nat’l Security Proclamation intended to keep the US safe from threats of . Read to learn our next steps & how you can help.
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ACLJ Feb 22
Crisis Centers do amazing work, which is one of the reasons they’re targeted by supporters who seek to regulate them out of existence. We’re fighting back.
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ACLJ Feb 22
Military chaplains should be free to openly pray in uniform without fear of punishment. It is wholly unlawful & unconstitutional to discriminate against servicemen & women of faith. Sign:
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ACLJ Feb 21
The gov’t in is desperate to stop the spread of Christianity throughout the country. We must defend Iranian Christians as they cry for freedom.
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ACLJ Feb 20
We just filed two new lawsuits against the deep state and . The corruption must be stopped. The American people deserve justice.
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ACLJ Feb 17
While is now on the run, the damage that has resulted in the wake of its has created a massive humanitarian crisis. We’re taking action.
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ACLJ Feb 16
We just took action in federal court to defend “In God We Trust” from a "Satanist" who demands the words be removed from U.S. currency.
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ACLJ Feb 15
In a victory for the persecuted Church, the European Union just responded to our letter on , saying, “We fully share your concerns for the plight of Christians.”
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ACLJ Feb 15
VICTORY: Churches will no longer be prohibited from receiving federal grants in the wake of natural disasters.
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ACLJ Feb 15
Do you agree that life begins at conception? Sign & RT our petition as we take legal action to defend the sanctity of ALL life.
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ACLJ Feb 14
Instead of prosecuting Palestinian terrorists, the International Criminal Court is once again preparing to pursue a war crimes investigation against .
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ACLJ Feb 14
Last week, deployed a drone from that penetrated 's sovereign airspace. Could this lead to war?
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ACLJ Feb 13
A Christian mother of five in could be executed for her Christian faith. We must not let this happen:
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ACLJ Feb 12
For the first time, a child with was named a baby. This is a ray of hope and exposes the truth that every baby is special and unique.
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ACLJ Feb 11
Pastor Andrew is desperately asking for prayer, saying, “I am very discouraged. Please have prayer for me.” We must not give up in our fight for his freedom.
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ACLJ Feb 9
The is trying to promote the legalized murder of babies with disabilities. We're fighting back to defend life.
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