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X-man or ex-man? Xenophon on the precipice with all-or-nothing gamble

X-man or ex-man? Xenophon on the precipice with all-or-nothing gamble

For an anti-gambling guy, Nick Xenophon made a large and risky bet on re-entering SA politics. But as the campaign ended, his juggernaut appeared to be slowing.

  • by Mark Kenny National affairs editor

Opinion & Perspectives

Whitefella dreaming: it's time to discover our reconciled republic

The true source of a more mature and independent Australia is the grounding of our sovereignty in the songlines and histories of our ancient island continent.

Mark McKenna

    Berejiklian must calm the nerves of her backbench

    Gladys Berejiklian faces her biggest test yet. And she can't afford to have sniping MPs in the background.

    Alexandra Smith
      Alexandra Smith

      Labor's tax plan lays bare the hypocrisy of Canberra

      Every time one side of politics looks for savings, the other bays for blood.

      David Crowe
        David Crowe


        Batman's generational divide reflected as polls open in byelection

        Batman's generational divide reflected as polls open in byelection

        The Greens might be on the march in Batman, but voters in the north of the electorate still appear to prefer the colours red and blue.

        • by Joe Hinchliffe and Anthony Colangelo
        <I>Illustration: Alan Moir</i>

        The latest illustrations from artist Alan Moir

        Alan Moir, The Sydney Morning Herald's political cartoonist, sketches the political unreality.



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