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Anti-Fascist Network

The 10th of September 2018 is the 85th anniversary of the Battle of Stockton, in which 200-300 fascists from Oswald Mosley's BUF where thoroughly smashed and ch...ased from the town of Stockton-on-Tees by around 2000 trade unionists and anti-fascists. The event preceded the more famous battle of Cable Street by 3 years and in many ways set the tone for all forthcoming confrontations with the still very new BUF. It's safe to say that without the events of 10th Sept 1933, the history of British Anti-fascism would be very different.

Trade union and anti-fascist groups have organised a commemoration on Sunday 9th September, meeting at 11am on Stockton high street at Market Cross. If you're in the north east, this looks like a good day out.

Find out more about the battle, and the commemoration, here:

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