Daily Life

Clementine Ford

Clementine Ford is a columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald.

US President Donald Trump at a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House.

'A mere allegation': Why Donald Trump doesn't believe women

President Donald Trump is fond of superlatives and hyperbole, particularly in regard to his view of himself. During his campaign, he took every opportunity he could to remind people that "no one respects women more than Donald Trump" (yes, often referring to himself in the third person). Now, old Grab-Em-By-The-Pussy has affirmed his support for women by openly siding with Rob Porter, a White House aide alleged to have physically and emotionally abused two of his former wives and a former ex-girlfriend, the supporting evidence for which includes a photograph of one of the women with a black eye. On February 11, shortly after Porter resigned, Trump tweeted: