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Health & wellness

Why you shouldn't brush your teeth after breakfast

Why you shouldn't brush your teeth after breakfast

And never after a night out

  • by Eleanor Steafel


Platypus milk's 'Shirley Temple' protein might be a superbug solution

Platypus milk's 'Shirley Temple' protein might be a superbug solution

Scientists have pin-pointed a curly protein in the native animal's milk which they believe could be used to kill off antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

  • by Rachel Gray
When we lose weight, where does it go?

When we lose weight, where does it go?

Contrary to popular belief, it is not converted to energy.

  • by Ruben Meerman & Andrew Brown
Online fitness: when sitting on Facebook is going to the gym

Online fitness: when sitting on Facebook is going to the gym

When Lauren Verona spontaneously decided to livestream one of her classes to test Facebook's 'live' video function, she did not know what to expect.

  • by Mary Ward
Don't tell me to love my body
Daily Life

Don't tell me to love my body

As anyone who has tried, against the judgment of their brain chemistry, to "think positive" will tell you, maintaining positivity is hard.

  • by Clem Bastow
You are probably eating too much salt

You are probably eating too much salt

Australians consume roughly double their recommended salt intake each day, and intake is trickier to track than you might think.

  • by Mary Ward
These med students wrote a sex ed book for adults
Sex & relationships

These med students wrote a sex ed book for adults

Women have "similar, and often very basic" questions about topics like menstruation, sex and pregnancy.

  • by Mary Ward
How an outback nurse diagnosed his own heart attack and saved his life

How an outback nurse diagnosed his own heart attack and saved his life

Alone at his station, more 160 kilometres from a hospital the 44-year-old experienced a sudden bout of dizziness and severe chest pain.

  • by Melissa Healy
How ballet classes can strengthen your mind
Daily Life

How ballet classes can strengthen your mind

Forget about that ballerina body. Laura McGeoch learns that classical ballet can also stretch the mind.

  • by Laura McGeoch
My day on a plate: Brooke Stratton
Daily Life

My day on a plate: Brooke Stratton

Olympic long jumper, Brooke Stratton, 24 shares her day on a plate.

Patients need all the help they can get to avoid costly errors

Patients need all the help they can get to avoid costly errors

For anyone who has had to enter a hospital, it can be daunting and bewildering experience. The stakes are high.