16 March 2018

Washington imposes sanctions against Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 16 March 2018

The sanctions over alleged Russian cyberattacks and “interference” in US elections came as Washington joined the UK, France and Germany in indicting Moscow for the poisoning of a former Russian spy.

As tensions escalate, UK expels 23 Russian diplomats

The Skripal poisoning: What lies behind UK-US ultimatums against Russia?

Trump to fire National Security Adviser McMaster as personalist circle tightens

By Eric London, 16 March 2018

Donald Trump’s presidency resembles less and less a presidential administration and more a personalist clique of appointees who serve their leader.

Seven days in March: The Trump administration and the breakdown of American democracy

Oklahoma Senate rejects pay raise as teachers ready for strike

By Shannon Jones and Todd Thompson, 16 March 2018

The state legislature rejected a proposal for a pay hike that fell far short of teacher demands for a $10,000 raise.

As Trump’s education secretary threatens deep education cuts
Teachers’ struggle spreads to Oklahoma, Kentucky and Arizona

“Everybody’s skeptical of the task force”
West Virginia teachers angry deal to end strike ignored soaring medical costs

Lessons of the West Virginia teachers strike

More on US teachers »

Bridge collapse in Miami kills at least four

By Matthew Taylor, 16 March 2018

The pedestrian bridge had just been lifted into place over the weekend by cranes in a building method engineers call “accelerated bridge construction.”

Senate Democrats join Republicans to gut Dodd-Frank banking regulations

By Tom Hall, 16 March 2018

The Democrats' support for the bill demonstrates that they are a party of the American financial aristocracy.

Farm worker parents of six children die in car crash while fleeing ICE agents

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 16 March 2018

The tragic deaths of Santo Hilario Garcia and Marcelina Garcia Profecto are the outcome of the Trump administration’s immigration policy in action.

Three package bombs explode in Austin, Texas, killing two

By Trévon Austin, 16 March 2018

While the Austin police agree that the bombings over the last two weeks are related, they have yet to suggest a motive or a suspected perpetrator.

Ontario Conservatives select right-wing populist Doug Ford as leader

By Roger Jordan, 16 March 2018

Since Ford’s narrow victory, the corporate media has gone out of its way to dismiss claims he is a “Canadian Trump” and to proclaim him a strong candidate for Ontario premier.

German grand coalition takes office as most right-wing government since 1945

By Peter Schwarz, 16 March 2018

Christian Democratic Union leader Angela Merkel was elected German chancellor for the fourth time Wednesday, almost six months after the federal election.

Germany: Merkel’s re-election and the fight against militarism, welfare cuts and dictatorship

The UK lecturers strike and the struggle against marketisation
Former student sues university for cost of her education

By Thomas Scripps, 16 March 2018

The collective endeavour of learning is being replaced by a purely financial and adversarial relationship between universities and students and the academic workforce.

New Zealand: Reject the union sellout of Wellington rail workers!

By the Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand), 16 March 2018

The RMTU, private companies Transdev and Hyundai Rotem, and the Greater Wellington Regional Council want to impose a pro-business deal that freezes wages and paves the way for job cuts.

Australia: Unions preside over anti-democratic ballot to sell out NSW rail workers

South Australian election campaign points to deepening political alienation

By Mike Head, 16 March 2018

No commentator has been able to predict the result, because of the ongoing collapse of support for the two major parties—Labor and Liberal.

Australia: By-election education “debate” reveals bogus Greens-Labor contest

By Frank Gaglioti and David Cohen, 16 March 2018

The event underscored the fraud of the efforts of Labor and the Greens in the Batman election campaign to present themselves as duelling “progressive” parties.

New in Spanish

Siete días de marzo: el Gobierno de Trump y el colapso de la democracia estadounidense

Por Patrick Martin, 16 marzo 2018

Las acciones del Gobierno de Trump esta semana develan un giro cada vez más abierto hacia el autoritarismo, al mismo tiempo que los demócratas se han convertido en el partido de la CIA.

Alemania: la reelección de Merkel y la lucha contra el militarismo, los recortes en el bienestar y la dictadura

Por Johannes Stern, 16 marzo 2018

Con la reelección de Angela Merkel asume el gobierno alemán más derechista desde la caída del Tercer Reich.

Trump designa a un torturador para dirigir la CIA

Por Alex Lantier, 16 marzo 2018

Mientras París toma medidas para restaurar el servicio militar obligatorio, las principales potencias de la OTAN están creando condiciones para importantes guerras en las que se podrían desplegar grandes ejércitos de conscriptos.

Maestros universitarios de Reino Unido se rebelan contra acuerdo entreguista del sindicato

Por Robert Stevens, 16 marzo 2018

Miles protestaron a nivel nacional y cientos de profesores se manifestaron afuera de la sede del sindicato en Londres el martes para exigir un rechazo al acuerdo alcanzado la noche anterior.

New in Turkish

Trump’ın Tillerson’ı görevden alması küresel savaşa doğru daha ileri bir adıma işaret ediyor

Bill Van Auken, 16 Mart 2018

Donald Trump’ın Dışişleri Bakanı Rex Tillerson’ı görevden alması ve yerine CIA Müdürü Mike Pompeo’yu getirdiğini açıklaması, ABD yönetiminin hızla küresel savaş politikasına yönelmesiyle bağlantılıdır.

Rusya, Suriye’deki ABD güçlerine karşı saldırı tehdidinde bulundu

Halil Çelik ve James Cogan, 16 Mart 2018

Suriye’deki vekil savaşı, dünyanın en büyük iki nükleer silahlı gücünün ordularını açık çatışma noktasına getirmiş durumda.

Amerika’daki toplu cinayetlerin toplumsal ve siyasal kökenleri

Toplumsal Eşitlik İçin Uluslararası Gençlik ve Öğrenciler (IYSSE), 16 Mart 2018

ABD genelinde öğretmenler ve işçi sınıfının diğer kesimleri tarafından yapılan ve sendikaların denetiminden kurtulma tehdidi oluşturan grev ve protesto çağrıları artıyor.

New in Farsi

برای یک ائتلاف بین المللی جهت مبارزه با سانسور اینترنت

۳ بهمن ۱۳۹۶

نامه سرگشاده از طرف هیئت مدیره بین الملللی تار نمای جهانی سوسیالیست به تارنما های سوسیالیست، ضد جنگ، چپ و پیشرو، سازمان ها و فعالان

New in Arabic

الذكرى المئوية الثانية لمولد كارل ماركس

٢ كانون الثاني يناير ٢٠١٨

يصادف هذا العام الذكرى المئوية الثانية لمولد كارل ماركس ، منشئ المفهوم المادي للتاريخ ومؤلف رأس المال، ومؤسس الحركة الاشتراكية الثورية الحديثة بالتعاون مع فريدريك انجلز.

Other Languages


The significance of the mass student protests against gun violence in America

16 March 2018

While Democrats and the media have sought to restrict the protests to calls for gun control, there are much broader issues behind the politicization of young people in the US.

Earlier Perspectives »

Featured Commentary

The CIA takeover of the Democratic Party

By Patrick Martin, 13 March 2018

The entry of dozens of intelligence and military veterans into this year’s congressional primaries amounts to a takeover of the Democratic Party by the CIA and Pentagon.

The CIA Democrats: Part one

By Patrick Martin, 7 March 2018

Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

Public conference in Detroit April 22
The resurgence of class struggle and the fight against Internet censorship

13 March 2018

WSWS/SEP/IYSSE public meetings
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

West Virginia, the class struggle and the fight against Internet censorship

Google’s alliance with the military: The ruling class responds to social unrest in America

More on Internet censorship » »

Arts Review

68th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 2
The shattering of what’s left of the American Dream: Generation Wealth, Game Girls, Lemonade

By Stefan Steinberg, 16 March 2018

Three films at this year’s festival shed a piercing light on social relations in the United States.

