
This page shows a small selection of publications available cheaply to rs21 members and supporters.


keeangaFrom #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

The Black Lives Matter movement has awakened a new generation of activists. Activist and scholar Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor surveys the historical and contempotary rabages of racism in the US, and the persistence of structural inequality such as mass incarceration and black unemployment. In this context, she argues that this new struggle against police violence holds the potential to reignite a broader push for black liberation.

  • £10 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £12 by post

womensocialismWomen and Socialism: Class, Race and Capital
Sharon Smith

More than forty years after the women’s liberation movement of the 1960s, women remain without equal rights. If anything, each decade that has passed without a fighting women’s movement has seen a rise in blatant sexism and the further erosion of the gains that were won in the 1960s and 1970s.

In this fully revised edition of Women and Socialism, American author Sharon Smith examines these issues from a Marxist perspective, focusing on the centrality of race and class. The book includes chapters on the legacy of black feminism and other movements of women of colour and the importance of the concept of intersectionality. In addition, Women and Socialism: Class, Race, and Capital explores the contributions of socialist feminists and Marxist feminists in further developing a Marxist analysis of women’s oppression amid the stirrings of a new movement today.

  • £8 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £11 by post

Lenin and the Revolutionary PartyLenin and the Revolutionary Party
Paul Le Blanc

Lenin – the key leader of the Bolsheviks and thew Russian Revolution of October 1917. Le Blanc provides a thorough, concise and accessible introduction to the theory and practice of his revolutionary politics, documenting how his ideas changed, and how they were shaped by the party he had a key role in building.

  • £13 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £16 by post

State and RevolutionState and Revolution
V.I. Lenin

Lenin was in hiding from the police when he finished writing State and Revolution, which defends Marx and Engels’s argument that workers must smash capitalist states through revolution from below and replace them with radically democratic ones.

  • £8 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £11 by post

Long DepressionThe Long Depression: How It Happened, Why It Happened and What Happens Next
Michael Roberts

Roberts analyses the world economy from a Marxist perspective. He argues that the global economy is still in the throes of a depression. Profitability is too low, while the debt built up before the Great Recession is too high. The depression will persist until the profitability of capitalism is restored with yet another slump.

  • £10 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £13 by post

Europe in RevoltEurope in Revolt
eds. Catarina Principe and Bhaskar Sunkara

Across Europe, debt and austerity have sparked a massive wave of resistance. With mainstream parties discredited, space opens up for the left to offer an alternative. Europe in Revolt contains expert analysis of countries including Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland and Spain.

“There could hardly be a better guide to Europe, its crises and its radicals.”
Richard Seymour

  • £9 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £11 by post

Year One of the Russian RevolutionYear One of the Russian Revolution
Victor Serge

An extraordinary account of the first year of the Russian Revolution, written by its most perceptive observer. Brimming with honesty and passionate conviction, Serge’s account captures both the heroism of the mass upsurge and the restricted circumstances that began to chip away at its historic gains.

  • £13 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £16 by post

Freedom is a Constant StruggleFreedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine and the Foundations of a Movement
Angela Y. Davis

In these newly collected essays, interviews and speeches, world-renowned activist and scholar Angela Y. Davis illuminates the connections between struggles against state violence and oppression throughout history and around the world.

“Angela Davis puts forward… a structural intellectual and political response to the dynamics of violence, white supremacy, patriarchy, state power, capitalist markets and imperial policies.”
Cornel West

  • £9 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £11 by post

Nation-StatesNation-States: Consciousness and Competition
Neil Davidson

In this new collection of essays, Scottish Marxist Neil Davidson examines the capitalist nation-state, drawing out how nationalist ideology and consciousness are used to bind the subordinate classes to “the nation” while “the state” is wielded by capital as a means of conducting geopolitical competition. Neil is a member of rs21 and a previous winner of the  Deutscher Prize.

  • £12 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £15 by post

panthersThe Black Panthers Speak
ed. Philip S. Foner

The first and only collection of the most vital, representative writings of the Black Panther Party, explaining what they stood for and the issues they confronted. Includes writing by Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, David Hilliard, Fred Hampton and Kathleen Cleaver as well as songs, poems and political cartoons. Covers the Panthers’ approach to black separatism, the police, violence and education.

  • £11 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £14 by post

Secrets of a Successful OrganiserSecrets of a Successful Organiser
Alexandra Bradbury, Mark Brenner and Jane Slaughter

Are there problems where you work? This book explains how to get organised, fight back at work and win. The authors are part of Labor Notes, an American media and organising project that has supported the union movement since 1979. The book distills the know-how of generations of organisers into 47 tips, as well as hundreds of real-life examples and exercises. It’s a step-by-step guide to building power on the job.

  • £10 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £12 by post

Democracy is PowerDemocracy is Power: Rebuilding Unions from the Bottom Up
Mike Parker and Martha Gruelle

This book shows what member control of unions really looks like, and why it’s crucial to the future of the trade union movement. With a focus on union activity in the workplace the authors describe democratic approaches to contracts, grievances, communications and leaders’ relationship with members. Published by Labor Notes in the US.

  • £10 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £12 by post

Troublemaker's HandbookA Troublemaker’s Handbook: How to Fight Back Where You Work and Win!
ed. Jane Slaughter

Seventy-two authors and activists contributed to this book, published in the US by Labor Notes. It’s the second edition of what has become a classic, and covers issues including organising a workplace, building a relationship with the local community, dealing with the media, using websites and email, and bringing migrants into the movement.

“As a former rank-and-file worker and current union staff representative, I know that collective action at the worksite is the most powerful tool workers have. A Troublemaker’s Handbook is the best resource available to empower workers on the job.”
Paul Krehbiel, Service Employees International Union Local 660, Los Angeles

  • £15 to collect from an rs21 meeting
  • £18 by post

How to order books

Transfer the money to our bank account:

  • Name: East London Socialist Discussion Group
  • Sort code: 60-83-01
  • Account number: 20332059

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ISR99International Socialist Review

The ISR is a quarterly publication dedicated to advancing socialist theory and practice in the U.S. and internationally. The ISR stands in the International Socialist tradition, affirming our commitment to “socialism from below,” the self-emancipation of workers and the oppressed, the struggle against imperialism and for national liberation, and the building of a socialist current rooted in all of those struggles. The ISR aims to provide a forum for the development of an open and critical Marxist analysis of the challenges and opportunities that confront the left and social movements in the 21st century.

The ISR regularly publishes articles by rs21 members.

You can find out more about the ISR and read articles from back issues on their website.


Subscribe for £2 per month

A saving of over 33% on the standard international rate

How to subscribe to the ISR

Set up a standing order to our bank account:

  • Name: East London Socialist Discussion Group
  • Sort code: 60-83-01
  • Account number: 20332059
  • Amount: £2 per month

Send us your name and address at



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