68th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 1
The 2018 Berlinale and the #MeToo campaign

“A Weinsteinian sex pest”?
In defence of poet Robert Burns: “Ye know, and dare maintain, the Royalty of Man”

By Paul Bond, 15 March 2018

The condition of working-class women on International Women’s Day

More on the sexual misconduct witch-hunt »

Workers Struggles

40,000 Slovenian teachers in one-day strike
Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

16 March 2018

The value of teacher pay has fallen since the introduction of government austerity measures in 2013 despite rising GDP.

UK lecturers resume strike following rebellion against UCU sellout agreement

By Robert Stevens, 15 March 2018

UK lecturers dispute: Lessons from the West Virginia teachers strike
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

Striking UK lecturers speak out after rejecting union sell-out deal

For a unified socialist movement of lecturers and students!

CWA isolates Frontier Communications strikers

By Samuel Davidson, 15 March 2018

“If we all band together, there’s no fight we can’t win.”
Striking West Virginia telecom workers call for unified struggle

As teacher walkouts spread across the country, Frontier telecommunication workers in West Virginia continue to strike for job security and health care.

As nine-day teachers’ strike concludes
Striking West Virginia Frontier telecom workers speak out


The social and political roots of mass shootings in America

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 14 March 2018

One million students walk out of class to protest gun violence and mass shootings in the US

Pseudo-left groups form new “Victorian Socialists” electoral front in Australia

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 15 March 2018

Australian pseudo-lefts feature at pro-imperialist #SaveGhouta rallies


Cosmologist Stephen Hawking dies at 76

By Bryan Dyne, 15 March 2018

Hawking, who lived much of his life debilitated by Lou Gehrig’s disease, one was one of the world’s most significant cosmologists and a renowned popularizer of physics.

WSWS 20th anniversary fund

Donate to support coverage of workers struggles!

The World Socialist Web Site sent a full-time reporting team to West Virginia to provide news coverage and a political perspective during the critical battle of teachers and school employees. Donate now so that we can continue this work!

Twenty years of the WSWS

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Join the International Youth and Students for Social Equality! Take up the fight for socialism!

By the IYSSE (Australia), 14 March 2018

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) distributed the following statement at university orientation week events across Australia and in New Zealand.

An Open letter from the International Youth and Students for Social Equality to the editors of German daily Tageszeitung

12 March 2018

The West Virginia Teachers Strike

Watch: WSWS Labor Editor Jerry White speaks on lessons of the West Virginia teachers strike

White discussed the strike on The Robust Opposition with Lauren Steiner.

Jacobin, International Socialist Organization claim “victory” in West Virginia teachers sellout

Watch: IYSSE member addresses rally in West Virginia

More on US teachers »

25 years ago: Italian political corruption scandal spreads

On March 16, 1993, the third head of a major Italian party stepped down amidst a spreading corruption scandal that shook the entire political order.

More »

50 years ago: Worldwide panic in gold markets

On March 15, 1968, Britain closed its London gold market following a week of panic buying that threatened to destroy the $35-per-ounce gold standard.

More »

75 years ago: Imperialists contest over French Guiana

On March 16, 1943, demonstrations erupted against the Vichyite administration in the colony of French Guiana.

More »


100 years ago: Soviet Congress meets over Brest-Litovsk Treaty

On March 14, 1918, an extraordinary Fourth All-Russia Congress of Soviets was convened in Moscow for the purpose of ratifying the Brest-Litovsk Treaty ending Russian participation in World War I.

More »

Mehring Books

Now available on Mehring Books
Why Study the Russian Revolution? Volume II: Toward Workers’ Power and World Socialist Revolution

The second volume includes the final four lectures in the ICFI lecture series, tracing the course of the revolution from the July Days through the conquest of power by the working class under the leadership of the Bolshevik Party in October.

Death on the Picket Line, the story of John McCoy
Book traces history of West Virginia miners’ struggles

2 March 2018

West Virginia teachers and their supporters will find in this work an important resource for gaining insight into the broader issues they face.


Fifty years since the Kerner Commission report
The urban riots of the 1960s and the remaking of American racial ideology

By Tom Mackaman, 5 March 2018

Autoworkers Struggles

Four months since the death of a young Ford worker
Still no serious investigation into death of Jacoby Hennings

By Jerry White, 22 February 2018